Deacons Burnet Bulletin May 25, 1967

The Deacons of Burnet, Texas

Deacons Burnet Bulletin May 25, 1967The May 25, 1967 Burnet Bulletin gave a description of the Deacons, a local group invited to a battle of the bands in Colorado City, TX, 230 miles to the northwest, on June 3.

Members were:

Eddie Fariss (Farris?) – drummer and lead singer
Larry Boyd – lead guitar
Joel Mann – lead and rhythm guitar
Don Baker – rhythm guitar
Larry Dunlap – bass guitar

All were students at Burnet High School. I don’t believe the Deacons recorded.

If you have any photos or info on any local Texas bands of the ’60s, please comment below or contact me.

One thought on “The Deacons of Burnet, Texas”

  1. I was a founding member of the Deacons along wirh Eddie Farris and Larry Boyd . Enjoyed the band and we also battled other groups in Georgetown, TX on occasion. Not sure about Mann or Faris but the last time I saw him Larry Botd was still alive.

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