M.G. and the Escorts “A Someday Fool”

M.G. & the Escorts
M.G. & the Escorts, from left: Glen Stephen, Mike Gauthier, Graham Powers, Glenn Grecco and Bill Bryans

M.G. & the Escorts reo 45 A Someday Fool
Where does a song like “A Someday Fool” come from? The parts are not much more than a steady snare beat, a repetitive fuzz riff, simple rhythm guitar and faked at-wits-end vocal, but the result is staggering, a template for what garage bands have been trying to do ever since. The unstoppable drum beat and the mesmerizing guitar really give this song its hooks, and they catch you fast.

The band was Glenn Grecco lead guitar, Graham Powers vocals, Mike Gauthier guitar, Glen Stephen bass and Bill Bryans on drums, from the Pointe Claire section of Montreal.

Their other 45s are excellent as well. You can hear that distorted guitar sound on their very first 45, “Please Don’t Ever Change”, which was a top ten Canadian hit in May of ’66. It was written by Glenn Grecco, who also wrote “A Someday Fool”, and backed with a slow ballad, “Sorry to Hear”.

Their second 45 featured a great British-sounding beat number, “I Can’t Go On” backed by one I haven’t heard yet, “The One Who Wants You”.

“It’s Too Late”, the flip of “A Someday Fool”, is maybe their most complex song, featuring organ, celeste, solid rhythm playing and good harmonies and was written by Grecco and Bill Bryans.

The band’s fourth and final 45, “Next to Nowhere” shows a more soulful direction, and lightly psychedelic. It was backed with “Remembering”, a well-crafted ballad with more fine harmonies, and a personal favorite of mine. This single also was released in the U.S. on the Mala label.

Update, June 2024: Glen Stephen kindly sent four more snapshots of M.G. & the Escorts on stage at the Garden of Stars at the 1967 World’s Fair in Montreal:

Graham Powers singing, with Glenn Grecco on keyboards, on stage the Garden Of Stars, 1967 World’s Fair in Montreal
Billy Bryans on stage the Garden Of Stars, 1967 World’s Fair in Montreal
Glenn Grecco of M.G. & the Escorts with Graham Powers on keyboards, on stage the Garden Of Stars, 1967 World’s Fair in Montreal
Mike Gauthier on stage the Garden Of Stars, 1967 World’s Fair in Montreal
RPM, November 28, 1966

M.G. & the Escorts: Bill Bryans and Glen Stephen at the Garden of Stars, Montreal World's Fair, September 1967
Bill Bryans and Glen Stephen at the Garden of Stars, Montreal World’s Fair, September 1967
Bill Bryans has been keeping a blog, misterbryans, which is focused mainly on Cuban music, but he has an entry about the band that I’ll quote here, with his permission, along with the photo he posted:

We were called M.G. & The Escorts. This type of name was trendy back then, initials followed by a name (I’ve no idea why). The biggest group at the time was called J.B. & The Playboys – another suit band – who were from NDG [Notre-Dame-de-Grace]. We were from Pointe Claire, which was a bit more middle class. But eventually, we became more popular.

We did pretty good, we had a good run. We put out three singles that got a lot of airplay and we played every weekend in Montreal or Ottawa, Kingston, Brockville – that area of the country. We played teen clubs and high school dances mostly and a lot of “Battle of The Bands”, which were popular back then.

We had an advantage because my father owned a record store, so we could get the newest songs before anyone else because back then all the music came out as singles, and whoever could play the hit parade was the most popular. The hit parade was the best music back then. Albums were just the singles with a few filler tunes.

Everything changed in 67. Pop music began to get more complex. I remember seeing the Grateful Dead and The Jefferson Airplane at Expo 67 and that changed everything for me. I began to listen to Frank Zappa, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, blues music, free jazz, Aretha Franklin. I began to connect the music to the other things going on in the world, mostly triggered by the war in Viet Nam. I didn’t even hang out with the guys in MG & The Escorts anymore.

I followed up with a few short questions:

Q. I read a rumor that the group was going to record an album in Texas – is that true?

Billy Bryans: News to me although I’d love to know where you read the rumour.

