The X-Cellents / Vacant Lot

X-Cellents Sure Play PS Hang It Up! Little Wooden House

Here’s a group that went through several name changes over a few years, but kept the same lineup throughout:

Roger Sayre (guitar and vocals)
Ray Bushbaum (keyboards and vocals)
Jerry “Moon” Ditmer (or Jerry Dittmer) (bass)
Jerry Thomas (drums and vocals – replaced by Bill “Fuzz” Weicht)

Prior to starting this band, Roger Sayre had been in 50’s rockabilly Chuck Sims’ group (Chuck also recorded as Charles Vanell). Ray Bushbaum had played with Sonny Flaharty’s Young Americans.

Based in Dayton, Ohio, they started as the Original Playboys in 1962 and cut a disc “I’ll Always Be On Your Side” / “Hey Little Willie in 1965 on Leisure Time records. “Hey Little Willie” has their sound down – grooving r&b with shouts, jokes and frat calls. “hold it – let’s do ‘Go Little Willie’, ‘DOTW'” (see comments below for explanation!). It was picked up for release on Smash Records with their name changed to the X-Cellents.

Another name change to the E-Cellents for their next 45 on Sure Play, the ballad “And I’m Cryin'” backed with one I haven’t heard yet, “The Slide”.

X-Cellents Sure Play 45 Hang It Up!Reverting to the X-Cellents, they cut a cool double-sider 45 for Sure Play in 1966. “Hang It Up” treads similar ground to “Hey Little Willie” though a little less convincing, maybe ’cause it lacks that great bass drum beat. More insider jokes and calls here – “DFTW”, “77” – that I don’t know the meaning of.

X-Cellents Sure Play 45 Little Wooden House“Little Wooden House” is a repetitive vamp lamenting settling down, just the same two chords over and over. “Little Wooden House” is a Roger Sayre composition, “Hang It Up” was written by Sayre-Bushbaum-Weicht-Dittmer.

Still the band progressed with the times, and contributed one of their best songs, Roger Sayre’s original Walk Slowly Away” to a sampler LP on Prism Records called “The Dayton Scene”. Acts were from the 1966 battle of the bands promoted by Dayton radio station WONE and the band is listed as the Xcellents. To my ears “Walk Slowly Away” bears a resemblance to the Beatles’ “I Need You” from the Help! soundtrack, though that may be a superficial comparison, as the lyrics and chorus are distinct.

Vacant Lot LTD. 45 This Little Feelin'They changed their name again for their last 45, as the Vacant Lot, or perhaps R. Sayre and the Vacant Lot, the LTD label gives both as artists. “This Little Feelin'” is one of their best numbers, soulful and rocking, as Ray’s keyboards again drive the sound behind Roger’s vocals. It was backed with their version of Huey ‘Piano’ Smith’s “Don’t You Just Know It”, a song that had probably been in their repertoire for years with the same sound and arrangement. Production by Bill Leasure.

The band seems to have gone separate ways after this last 45. Sayre had another group with John Spitler at some point, but I don’t know if that was before or after the X-Cellents

Sources: List of 45 releases Soulful Kinda Music, and sleeve scan from It’s Great Shakes.

Thanks to Joe Kimball for sending in the photo from the WONE LP.

Photo from The Dayton Scene LP.
Photo from The Dayton Scene LP.

36 thoughts on “The X-Cellents / Vacant Lot”

  1. The biography list of band members should include Bill “Fuzz” Weicht who was the drummer in the band from at least 1966 (and maybe before then} until at least 1968. Jerry Thomas left the band and was replaced by Fuzz, although Jerry would come back on occasion and sit in. I went to art school with Roger Sayre who was an accomplished painter and sculptor. Through my association with Roger I was hired to work the door at the LT CLUB (and later run the psychedelic lightshow) by owner/manager Bill Leasure. I also took many photos of the band for their posters and one or two of their 45 rpm record sleeves. Also, the acronym you referenced in the bio was incorrect, it should have been D.O.T.W. not GO TW. D.O.T.W. stood for “down on the weenie’ which was an inside joke of the band and became a “rallying cry” for some of the band’s followers which were many.

