Baby Huey and the Baby Sitters

I’d like to focus on the early career of Baby Huey and the Baby Sitters – four songs released across five singles during 1964-1966, before Huey signed to Curtom and recorded the songs issued on his great posthumous LP.

These four are the influential “Monkey Man” and a great cover of Junior Wells’ “Messin with the Kid”, along with a fantastic soul number, “Just Being Careful”. His version of “Beg Me” isn’t bad, but it’s probably the weakest number on these early 45s.

Baby Huey was born James Ramey in Richmond, Indiana and formed the Babysitters in Chicago in 1963 with guitarist Johnny Ross and organ player/trumpeter Melvin “Deacon” Jones. Melvin Jones is brother of jazz drummer Harold Jones. Reno Smith was the drummer at some point (though I’m not sure if he’s on these singles). “Monkey Man” and “Just Being Careful” were both written by John R. Ross.

Other members of the Babysitters included Plato Jones on percussion, Danny O’Neil on guitar, Rick Marcotte on trumpet, and Byron Watkins on tenor sax.

Baby Huey died in a South Side motel room on October 28, 1970, after a show in Madison, Wisconsin.

Early 45 releases

The history of Baby Huey’s early singles is somewhat confusing because of the repetition of songs. Below seems to be a complete list from this time period:

Shann 73924 – Just Being Careful / Messin’ With the Kid (1965)
USA 801 – Just Being Careful / Messin’ With the Kid (April ’65)
St. Lawrence 1002 – Monkey Man / Beg Me (1965, issued on both blue and white labels)
St. Lawrence 1002 – Monkey Man / Messin’ With the Kid (1965, white label only)
Satellite 2013 – Monkey Man / Messin’ With the Kid (1967)

Some or all of the Shann 45s have the label name marked over with “USA”. I don’t believe “Monkey Man”/”Beg Me” exists on Satellite.

The St. Lawrence white label of Monkey Man was bootlegged in 2011.

In 2005 an acetate came up on auction that was supposed to be an unreleased instrumental by Baby Huey and the Baby Sitters. I had a sound clip up here for over a year before Mark Namath identified it as “Zoobie” by the Noisemakers. The acetate was probably a DJ or collector’s cut misidentified as Baby Huey – there’s no connection whatever between the groups.

Thanks to Dean Milano for scan of the photo of Baby Huey and the Baby Sitters at the top of the page. Check out Dean’s new book The Chicago Music Scene: 1960s and 1970s.

Transfer of “Beg Me” thanks to a fan of the group.

Gigs and announcements in the press

According to Billboard, promoter Barry Fey’s first production was a Baby Huey show in Rockford, IL. Eventually Huey and the Babysitters were managed by Marv Stuart’s State and Madison Management (listed as Marv Heiman on wikipedia).

Billboard and Jet magazines kept tabs on some of Baby Huey’s doings during the late ’60s. I’m sure Chicago newspapers from the time have more listings.

Baby Huey & the Babysitters at the Jaguar with the Shadows of Knight! March 16, 1968
at the Jaguar with the Shadows of Knight! March 16, 1968
various months – Thumbs Up, Chicago
February 25 – Harmony Hall, Chicago
October – at Trude Hellers, also an announcement that Capitol Booking has signed the group

January- at Ungano’s club in New York
November 10-21 – at the Cheetah in Chicago
December 31 – at the Cheetah in Chicago with the Exception

March 16 – at the Jaguar with the Shadows of Knight
April 5 – The Deep End, Park Ridge, Illinois
May 31 – The Deep End
June 28 – The Deep End
July 9 – Hullabaloo Club, Genoa Road, Belvidere, Illinois
July 10 – The Deep End
July 12 – The New Place with Christopher Robin & Friends
July 19 – The Green Gorilla
July 20 – The Cellar, with the Byzantine Empire
July 26 – The Deep End
August 7 – The New Place with Fire and Ice
August 9 – The Cellar with the One Eyed Jacks
August 17 – The Deep End
August 27 – at the Jaguar with Boston Tea Party
November 23 – at Mother Duck with the Box Tops
November 27 – The Deep End

March 1 – The Wild Goose, Rt 120 & Lewis Ave, Waukegan, Illinois
March 22 – The Wild Goose
April – at Barnaby’s Balcony in Chicago and at the Cheetah in Chicago beginning April 21
May – Billboard reports the group scheduled to record their first LP for Curtom in New York.
May 6 – Appearance on the Soul! TV show, with Dee Dee Warwick, Lord Superior, Shirley Chisholm and Jacob Lawrence – anyone have a clip of this?
May 22 – The Chances ‘R’, Champaign, Illinois
May 21 – appearance on the Merv Griffin Show, in New York
June (2nd week) – Merv Griffin Show broadcast on various dates depending on city
August 14 – Jet announces that Baby Huey was “ailing a bit” in Chicago.