M.G. & the Escorts
M.G. & the Escorts
[I read this in the liner notes to Nightmares from the Underworld, a great Canadian garage compilation by Andre Gibeault that was released over 20 years ago – but even there it’s called a rumor.]

Q. Was there much recorded that was never released?

Billy Bryans: I don’t believe so. We just recorded single by single.

Q. Did you ever play any TV shows – is there any live footage of the band?

Billy Bryans: We did play TV shows (usually lip-synching) but I’ve no idea if any of that footage exists.

Music Trend, June 16, 1967 from left: Bill Bryans, Glen Stephen, Graham Powers, Mike Gauthier and Glenn Grecco

M.G. & the Escorts reo 45 Please Don't Ever ChangeIn late 2010, Glen Stephen sent in photos and news clippings on the group. An article from Music Trend in June of ’67 quotes Bill Bryans: “we got to a point where we were out and out tired of the music we were playing. It had served a purpose for a while but … we want to put something into our performances now that we couldn’t do before with top 40 material. So, we’re drifting away from it but not divorcing ourselves altogether. We’ve learned a lot from watching the big name groups on the tours. Now I think we’ve become a little more artistic in our music rather than mechanical.”

The article continues “The groups [sic] has also finally produced a record that they are satisfied with,” and quotes Glen Grecco saying “We are really pleased with it. It’s a bigger sound and a bigger arrangement and not like the others which shouldn’t have been released. But at the time we didn’t have the money or the time to keep working at a track until it was an ideally perfect product. The record will be out in the beginning of July. We have no title for it yet but that’s because we haven’t been able to get together on the name.”

Since the article says the band’s previous record was “Someday Fool”, it seems the song they’re discussing is either “Next to Nowhere” or “Remembering”, the two sides of their last single.

M.G. & the Escorts reo 45 It's Too LateI asked Glen Stephen about the Music Trend article, and also about the band’s early days:

I played in a couple of groups prior to M.G. and the Escorts. The first band was in high school in a group called the Crescents which focused on Buddy Holly songs. I later joined a group with Glenn Grecco and Billy Bryans in a group called the Strangers and the focus of the music was Cliff Richard and the Shadows.

The Stratocaster was purchased in New York City in 1961 and it was coral red. I played rhythm guitar and we used a Danelectro reverb for the lead guitar. Glenn Grecco could imitate the Shadows guitar sound to the letter. We also played the Chet Akins style of finger picking as there were several people in the Pointe Claire area that played that style.

I don’t remember the details of how the group formed into M.G. and the Escorts. Part of the group The Strangers joined with another part of a group with Graham Powers and Mike Gauthier.

Our first major performance as M.G. and the Escorts was at the Maurice Richard Arena where we were the opening act for the Beach Boys” Other groups we opened for were The Young Rascals, Tommy James and the Shondells, Neil Diamond, Paul Revere and the Raiders, Serendipity Singers, & the Happenings. Our group would play a lot of the top 40 of the hit parade, many of which involved four part harmony which we did fairly well.

Glen Stephen with 1960 Fender Stratocaster
We could see that there was a trend towards a heavier sound, ex. The Rolling Stones and we started to adjust accordingly, but still maintained much music that involved harmonies. That is where “Someday Fool” flowed from. There was no harmony, some background singing, but a solid beat which was different from the style we played.

The first recording we did was at Stereo Sound Studios where we recorded on a two track system which was one one of the better ones in Montreal. It cost $100/hour in the early 60s which was alot of money in those days. When recording you had to play and sing at the same time and make no mistakes or you would have to redo the song. Once completed you would hope for a good mix.

In one song, we recorded the guitar and lead on a 4 track tape machine in a house; brought the track to the recording studio and added in the drums and bass at the studio. The last song we recorded was in the RCA studio in Montreal which had a 4 track system. It was called “Next To Nowhere.”