    1. Dave Hussong
      I was Cutters roommate and classmate at DAI and played guitar with the Vacant Lot throughout 68′ at the LT club , Chuck ran the light show along with Mike Keyes and Steve Tinglestad was the second drummer with Jerry Thomas, Moon[bass] Ray Bushbaum[keyboards] and Roger and I on guitars it was an over the top nine months at the LT club and included great experiences , the kind that became legendary in later years and incorporated the turmoil that was the summer of 68′ thanks so much. Shakin Dave Hussong 11-27-13

      1. Dave I read your comments and just wondered if you are still in touch with Fuzz, if not I can pass along info to him so you can touch bases again.

        1. I played piano with Roger & Fuzz, who was playing bass then, & a drummer named Tony, back in the late 50’s to 1960 when I left Yellow Springs for college. (Roger & Bill were from Northridge N of Dayton) I know Roger passed at 67 and a great art career ended, but I’d like to get in touch with Bill if he’s still upright. Heard from a musician friend many years ago he had been with Chicago Transit Auth before they became ” Chicago”, but left & moved to CO. Can you ask him to call Tom at 330-715-6616? Thanks

        2. Sandra – I knew Fuzz in 1970 when we shared a blanket tent in Dream Canyon (outside Boulder Colorado). He was drummer for the Goes Orchestral along with Joe Bluz(e) and Dave Hussong and Mark ? if you still have contact information, I’d love to reconnect.

    2. Dave, I was an original member of the Playboys, 4/1962, with Jerry , Moon, Gary Brooks. We worked in Dayton, Greenville, and Oxford, Ohio(Miami U)
      until 9/1964 when I was drafted. Roger Sayre joined the band in 1963 at my invite.
      I was a good friend of Roger, Denny, Johnny and Fuzz since 1961.
      i now live in Deerfield Beach, Fla, and I am in touch with Jerry Thomas, who lives near me in Florida.

      1. I played piano in Roger’s band along with Fuzz who was on Bass (Roger on his favorite Gretsch from ” uncle Chet”) and a drummer named Tony Spalding. Read about the sad news of Roger’s passing at age 67 & called his art & sculpture partner in Daytom to tell him “sayer stories”. Would like to get in touch w/Bill if you know how. I was 1 year older than Roger & Fuzz, & was from Yellow Springs. Tom

      2. Hi My name is Sherry my uncle is Bill leisure and I would love to find this 45 and surprise him with it is there any way you can help me with that I appreciate any information you can send me Thank you so much

  2. Dayton artist, Roger Sayre, dead at 67
    Roger Sayre, a Dayton artist whose contemporary work was exhibited throughout
    the world and was represented in a number of major corporate and private collections, died Saturday,
    March 20.
    Sayre, best known for his abstract, minimalist art on steel and canvas, was 67.
    His friend and guardian Mike Elsass said Sayre was his artistic mentor and described him as “a good
    person, who would help anybody.”
    “He had a charming personality and insight into art,” said Elsass, who said Sayre became a local
    legend while working at the Front Street artists warehouse for more than 20 years.
    According to a biography published when Sayre was inducted into the Northridge High School Hall of
    Fame, the Sandusky native graduated in 1961.
    His formal art education began at the School of the Dayton Art Institute and continued at the
    University of Cincinnati where he earned his MFA and MA.
    He taught at the University of Dayton, Wright State University and the University of Cincinnati and
    served as the head of the sculpture program at Indiana University East.
    Exhibitions of Sayre’s work have been held at Western Michigan University, Indiana University, the
    Wooster College Museum, the Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati and the Dayton Art Institute.
    Exhibitions have also been held in Canada, Argentina and Japan.
    What’s less known, Elsass said, is that Sayre had a gold hit record in the ’60s, “Hey, Little Willie,”
    when he played guitar and performed vocals for a Dayton band known as the X-cellents.
    Sayre’s sculpture and painted steel pieces have been collected by actor Rob Lowe, actor and singer
    Noel Harrison, Virginia Kettering, Boeing, MeadWestvaco Corp., Delco, Sears, Roebuck and Co.,
    cabinet maker Kraftmaid, Provident Bank, and Ameritech.
    Three of his works are in the permanent collection of the Dayton Art Institute.
    Sayre received numerous prestigious awards for his work including a Ford Foundation Scholarship, an
    Atelier Scholarship from the Dayton Art Institute, a Montgomery County Arts and Cultural District
    Individual Artist Fellowship and an Art for Public Places grant from Dayton.
    A memorial exhibit of his art will be 5 to 10 p.m. Friday, June 4, at the Color of Energy Gallery, 16 Brown St., in Dayton’s Oregon District.
    A memorial talk will be 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 3, at the gallery.
    Find this article at:

  3. Back then one joke was 77 — 69 and a good ate more.
    DFTW – just a guess but it could be “don’t f with the willie.”
    Both of these are off color I guess but in fitting with the band,
    at least I’m pretty certain it was them at the LT Club 45 years ago
    that I remember half-singing “ass hole, ass hole…a soldier went
    to war…” It got better/worse as the ditty progressed. Other
    memories: Grade A light show…colored oils and the first
    (and great) strobe light in the area.
    And they played a couple Hendrix covers from his
    first album which really got my attention and led me to rush
    out and get the album. The Vacant Lot name and the other
    things mentioned above really stuck with me for 45 years!

  4. i have known the original band members since 1959. roger sayre and i datedfor several yrs. i thought the band was always great. roger was an amazing talent and left an amazing legacy for us all to enjoy. i cannot thank u enough for creating this website;i agree ‘this little feeling’ was their best song but all their music still holds up today.john spitler was the leadsinger in the earlier 60’s. he and roger remained close friends thru the yrs.

  5. My neighbor Sam and I used to hang out at the LT Club every weekend in ’66 and ’67 , and never got tired of listening to the band. They had a great sound, were funny, and I couldn’t get enough of the place! Ray could really make that organ wail, and the novelty songs they threw in every once in a while were great fun. Thanks for posting this excellent page, it brought back some great memories!

  6. I am an OLD friend of Fuzz’s from Chicago during the summer of ’68. He was in a group called Rush and I was the lead singer in ‘Trance Mission’ a short lived rock and blues group. We both played in Old Town at many venues. I believe the one we had in common was Mother Blues on Wells St. He was one of the most talented and respectful men that I ever met.

    I had an opportunity to form a band with some friends who had moved to Cambridge, MA – Mocha Chip – which quite popular in the underground hard rock scene. We opened for Led Zepplin, Blood Sweat and Tears, Mother Earth. Buddy Miles Express and other local acts. When the group disbanded in 1970, I opened for Chicago, Liv Taylor, The Byrds and Cactus in different concerts in New England venues under the name Holly Meredith, my agent’s great idea!!

    He was considering a gig with Madura (same management as ‘CTA’ as they were know then which I don’t think panned out)! When back to Chicago to visit my mom, he would take me to his gigs. Fuzz and I kept in touch for about a year and then I went on the road and actually never knew his last name because was illegible on the letters he wrote me and he did not give me as legible address. Somehow, I totally lost track of him til today!! :o) Is there any way you can let me know where he is or at least, let me know that he is well.
    Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to locate him.
    Thank you soooooo much!
    A most appreciative,
    Dianne-Marie Hervey

  7. I am an old friend on Fuzz from Chicago when he played in a band called Rush and I was in Trance Mission. We both played in the OLD TOWN area in the summer of ’68. I left to form a band with college friends in Cambridge, MA in the fall. We kept in touch for a couple of years. He was dear to me and I would like to know how to get it touch with him or at least know how he is doing!
    Many thanks,
    Dianne Marie Hervey

  8. @ Dianne-Marie…..

    If anyone would know what’s up with Fuzz, it would be Dave Hussong @ Fretware Guitars…513-743-1151. The last time I saw Fuzz was summer of ’70 @ Indian Lake. He was in a band with Dave called the Goes…..Unique to say the least.