April 24 – Sound Storm Festival, Poynette, Wisconsin (There are a number of excellent photos at (Wisconsin Historical Society – search for Baby Huey or Sound Storm under photos and images.)
August 1 – Lou’s Quarry, Appleton, WI
October 31 – Drake University Homecoming Dance, Val-Air Ballroom (scheduled but cancelled due to Jim Ramey’s passing on the 28th, replaced by Just Us and the Batch)

Billboard also mentions that after Huey’s death, the Babysitters changed their name to Boink for at least one live show. However Robert Baker, in a comment below states “The Babysitters never changed their name to Boink. This was another concurrent group that had at least two ex-Babysitters in the group.” Live dates from publications including The Daily Herald (Chicago), the Des Moines Register, the Belvidere Daily Republican.

Baby Huey death notice
Jet, November 12, 1970
Billboard, December 5, 1970
Billboard, December 5, 1970
Jet, October 7, 1971
Jet, October 7, 1971
Billboard, October 29, 1966
Billboard, October 29, 1966
Billboard, November 26, 1966
Billboard, November 26, 1966
Jet, January 19, 1967
Jet, January 19, 1967
Baby Huey & the Baby Sitters, Traverse_City Record Eagle Aug. 8, 1967
This news item was picked up nationally in August, 1967. I can’t find further details.
Billboard, September 30, 1967
Billboard, September 30, 1967
Billboard, November 18, 1967
Billboard, November 18, 1967
Billboard, December 23, 1967
Billboard, December 23, 1967
Baby Huey & the Babysitters at Mother Duck with the Box Tops November 23, 1968
at Mother Duck with the Box Tops November 23, 1968
Jet, March 6, 1969
Jet, March 6, 1969
Baby Huey & the Babysitters on Soul!, Bridgeport Post March 6, 1969
Baby Huey & the Babysitters appear on the Soul! TV show, with Dee Dee Warwick, Lord Superior, Shirley Chisholm and Jacob Lawrence, March 6, 1969 – anyone have a clip of this?
Billboard, April 1, 1969
Billboard, April 1, 1969
Billboard, April 12, 1969
Billboard, April 12, 1969
Billboard, April 26, 1969
Billboard, April 26, 1969
Billboard, May 17, 1969 - does the tape of this broadcast still exist?!
Billboard, May 17, 1969 – does the tape of this broadcast still exist?!
Baby Huey & the Babysitters on Merv Griffin, Independent Press-Telegram, June 8, 1969
Broadcast of the Merv Griffin Show on June 11, 1969
Baby Huey & the Babysitters at Lou's Quarry, Appleton Post-Crescent July 31 1970
Lou’s Quarry, Appleton, Wisconsin, August 1, 1970
Jet, August 14, 1969
Jet, August 14, 1969
At Lou's Quarry, Appleton, Wisconsin, August 1, 1970
At Lou’s Quarry, Appleton, Wisconsin, August 1, 1970
Baby Huey & the Babysitters, Daily Journal March 20, 1969
Baby Huey profiled in the The Daily Journal (Fergus Falls, Minnesota), March 20, 1969

66 thoughts on “Baby Huey and the Baby Sitters”

  1. I was born and raised in the city of Chicago. Right after turning 21 we starting visiting the local bars in the Chicago area. There was a place on Clark St., can’t remember the name where a local band with Pete Cetera and Billy Herman played on weekends. A year or so later, we started going to bars closer to downtown. A place called The School on State St. Worked the floor there. Then a place called Maiden USA that burned, I think on New Years Eve, worked the floor there also. We all went to Ft. Lauderdale for the Winter. While we were in Florida a new bar opened called Beavers on State St. I returned to Chicago and went to work at Beavers as Co-Manager with Mike Sage and tended bar also at the end of the bar. Great music. Steve Miller, Country Joe, Buddy Miles and many others including Baby Huey and the Baby Sitters. Man, what an alive group. Got to be friends with Ramey. We all spent some time with the band. A good man.
    Anybody remember Beavers?