MG and the Escorts Glen Stephen on stage the Garden Of Stars, 1967 World’s Fair in Montreal
Q. The article in Music Trend in June of ’67 mentions many long hours in a recording studio – what kinds of songs was the band working on? What became of them? Is it true the band had clearance for an album?

All the songs that we worked on in the studio, we recorded. There was some talk of an album. but it never materialized.

We played in the Garden of Stars at the World’s Fair in 1967 and it was not much longer after that that we disbanded.

Q. The article also says the band was in semi-retirement before June ’67? Is this true?

Lead guitarist Glenn Greco with manager Mel McCormick
What we did was re-evaluate our direction and a change in the style of music. It was more of a time of reflection. We were offered a possible recording session to produce advertising music for French’s Sloppy Joe Mix. We were to go to Texas for the recording, but it didn’t materialize.

M.G. and the Escorts 45 releases:

Reo 8936 Please Don’t Ever Change / Sorry to Hear
Reo 8960 I Can’t Go On / The One Who Wants You
Reo 8975 A Someday Fool / It’s Too Late (early 1967)
Reo 8998 Next to Nowhere / Remembering (released in the U.S. on Mala 582) (late 1967)

Thank you to Billy Bryans and Glen Stephen for the photos and clippings, and for answering my questions.
Thanks to Ivan Amirault for many of the scans from RPM.

Update, April 2012:

I’m sorry to hear that Billy Bryans passed away on April 23, 2012. Bill was seventeen when he started recording with the Escorts, and he spent the rest of his live working in music as musician, promoter, producer, and writer.

CBC news has a detailed obitiuary and video tribute.

Now defunct: a short audio interview with Bill and a clip of the Parachute Club at http://music.cbc.ca/#/blogs/2012/4/Parachute-Clubs-Billy-Bryans-dies-at-63

The Globe and Mail also had a good overview of his life at http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/billy-bryans-eclectic-musical-tastes-took-him-far/article2411780/, now taken down but available on Archive.org.

Music Trend, June 16, 1967
from left: Mike Gauthier, Glenn Grecco, Graham Powers, Glen Stephen and Bill Bryans
RPM, October 2, 1967
RPM, October 21, 1967
RPM, July 4, 1966
RPM, January 21, 1967
Promo shot from the 1967 Canadian Music Industry Directory from RPM Magazine, November 11, 1967 – but not the Escorts!

33 thoughts on “M.G. and the Escorts “A Someday Fool””

  1. It’s 40 years ago this weekend that M.G. and the Escorts did a 7 day gig at La Ronde. A friend and I were there every day, in the front row. We were 16, and this band was the best! We saw them often around Montreal in the mid-60’s, live and on TV, and collected all their records. A few years later, I ran in to Bill on Stanley St., and we reminisced for a while. It was so good to be able to download the MP3 files from this page, thank you for putting them there. I still have all their records, but alas, no record player! If anyone knows where I can get an MP3 of Sorry To Hear, I’d be very grateful! I’d also appreciate any updated information about the group members.

  2. My father is Glenn Grecco. My mother has told me stories of when she would go to watch him play when she was a teenager. He took a computer job in Mississauga and continued to work on his music in our basement while he was building a recording studio until he was offered a promotion that brought us to the States in ’79. Although they are not married any longer, both of my parents still reside in South Carolina, along with my brother. I’m not sure what he has left from the band.

  3. Dear Karen,

    It is nice to “meet” you electronically! I have wonderful memories of watching your dad and his buddies perform around Montreal in the mid 60’s when I was in high school. He might even remember 2 crazy teenage groupies (my friend was Harriet.) Or maybe not, we were kind of crazy. In any case, please say hi from an “old” fan.

    Is there any chance he would have an MP3 of Sorry to Hear? I’d so badly love to hear it again! Thank you.


    1. Hi Brenda, I am Paula. I started the first fan club for the group way back. I have all the records and have to put them on as MP3s, if you are still looking. I am waaaay behind in doing things. Finally found all 4 records, as I am going through all my vinyl, getting ready to sell them. I still have a turntable, full system, but it is easier for me now with CDs and MP3s. I am not selling my MG and the Escorts singles. They are signed. The same with other older vinyl that date back. I promise I WILL get this done.

