Great band from Brisbane who relocated to New Zealand.
They had many fine releases, including some that are more soul and pop than these I’m featuring here. I recommend seeking out the rest of their recordings. Their full story is at the New Zealand Music of the 60’s site.
Hi there Chas,
I was, and still am, the drummer with the band. “Hurtin All Over” was an obscure
Mow Town release which was recorded as a ballad. We changed it to suit our style, which I think was one of our best recordings up till then.
There is a planned tour of New Zealand this year sometime in November.
All the best
Denis ‘Speedy’ Gilmore
Very Good, great garage sound, the b-side ”Is It Over
Baby” is also a strong number.
Hi there Carol
Great to hear from you again after all these years. The Galaxie certainly was a great night club in Auckand back in the 60’s eh. You probably know, but the pleazers will be playing with The Pretty Things at The Powerstation in Auckland on 11th December. Should be a great night. It will be 5 years since our last gig in Auckland at The Wild Things concert. That was another great night meeting all people who went to The Galaxie again.
Anyway, hope you are well.
All the best
Denis ‘Speedy’ Gilmore
Dennis, etc, you cats PLEAZE me with these four boss ear sloppin minutes of mayhem!! London r&b, Who power pop, freakbeat soul! THE PLEAZERS are now my fave New Zealand beat group and Baby Jane is now my fave beat group cover tune!
that “security” cover. oh man. so good.
Hi there
I’m happy you enjoy music. All our recordings, except the first single, (“Poor Girl” B/W “Last Night”, was recorded in Sydney before we went to NZ,)were recorded at Zodiac REcords which was in a garage at our manager’s house. (Eldred Stebbing.) The recordings were pretty crude so I have digitaly remixed all of them now. Oh yes, I’m sorry for the late reply. The Pleazers played again in Auckland at the ‘Wild Things’ concert in November 2007.
All the best
Denis ‘Speedy’ Gilmore
Hi Dennis, was so pleased to find you on here, it brought back so many memories. I used love going to see you perform on Saturday nights. Was so so upset when I had to return to England. I still have a couple of your singles 1 of them is signed by you all. Thanks again for the great music xx
What do you mean by Digitally Remixed? as i’m pretty sure all The Pleazers stuff (and pretty much all Kiwi Stuff) was recorded straight to single-track mono, so would leave nothing to remix.