    1. I remember the Playboys when they played at the Rondeview Club on Salem Ave. I have been trying to locate Keith or Jerry who I heard were living in Florida. I am in Cape Coral.

  11. Hi:
    I wrote to the guy that posted this site but never heard back.
    Roger and I where good friends for a few years when I was a crazy Rock & Roll disc jockey on WONE in Dayton.
    I worked with Roger and Moon and the rest the guys in the band during that time.
    And what a great bunch of guys that were. I remember us driving to Cincinnati to King Studios it was owned then by James Brown.
    Car broke down on the way because, I think it was Moon, forgot to take the cardboard out in front of the radiator from the previous winter which of course helped warm the car up more quickly when the snow is flying. The stories go on.

    Roger was a hell of a guy and I’ve thought of those days often I tried, unsuccessfully, to track down but just recently gave it another shot and came across Garagehangover website. These the second year old friend that I lost this year that I had been meaning to track down. Moral of the story is, “you who hesitates is lost”.

    Was Roger married? Any kids? I was originally from Canada. And had come from Indianapolis at WIFE . I really enjoyed my time in Dayton.
    Met many great people.

    Would appreciate if you’re in touch with any of the guys who escaped the Grim Reaper. So far that you say hello for me and tell him I remember them fondly.

    Bob McCord

  12. I am a friend of Bill ( Fuzz ), he is hoping to start a new band and is looking for people to be in it. The last band that he played in was called White Water here in Dayton.

  13. I went to DAI with both Chuck McElligot and Roger Sayer, I consider them along with Ray Bushbaum all to be brothers and certainly would be remiss if Fuzz and my other brothers in Goes , Jose Higgins the late Mark Saunders and Denny [the rug] Johnson were not included in the verbal picture .1968 It was a great but tumultuous year and I am proud to say we responded in a creative and soulful way in the Vacant Lot,and in a free form context in Goes Orchestral in 1970. Thanks Dave Hussong

  14. Tried 937 Dayton # in a post for reaching Fuzz, but recording said no longer in Svc. Will try Facebook. I played elec piano in bar gigs around Dayton with Roger & Bill from 1958 to 1960 when I left Yellow Springs for Ohio Wesleyan. Sorry Roger passed- great guitar player, even better artist & human being. Would like to talk to Bill

  15. Ray Bushbaum passed away about 1.5-2 yrs ago after long bout w cancer. He was living in FL. I was FB friends w him before his death.

  16. Are you missing the Original Playboys on Terry 119 from 1963? The sides were Now That I’m Somebody and You’ll Be Mine. Terry has composer credits on this record.

  17. Gerald A. (Jerry) Thomas, 81, of Tavares, Florida, passed away Friday, February 25, 2022.
    He was born July 20, 1940, in Dayton, Ohio to Thomas A. Thomas and Cora Mae (Mann). On February 19, 1966, he married Barbara J. Brunswick at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Newport, OH. He worked for Dayton Power & Light as a meter reader and surveyor in Dayton and then as a natural gas leakage inspector and engineer in Sidney. He also worked as a professional musician as a drummer and lead singer. After retirement, he and Barbara spent their winters in Florida until 2015, when they became permanent residents of Tavares. He enjoyed singing with his friends online, playing bluegrass banjo, and working on his hot rod.
    He is preceded in death by his parents Thomas (Tom) Thomas and Cora Mae (Mann) of West Milton; His brothers Dennis of Dayton, and James (Jim) of Lewisburg; and sisters Beulah Mae (Sizemore) of West Union, and Dorothy (Sturgeon) of Dayton. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Barbara (Brunswick) of Lake Mary, FL; Sons Christopher (Chris) of Conroe, TX, and Eric (Rick) of Sanford, FL; and his brothers Owen (Bud) of Garrettsville, and Eugene (Gene) of Englewood; many nieces and nephews. Arrangements for cremation have been made with Central Florida Cremation of Tavares, FL.

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