  4. Does anyone know where Michael Gauthier is living now? He is my second cousin and was living in Surrey, B.C. and we seem to have lost track of him and would like to reconnect. Please e-mail me at slechner@rogers.com if you have any information. Thanks.

    1. Michael Gauthier passed away July 29, 2019. Celebration of life is being held today in Langley, BC. My sister was married to Mike until the early 90s and they had a son, Philip Gauthier, who took care of his father during his fight with cancer. Rest in Peace, Mike!

      1. Hi valerie,
        I just read about the death of Michael. We had been trying to locate him for years. I,glen stephen, played in the band with him. Sorry to hear of his passing. I trust that his son and your sister are doing well.

      2. I think everyone was trying to find Mike at some point. I started the group’s first fan club way back… it seems like so long ago. I was 15 at the time. I still have the 4 X 45’s and finally got a turntable to be able to transfer music to MP3’s… I need to learn how to do it. I was told about Mike’s and Graham’s passings and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Mike and I were very close friends. He helped me to better learn how to play the guitar, something I will always remember him for. We lost contact when he moved to BC. It was as if he went into hiding. I was not alone looking for him. If anyone wants to contact me, I can be reached at paulamtl@gmail.com I am not online everyday, but I will get back to you.

      3. So sad to hear this. Do you have an email for Phillip Gauthier? Do you know if Louise Gauthier (Mike’ssister) is still alive. Mike was my moms first cousin. I visited him in Surrey in the early 80’s. He use to visit us a lot when he lived in Montreal. His mother was my grandmother’s sister. My email is sharonlechner@rogers.com if you have an email

        1. Thanks for writing Sharon. From what I was told, Louise died of cancer the year before Mike did… I had been given a facebook address to contact Louise’s son, and it went nowhere. I never got a reply. Having started the fan club for the group, I am still in touch with both Glenn and Glen. We talk from time to time, but I have no emails to help out. When you visited Mike in Surrey, did you happen to take any pictures that you would like to share? I would like to see what he looked like when he grew older.

      4. Would love to contact you Valerie. Mike was my mom’s cousin and we lost touch. I would love to contact his son.

      5. Would love to chat with you sometime Valerie. Mike was my mom’s first cousin and I stayed with him for three weeks in the eighties in Surrey. I would really like to connect with your sister’s son or Louise’s son Patrick.

      6. Something that has bothered me Valerie, since I read this… and it will until I have closure. Why was this only posted on the day of the Celebration of Life for mikes, and not ahead of time, so as to be able to give people a chance to get to BC? Not everyone lives there, or next door, such as myself. Had I known even a week before, I would have made the arrangements to be there. Mike was very special i my life when I was younger. He may not have spoken of me, because that was in the past.

      7. This is very sad news. Like others, I have been looking for signs of Michel Gauthier for a long time, probably 30 years.

        I played rhythm guitar in an early iteration of a Montreal band called “The Renegades” (Joe Smith, drummer, and PG Langen, vocalist, were the other members). Mike played lead guitar in that group and guided the selection of music. At some point, recognizing Mike’s brilliant understanding of music, the band changed its name to “MG and the Escorts” (Peter Carson became the lead singer). Other talented musicians in the Montreal music scene eventually sought a musical alliance with Mike, and recognizing my limitations, I pursued a different career.

        During my time with “The Renegades” and “MG and the Escorts,” I developed a great admiration for my friend and mentor, Mike Gauthier, a decent and caring, talented human being.

        Toward the end of our 5 years together playing music Mike introduced me to the following piece of music that I believe he was able to play very skillfully. I have never been able to master the separation of fingers between the bass and the melody, but I do think of Mike every time listen to it or attempt to play it.

        Starting around 40:

        Knowing that Michel Gauthier has passed away helps me bring closure to the past. I still regularly pick up my guitar and play music, the seeds of which were planted in my association with Michel and others who came together in the 60s to spend countless hours sharing what they loved doing.

