Charles Parry documented over a dozen local bands and some national acts in a series of 3.5″ x 3.5″ photos in 1965. I am trying to locate him to find out more about his career.
He labeled many of the bands and photos, but some were not identified. I am posting them here, hoping people who knew these bands and fans can comment and identify them.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you to Craig Mossman of the Roaches for help with the IDs of several people in these photos.

Still updating? The drummer for the Roaches was Perry Hoisington, not Holiday. I went to school with him, along with most of the others in the band.
Hi Michael, thank you for that correction. I was going by the lineup as written on the photographer’s card.
Is Jimmy Holiday the correct name for the rhythm guitarist?
Perry Hoisington used the name Perry Holiday as his stage name when performing as The Roaches drummer at the Springfield Legion Hall.
I have lots of fond memories of dances there in the sixties!
Band 1photo 3 is Wes Thacker His band was the Mark 4. Photo 4 is Dave Tuno. Replaced Perry on drums. The person in Photo 5 and 6 replaced Johnny. His name is Gill Batts.
Hi Craig,
Thank you for your help. Do these photos of Dave Tuno and Gill Batts show them with the Roaches or with an earlier band?
I’ll add these names to the article shortly.
I’ve come into a bunch of Charles Parry photos too. Did you ever identify any family members who might be interested in these?
Unidentified male #1 is Ken Carico, I believe.
Unidentified Band #1 Photo #1 is Gerry Beckley.
This photo was probably taken at the Alexandria Roller Rink when he was a student at Thomas Jefferson High School in Alexandria. Probably the show with the Yardbirds in 1966. I joined him back stage at the event.
Hi Michael,
Thank you for your comment, that is helpful. He looks very young in this photo. Do you remember the name of his band?