    1. i played guitar with baby huey for the last 2 and 1 half years of his life and it kills me how you people make up some of these stories when u werint there my name is danny oneil and i was there every nite playing guitar with reno dave danny bass byron othello turk rick my friend plato as well as other horn players it was a great honor to have worked with one of the most magnificent people i have ever met james ramey baby huey if you really want to know what really went down talk to the the people went thru it

      1. Hey Danny O’Neil I First Met & Heard You (The Babysitters) At ‘THUMBS UP’ On Broadway! Then,..In !969 -!970,. I Owned And Managed ‘BEAVERS’, 865 N State Street,. Accross From ‘Barnabys’;..Where ‘BABY HUEY And THE BABYSITTERS Played Many Times What Ever Happened To My Friend, ‘Drummer Reno Smith’? You Take Care! Bill Sherman. Jacksonville Beach, Florida – Atlanta, Georgia

        1. Hello, I am one or Renos daughters. He has 3 that I know of. One of them was born in Ireland and she just contacted me thru Ancestry Dna. Reno died in 2003, of a brain anneurism. I’m just trying to find some info about his life, I wasn’t raised by him so yeah, we’ve all been looking? Happen to know where I could find some footage? Thanks so much, Valena

      2. Hi, I too was friends with the band. Followed you guys around. Danced on staged and my friends dated Turk and Plato. Gina and Pat .Tons of memories . Those were the best times of my life being a groupie and following the band around. Went the his funeral. Very sad…He was so young. I last saw Reno when I was tending bar in Lincoln Park around 2000. He was on his motorcycle. Lost his number but always wanted to keep in touch. How about Turk? Ok Danny you might remember me if you saw me but that was 45 years ago. Glad to hear you are still around. I know what you mean about stories people make up about hanging with the band. Lived through it and still have you guys picture on my wall in the basement. Great memories all the clubs Cheetah, Club Lorel, Thumbs Up, Holiday Ballroom, Rush Up, Lollys, Barnabys, Mother Goose. Thanks for that!

        1. Of course I remember Beavers. I still have my official Beavers member card.haha. I married the flute and saxophone player, Bobby Baker. This was during 1969-1970. The heyday
          of music on Rush st.
          Donna Baker 🎵🎶

          1. I love this. I was just looking for info about Bobby Baker after hearing his flute playing recently, as a part of schoolwork (studying music). It’s really hard to find anything online!

    2. Hell yes! I was there every weekend. A guy managed with long blonde hair & he always wore a white dress shirt. A guy named Tiny worked the door. Love to see some pictures if anyone has any. Place was previously “Your Father’s Moustache”. Any remembrances welcome!

      1. RE: The Beaver, Hell yes! I was there every weekend. A guy managed with long blonde hair & he always wore a white dress shirt. A guy named Tiny worked the door. Love to see some pictures if anyone has any. Place was previously “Your Father’s Moustache”. Any remembrances welcome!

    3. Of course I remember Beavers. I still have my official Beavers member card.haha. I married the flute and saxophone player, Bobby Baker. This was during 1969-1970. The heyday
      of music on Rush st.
      Donna Baker 🎵🎶

  2. OMG, this is so cool. I am a sixty year old granny thinking about the old days dancing at The Cheetah, aka Aragon Ballroom. Baby Huey played there frequently. How I enjoyed dancing there on the weekends, starting in 1966 till 1968. I remember Baby Huey being a large kind of guy in stature but what a band they had. Does anyone remember going to The Cheetah? The walls were splash painted in neon colors. They had strobe lights on the dance floor and black lights so the colors on the walls glowed! We used to wear mod clothes in neon colors and also white so that your clothes glowed in the dark too! Boy, thanks for the memories! I would like to hear anyone who remembers Baby Huey at the Cheetah!!!!!