  5. My husband was the late Mel McCormick. He managed the M.G.& the Escorts Band during the mid sixties. He enjoyed spending time with them at practices,and concerts and was very proud of their achievements.
    Mel died last July after a year long battle with cancer. We were given the gifts of family time together and renewed friendships after Mel received his diagnosis. Glenn Grecco, Glen Stephens and Bill Bryons contacted us by phone and each of these calls brought a smile to his face. Glen Stephens took the time to visit Mel in the hospital in Ottawa and that visit is one of our most cherished memories during our year of ups and downs.
    Daryl McCormick

    1. I’m hoping this message gets to Daryl McCormick. I just came across this site after learning on FB that MG & the Escorts singer Graham Powers died. Mel McCormick was my much beloved teacher at Beaconsfield High School. He was considered a “cool” teacher by mist who had him as a teacher. His cool factor was elevated by being the manager of MG. Once in class he played us a demo of the band’s upcoming single, the title of which escapes memory. He asked for our feedback and I precociously suggested the band ditch the tambourines. Strange how some memories stick with you more than 50 years later. In 1975, I began my teaching career at John Rennie High School in Pointe-Claire QC where Mel’s younger brother Ron was an administrator. Ron, like his brother, died before his time (brain cancer though I’m not sure.) The McCormick family was no stranger to tragedy, it seemed. Sometime in the late ‘70s, there was an accident in front of John Rennie involving a pedestrian. A crowd had gathered around the person who was hit by a truck while crossing the street. Ron came out to see what was going in but was apparently unable to see the injured woman. Sometime later that day, Ron received a phone call from the police informing him that his mother had been struck by a vehicle in front of John Rennie. I can’t imagine the shock he must have felt at the time after learning that the victim was his mother.
      By the time I started teaching the local Montreal band scene had changed. Groups like MG and JB & the Playboys had moved on to other things. Top 40 radio with stations like CFCF (Dave Boxer), CFOX and then CKGM (Buddy Gee) were instrumental in promoting local rock bands. In 2017, out of a long-standing live affair with Top 40 rock radio, I wrote a book about those halcyon days of radio. The book, “Rock ‘n’ Radio: When Rock Music and DJs Ruled the Airwaves” is my tribute to the DJs, groups and producers that carried the rock banner in Montreal. ✌️

  6. Glen was my teacher in public school in Spencerville from 1977-’79, he was also a great mentor. During this time Glen let me borrow a few singles from M.G. and the Escorts and it was kickin’ stuff. Too bad they didn’t stay together long enough to record an actual L.P. He had some great (and scary) stories from the road.
    Glen, if you read this stuff, Thank You. You taught me to take what I heard in my head and express it with my fingers. You also let me take your ’62 Stratocaster home for the night a few times. Best guitar I’ve played yet. Hope your well, my friend.

  7. Hi Daryl,
    I just happened to search the MG an the Escorts name for the first time since the band broke up and came across your letter advising that Mel had passed on and it really hit home. Mel was one of the nicest prople that I have ever met and its very sad to hear that he passed away of cancer.
    I remember when you and Mel use to come to our gigs and how much that was appreciated. He really brought us together as a band by showing us what being professional was all about. Now that I am 65 I know how precious evey day is. Ten years ago I had a major heart attack and had to have by pass surgery. Now I look at every day as a gift because thats what it is.
    I hope that you are well and doing OK without him. I truley loved and respected Mel and I will never forget what he did for the band and for me personally.
    Graham Powers

  8. I was driving along St. Jacques in NDG tonight, on what felt like a summer night in Montreal, with Please Don’t Ever Change blaring on my car CD player, thinking about you guys, and remembering way back when. Graham, I know you lived not far from there for a time . . . I came home and thought I’d check this site after not having been here for a long time. It’s a wonderful surprise to find messages from the both of you here. Please share a few details about where you are now, and how your lives have turned out. Do you still make music? I can’t tell you how much pleasure your few records still bring to me, and how happy I am to discover that there are still fans like me around. I guess I’m still a groupie – so please throw us some tidbits!