  3. I met my wife one night at the Cheetah a night with Huey and the Babysitters…Huey wore a Lime Green suit and was just fantastic, Pete Cetera was also on the bill as a bass player with a top 40 cover band called ” The Exceptions” he was shy and very reserved with his back to the audience most of the time, but when he sang I knew he was destined to be a superstar someday. I was a drummer with several bands in the sixties and palyed the Cheetah as well as many clubs on Rush street in Chicago in the early to late sixties…went on to LA and was in the Music Biz in many capacitive for several decades…BTW…I married the girl I met in ’67 less then 3 months after that night, and we’re still married…42 years later…Love CAN be forever!!…PEACE TO HUEY!!

  4. Peter and Marty Greb were both in Cal David and the Exceptions an excellent cover band of the time. Peter was later solicited to join the CTA. Marty went to the Buckinghams when their keyboardist was drafted. Today Marty is still a studio musician and believe he is living in LA

  5. do you have anymore of his music like the living legend album this group is amazing its a shame curtis mayfeild did not sign the whole band

    1. Does anyone know if there are any videos of Baby and the Babysitters
      In1970. I married flute and saxophone player. Bobby Baker. Baby Huey called him sweet lips.🎶🎶🎷🎷🎷🎶

  6. Boy does the name Baby Huey bring back memories. I was working as a stable hand at the Valley View Young Adults Club, Mokena,IL and use to sneak in to all the shows. The two acts I remember most were Archie Bell and the Drells and Baby Huey. I loved his reditions of Sam and Dave songs. One night after he played we went skinny dipping in the pool at the club. I recall Baby huey on the high dive yelling Outta Sight!!!

    1. Al Davis – I grew up in New Lenox, IL – right next to Mokena, where the Valley View club was – do you remember ever seeing a band called “The Ids” there? I’m trying to track down some history. Thanks.

  7. One of the finest bands I have ever heard. I was at the Aragon too,(gramma) It is so sad that somebody did not record the shows, i truly miss them,

  8. Yes, Bill Schuerman was part owner of Beaver’s. He was also manager of the previous bar calle Maiden USA, and manager before that of The School. All of these places were within 1/2 block of each other. Not only did I work at all those places, Bill and I and others were room mates on State St. and on Chestnut St. over a period of about 4 years. There was another place on the other side of State St. that set back from the street called Barnabys. That’s where we were fortunate to see the early CTA (Chicago). I’ll bet I saw them 20 + times during the late 60’s. I worked at Beavers until it closed. I have lost contact with everyone from that era. George Edens, a bartender at the School and at Barnabys. Anybody know where he is? Jane, were you a customer or did you know us personally?

  9. Maaaaaan, these tunes are HOT!
    Big fan of the man ( by no mean what we call a ‘Spod’ (encyclopedic memory / obssessive) jus a music lover and DJ of 24 years) and absolutely knocked sideways to find him on here..and mucho pleasedo!
    Just being careful SLAYED ME! My hips started shakin and a snake took over me spine.
    Monkey Man … whaaaaat?! Laughed ma ass off while shakin n boppin … jeeez, I’m supposed to be writing a book and the discovery of this site has knocked me sideways!!! heh heh.
    I received my ‘other music’ education when I started working in Red Rhino Records in 1988 ( York, UK… find the group on facebook, RRR changed the face of music distribution in the UK and had a European infuence).
    I’d already been a scratch mixer/ working DJ for 4 years but when they took me on my musical horizons went from Moon like to Saturn like proportions !!! I hooked up with some other DJs and over the next 5 years we did regular club nights playing Psych/ garage/mod/indie/punk/rap and early electronica all in one night.
    Finding this site after spending the last 8 years promoting pretty much exclusively Electronic music is a GODSEND!
    My ears are very relieved and my spirit is lifted.

  10. Was at Northwestern and went to The School on my 21st birthday. Bill S. was at the door that night. Then over the next few years we all went to Maiden USA, then Beavers, after I’d graduated and was working downtown and I got to know him a bit.
    I actually went to your Chestnut St. place with Bill one Sat. after hours -you were probably there-I can’t say I ever really knew him very well though-I think he was engaged at one point-or something like that-don’t remember the timeline. I moved back to Mich and that was that. I just remember the irony of holding a ‘normal’ job during the day and then partaking of a totally different scene at night and on weekends- youth!

  11. Jane, who are you. If you went to all those bars, etc. over all those years, than we must know each other.

  12. Well,in those days, I had long, streaked, blond hair and was (still am) short. Can’t think of any other distinctive facts-one time I came back to Chestnut St. and a few people were there smoking pot–I passed which seemed like something unheard of- that’s about all I remember. I’m sure we crossed paths but I didn’t really know anyone other than Bill. Also went to ‘Store north’ a lot, all the bars you mentioned.

  13. I am a 67 year old fan of Baby Huey. Lived in Chicago until 1976 when I moved to Alexandria, Virginia. I used to go to “Thumbs Up” every chance I could. Having just gotten discharged from the Air Force and living just north of London, England for 3 years, meeting him and hearing what he and the Babysitters could do, just simply rocked my world. While the group was appearing at the Cheetah way back then, I took a series of photos of them on stage. They are Ektachrome slides I believe, shot under available light (they are very redish)and all I have to do is find them so I can digitize them and get them uploaded to you and/or other fans. Will keep you all posted.


    1. Club Laurel was located on N. Broadway not Clark St in Chicago. I used to play drums with a forgettable group on week nights in I believe 1967.

      1. JOHN

  15. Yep. Chicago in those days was a lot of fun before being sent on to military duty. The Exception, Rovin Kind, Huey, The Delights. All was good

  16. The Babysitters never changed their name to Boink. This was another concurrent group that had at least two ex-Babysitters in the group.

    1. I just saw this. This is my husband
      Bobby Baker. Flute and sax. We were married for 44yrs. We have 1 son. Bobby passed away August 21,2021.
      We miss him so much everyday.
      He was the love of my life.🎷🎷🎶🎶🎵

  17. I guess this is slightly off topic, but I haven’t thought of the Valley View in decades! I grew up in the town of Thornton, and we had never even heard of a place called Mokena! When we heard of the club, we started going nearly every weekend. We even saw the Buddy Rich Orchestra perform on stage there! My favorite band to follow at the time was Aorta, and we saw them there a couple of times. Loudest band was Blue Cheer, you could hear them from miles away. They were so loud, they ended up playing outside!

    Thanks for the memories!

  18. When I was discharged from the Air Force in ’66, it wasn’t long before I discovered Baby Huey and the Baby Sitters. I loved their music and hung out at Thumbs Up every chance I could. At the Cheetah, I didn’t much like how long it took to get to the dance floor from the entrance on Wilson or was it Lawrence? (68 and an appropriately poor memory). I took a series of photos of Baby Huey with the available light of the Cheetah’s stage. I am looking for them now and will post them when I find them. These are slides I swore I would never loose…… Oh! I am from Chicago, grew up on the West side (Austin High School), moved North, Lincoln and Peterson area, and graduated from Von Steuben HS in ’62. I spent the end of ’62 to the beginning of ’66 in England with the Air Force (there was no greater place on the planet to be then in or around London during those years as you can well imagine).

    So, Linda. Tell me more about yourself and what else you remember.


  19. In the 60s I was with Denny and the Decades. We occasionally got to fill in for Baby Huey and the Babysitters at Thumbs Up which I believe was on Broadway in Chicago. We were under age at the time (probably 18 or 19) but never had a problem playing there. As I recall, Thumbs Up was their “home” venue. It was noted as having toilet seats hanging from the ceiling (never did understand that). I don’t even recall how we got those gigs. We did go several times to see Baby Huey play as well.

  20. I remember the Cheetah well. My band played ther in 1966 or maybe 1967. We were called the Chicago Fire. I remember opening for Baby Huey and his band one night. We were a six piece rock cover band with a female lead singer named “Mousie” who we stole from her previous Chicago girl trio called “Mousie & the Traps”. We were also represented by Marv Stuart’s booking agency, “Musical Enterprizes”. I married her in 1969 and we’re still together and living in the suburbs of Dallas Tx!

  21. The Festival of the Arts in Richmond, Indiana where Baby Huey is from is having a closing event for the summer. A recognized guitarist, Randy Baker, will be playing with his band, who plays various genre of music but is sited for his blues. We will be recognizing our hometown son, Baby Huey, during this event. I would love for anyone to come and share their memories of Baby Huey since many of the Richmond residents did not get to experience the performing side of him while he was in Chicago.