  9. Mel was one of my high school teachers at Beaconsfield High School in the mid 60’s. He was one of my favourites for sure. Mel coached the Bantam football team that I was on and also taught me Driver’s Education in 1965/66. He is one of those people that you just don’t ever forget. I remember that he used to talk a lot about being the manager of MG and the Escorts and was obviously very proud of them. I was very much into that scene, so I loved hearing him tell the stories.
    My father actually taught Mel in high school, so it is indeed a very small world.
    I am very sorry to hear that he passed away, but rest assured that he is not forgotten!
    Dave Stacey.

  10. You wrote this a long time ago, but I just fell upon this site. I knew your dad when I was a kid… 16 years old. The group played at my high school and I started a fan club for them here in Montreal. That was so long ago. It was short lived and did not go as well as I had hoped it would. My mom would not let me go out whenever I wanted… she was protective and all. I would love to be able to get a message to your dad. Please tell him hi for me. My email is paulamtl@gmail.com It would be great hearing from him or any of the group. Nice to have met you, so to speak.

  11. Mike Gauthier was my best friend in the early 60’s and, sadly, I have lost contact over the years. My garage band, the Randells was a same-era Montreal group and we always looked up to the talent of groups like MG, JB & the Playboys and the Haunted. If anyone knows where Mike is now I’d love to connect. Wonderful days, fun times.

  12. Mel McCormick was my teacher one year (1967) at Beacon Hill School in Beaconsfield. His subjects were Geography, and Music. In the music department, one day he brought in two records to play for us. The first was “Mary, Mary” by the Monkees. Then he put on “Mary, Mary” by the Paul Butterfield Blues Band. Same tune. We were allowed to make up our own minds about which was the better take on the song, but there was something justifiably dismissive in the air regarding the pre-fab four, and although most of us probably watched the tv show on Sunday nights in spite of ourselves, the concensus was that Butterfield had the “realer” and “cooler” version.
    Another time, Mel brought in a guest speaker to talk about the music business, and it was Mr Billy Bryans, himself not long out of high school, but still a member of M.G. & The Escorts, whom we could hear on the radio from time to time.
    In four years of high school, nothing else in particular stands out from a teaching standpoint, so I’d have to say that Mr. McCormick gets my vote as Best Teacher, 1967-70. Thank you, Mel.

  13. Hey. Just reading Alan Doyle’s book ” Where I Belong ” and it brought back a lot of long forgotten memories of my time playing with M.G and the Escorts. Thought I would do a search and here I am. I played rhythm guitar with them for one season. I was replacing a guy that lived on Patricia in NDG who for some reason could not play for some time. I recall practicing in Mike’s basement on Smart Ave. in Cote St Luc. This was well before they recorded. I think the base player then was Les Leroux. We once backed up JB and The Playboys and played a pretty large venue on Cote de Liesse. I was only fifteen at the time ( much younger than the other guys ) I can also recall the white jackets we wore…no lapels and a belt in the back. The group had secured a gig at the Rawdon Inn for the summer. I had to decide on summer school or staying with the band. Being so young my parents influenced me to attend summer school so that ended my career with M.G. and the Escorts. It was a great time. Uncomplicated era of good clean fun. Thx for the memories. Tom

    1. I mentioned before that Mike Gauthier is my second cousin. Sadly, our family has lost track of him but I did had a wonderful visit with him in the 80’s when he was living in Vancouver. Would love to re-connect

  14. RIP Graham Powers, March 21, 2019. “Sorry to Hear” that my dream of one day hearing you sing again, like so many other great local musicians from that time, has been crushed. My deepest condolences to Graham’s family, friends, and fans.

    1. My dad was a warrior till his last day. Thank you for your kind words. I was searching for his band and came across this site. Was really nice to see he wrote back in 2009 and then came across this message. Although for noew we will never hear him sing again, I am sure he is singing somewhere right now having the time of his life. Its beyond difficult to lose a legend like my dad was to me.

  15. What a trip down Memory Lane! I remember the band very well from school dances at Beaconsfield High School in the late 60s and Mel McCormick taught me Drivers Ed.

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