    Friday, Oct. 7 in Richmond, Indiana at the 4th Floors Blues Club (outdoor)starting at 7:00 p.m.

    If you can’t make it, would still love to hear some memories to put in some literature we will be sharing with the public to educate.

    Contact: Pamela Bliss

  22. Jane,
    UNBELIEVABLE,This IS BILL S! We obviously have memories. I was in Chicago for my once a year visit during the past few weeks, and have been in ‘The Concert Music Promotion and Production Business, well as The Night Club Business ever since ‘BEAVERS’.

    Please contact me at
    E-Mail: cubswinatlanta [at]
    Bill Sherman
    Jacksonville Beach, Florida


    E-MAIL: cubswinatlanta [at]

  24. Larry Perlman,
    The previous comment DEFINATELY was written by You! I always remember Our Trip To ‘The Yaght Parked Across from ‘The FOUNTAINBLEAU Hotel at Miami Beach’;..and The Serious Meeting We Had in Your Behalf.
    I have copied This Web Info To Dave Queen;..and He also would like to know the whereabouts of George Edens and Tom Ritter! Let me hear from you!

    Bill (Schuerman) Sherman
    Jacksonville Beach, Florida and Atlanta, Georgia

  25. To Larry Perlman, and Jane from Michigan:

    This IS Bill (Schuerman) Sherman from ‘BEAVERS’. I Believe that at long Last Larry (The Legend) Perlman Has Been Found. Larry, I Have been in ‘The Concert Promotion – Production Business and The Night Club and Restaurant Business since ‘BEAVERS. I always remember Us Visiting ‘The Yacht’ parked at ‘The Fountainbleau Hotel on Miami Beach,..and calling ‘The Governor’!
    Dave Queen and I have both attempted to locate George Edens,and Tom Ritter! Contact Me…
    Bill (Schuerman) Sherman
    Jacksonville Beach, Florida and Atlanta, Georgis

  26. My best friend, my sister and I used to frequent Cheetah almost every weekend….it was the most wonderful memory I have of dancing to Baby Huey and his singing “My Girl”, he would always stop and let us sing with him….he was a super nice guy….as were all of the guys in the band. I am a 66 year old grandmother and have the fondest memories of Baby Huey and the Babysitters at Cheetah Lounge. A great group of people joined there every weekend, there was never any trouble, we just all had good clean fun dancing the Boogaloo, ShingALing, etc…We were stunned when Jimmy passed away, and will never forget him. RIP Baby Huey, I know you are singing up a storm up in Heaven….we miss you and your great voice.

  27. Hello, having just read your comments I saw some pictures on Amazon, I don’t know if they are the ones you are referring too. They are on the customer image page for Baby Huey and the babysitters. Sorry no very helpful. Cheers, Chris Green.

  28. 1966: Thumbs Up at Broadway, Clark and Diversey.
    What a great scene! Baby Huey and The Babysitters rocked that place.
    Lovely memories and a shame it ended so quickly.

    1. I was fortunate to hear about BH while a med student at U of I Med School in 63, so got to Thumbs up whenever I could. The band would have us jumping for hours with their takes on most of the current hits,. I didn’t much care for their later jive stuff but remember just how great they were when I was lucky to see them. I was very sad to hear about his premature passing. Thanks for this page.
      Rich Jacobson

  29. Hi everyone, I am 33 years old and i was clicking around youtube for funky stuff and i got into Baby Huey today, I was really impressed by his music and I decided to read about this amazing band…..I am glad I had That Lucky Click! Salutes to everyone of you guys, from Argentina!!!!!

  30. Dan o neil, you were baby h ueys guitar player. I knew him when I was a little boy . As round 11-12 he lived down the street from me .allways walk in up to the grocery beside my house with a transistor radio blasting in his ear. If you get this message I must compliment your guitar playing . I also play guitar you played a black l.p.custom? I would like to see some more early pics of the band. Richmond in. Where he was from doesnt hardly remember him . I do . He made it out of his o ne horse shit hole and was successful thanks for your time sir

  31. Hello all, I never met Baby Huey b8ut my brother Jon French played drums with the Babysitters from 1971. Turk was the leader, Charlie Clark called Chup, which became Chief of Police in Robbins Il, just south of Chicago, James Houlihan , Houli, was the roadie, Chaka Khan and her husband Hassan, played Bass, there was also a female drummer Named Gail, guitar Tommy Thompson, and Kenny on Trombones. They played at Hueys on Sheridan Rd before the Loyola “L” stop, with saw dust on the floor. And also in the basement of what is called the Smart Bar at 3740 N Clark. Bro Jon still plays in Madison WI and I am Facebook friends with Hassan. Don’t know what became of Turk after Charlie Clark took over,My Brother was with him and Gail Allen till 1976?? Gail plays with the John McCurly–McCrow band out need Hoffman Estates.

    1. Charles Clark was my husband.He died on August 12th 2011 from Parkinson Disease and other health problems.He had to retire from being a police officer in Oct.2001 when he had a vascular stroke He could no longer work.After he left Robbins,he became an officer in Harvey,IL. ,then he left there and went to be an officer in Phoenix,IL,then he left there and went to FordHeights he was there for about 3 years when he had his stroke and he had to retire.He was 61 yrs.old when he had his stroke and he was 70 years old when he died. He lived in Phoenix,IL.where I still live in the house we bought together.I miss him dearly with all my soul .I feel his presence around me all the time .I still have his saxaphone that sits in my living room to this day and I play Baby Huey songs all the time so I can feel close to Charles.

      1. Nearly seven years on from your comment and I just wanted to say that your last sentence nearly had me in tears. Such a loving sentiment from you.


        Ewen in Scotland.

    2. Turk lives in Arizona and is still in the music biz. He was one of my husband’s best friends. Husband Bobby Baker played flute and sax with Baby. We were married 44yrs had 1 son.
      My Bobby passed away August 21.2021.We miss him everyday.🎷🎷🎷🎶🎵💜

  32. Anyone remember the night at the Cheetah when Baby Huey and Wilson Pickett were to perform on the same night. Pickett’s plane couldn’t land because to a snowstorm in Chicago that night.

  33. where was the Mother Duck located at ? we had a rock club at swift rd and north ave in lombard il . it was there in the middle to late 60s

  34. I played in a band in the late 60’s, The Fire Department. Worked a club in St Charles called the Jaguar. We opened for The Yardbirds with Jeff Beck on guitar and if I remember correctly Jimmy Page on bass. Huey was also on the bill. I was so excited to be opening for the Yardbirds, BUT and I mean BUT when the Baybysitters came on the stage for Huey’s intro. WOW the horn section didn’t even use mikes. I was totally blown away by the band. I was playing trumpet from the early 60’s but when the Beatles arrived I had to have a guitar. Started playing bass and I played both with the Fire Department, a soul band. Finally gave up the bass and moved to Las Vegas where I worked with some lounge acts and played a lot of the relief bands in the main rooms. Came back to Chicago in 1973 when I get a phone call from none other than Turk who was putting a band together. Turk and I became very close. He is living and writing and recording in Gilbert Arizona now. Turk fronted the band. We had a 4 piece horn section. Very good band. Biggest issue I had was we had to learn how to step. Easier said than done for a white trumpet player. Lol. We played Rush St etc. we played at Mothers every Monday night. We had bigger crowds on Mondays then they had on Friday and Saturday nights. Definitely learned to party!!! If anyone remembers those “glorious times “ in the words of Henry Hill I’d love to hear from you.

  35. Wow! I just want to thank all of you for sharing so much! Unfortunately I was born two years after James passing and I had not heard of him till recently. Needless to say, the music is blowing me away. Everyone here has confirmed what I immediately first though, these guys had to be incredible live.

  36. Such a fascinating man and band! And all the memories shared here by fans is amazing! Is there any video of the band anywhere?

  37. I love this group and specially Baby himself. I wish I remembered the dates but I booked them into a gig I threw at the University of Illinois Chicago Campus for my org, Joynt Students. We were stoners of course. It was an amazing gig but only really for the University students who were in the know and knew we were doing this on a Friday afternoon in the Student Union for a $1 entry! I think UICC is now named something else, and my apartment on Aberdeen no longer is there, but my memory of that afternoon were amazing.

  38. Does anyone remember the bass guitarist that played with Baby Huey and the Babysitters. His name was Larry Sales. Any idea of what happened to him. I am not sure if he is still alive. Would love to know

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