Lost and Found

 The Misfits photo 1966
The Misfits, 1966

The Misfits business cardThe Lost and Found came out of Houston, and originally called themselves the Misfits. Members were Peter Black guitar and vocals, Jimmy Frost lead guitar and James Harrell on bass. John Kearney of the Spades played with them for a short while after the Spades had split up in 1965, and they went through a succession of drummers, first Norman Blythe, then Mickey Bishop, and finally Steve Webb.

The Misfits business cardThe Misfits played shows at Love Street and La Maison, where, according to Jimmy Frost, they met the 13th Floor Elevators for the first time. The Elevators would have a huge influence on their sound, and their friendship with Roky Erickson and Stacy Sutherland would eventually lead to an introduction to the International Artists label. At the start of a six month residency at Scott Holtzman’s Living Eye in Houston, they became the first Texas group busted for LSD. Jimmy Frost remembers Peter, James and Mickey facing charges, and that one of the reasons the band signed with International Artists was because its owners, Bill Dillard and Noble Ginther, were lawyers who could help them with the bust. Supposedly the charges were dismissed because the drug was not yet illegal! However, the notoriety of the bust led to the name change to the Lost and Found, appropriate in any case for the increasingly psychedelic direction of their music.

The Living Eye ad with the Lost and Found, the Coastliners, Neal Ford & the Fanatics
The Living Eye ad with the Lost and Found, the Coastliners, Neal Ford & the Fanatics
George Banks, a friend of the band who took over management of the Misfits, remembers this time differently:

I spoke with James Harrell, just to confirm what I am about to list. First, the MISFITS was a name Micky Bishop came up with, as it was a group he played with in the Navy. He was the first drummer, and to James’ recollection, Kearney never played in the group. After Micky, his younger brother Steve also played drums in the band and as I recall then Webb. There may have been the other fella you mention [Norman Blythe], but I do not know him. We all met the Elevators in Austin, before they played the infamous Jade Room gig, and all remain friends to this day. I was maybe a try-to-be manager with the original Misfits, after leaving the military; and then later the Lost and Found, but I also assisted (I’ll describe it that way) Euphoria, which you rarely see any info about.

 La Maison, second location, 319 McGowan at Bagby
La Maison, second location, 319 McGowan at Bagby
Euphoria did come into Houston about high times for the Elevators and others of the IA time frame. They were a sizzlin’ three piece group. Wesley Watt, David Potter, drums and Pat.. I forget his last name.. on bass (early on, in CA, Pat was with a surf group, pre-Beach Boys, and they were very successful in their locale.) Euphoria and the guys from the Misfits got along quite well and … through some differences .. all together left for LA, minus Frost, who having married early on and was with their first child, did not travel to CA with everyone else. We played around out there got a recording contract. I brought the first release [Hungry Woman / No Me Tomorrow 45 on the Mainstream label] back to Houston and presented it to Larry Kane. It didn’t really take off, Euphoria hadn’t stuck around town long enough to really develop any notoriety, or following.

The band in LA went through a lot of emotional changes in part due to the fact that Wesley and David were married (and drugs). The times got tough, to even feed ourselves. James, Pete and I headed back to Houston, the rest kind of picks up with the bust after we had been back a month or two. Micky was not included in the bust in ’66, it was his younger brother Steve and another fella, a writer, Roger Hamilton (deceased) aka William West, and James. Their arrests were dismissed, we each served 10 year probation sentences. I don’t believe that the signing with International Artists had anything to do with there being attorneys in the head office. If I am mistaken, well, I don’t know every minute detail of all these guys lives, but we did live and recreate together often. It was not the notoriety that changed the bands name (I don’t think). But having returned from CA and playing with/as Euphoria the group was rejoined with Jimmy Frost. So I felt the absence from and the reunion, as it were, with the whole band, it was .. well .. Lost and Found.

 The Lost and Found at the Living Eye
The Lost and Found at the Living Eye

Their first 45, “Everybody’s Here” / “Forever Lasting Plastic Words” shows the lighter side of their repertoire, and the band complained that IA toned down their sound. The engineer was Frank Davis who worked with other IA bands, like the Elevators and the Golden Dawn. Though at times sounding like the Elevators, their LP has many good songs such as “I Realize” and “There Would Be No Doubt”. George Banks did the cover art for their LP as well as the covers of the Elevators’ Easter Everywhere and Golden Dawn’s Power Plant.

Lost and Found International Artists 45 Professor BlackBy the time they recorded their second and last 45 in ’68, their sound was totally original and psychedelic. “Professor Black” is supposed to be about Pete Black, it was written by Black, James Harrell and George Banks. “When Will You Come Through” is just as good, with searing guitar work. This 45 was produced by Fred Carroll, an interesting figure in Texas garage history. Fred Carroll (real name Fred Courtney, Jr) founded International Artists in October of ’65, but sold it soon after, then returned as a producer after Lelan Rogers left. He also started the Solar label and managed the Coastliners. He passed away in late June, 2007.

There were other songs recorded around this time for a second LP, but before that could come to pass, International Artists booked them on a tour of Texas, Louisiana and Alabama with the Music Machine.

Lost and Found International Artists 45 When Will You Come ThroughJimmy Frost: “When we got back International Artists said we owed them money and that just finished the band off, we didn’t see any money from the tour, and we were all so broke that the band just split up.”

A demo tape of two songs exists. “25 MPH” showed up on Epitaph for a Legend, the other, “Girl with a One Track Mind” I haven’t heard. Still under contract from IA, Pete Black and James Harrell reluctantly played about a dozen dates with Stacy Sutherland and Danny Thomas in a ersatz version of the 13th Floor Elevators after the release of the fake “Live” album in July of ’68. This lineup of the Elevators may have included Steve Webb, who I’ve read was able to mimic Roky’s wailing vocals.

Pete Black joined Endle St. Cloud. I’ve read Steve Webb played drums with Potter St. Cloud and Euphoria, but that conflicts with David Potter’s account (and Potter certainly was the drummer on Potter St. Cloud’s album). Steve Webb passed away a few years ago.

George Banks continues on the connections between the Lost and Found, Endle St. Cloud and Euphoria:

Alan Mellinger (Endle St. Cloud) .. some how.. after we’d left LA.. wound up in LA playin’ around with Euphoria.. in fact they released an album – [A Gift From] Euphoria. James Harrell, after the bust here in Houston, returned to LA (he did studio work for a couple of years) and may have been on that album also (?). Euphoria later did an extensive tour with Blue Cheer. I visited Alan in Morrison, CO some many years ago where he and his wife and two children were doing quite well, as Alan was a partner in a Clinical Drug and Alcohol Re-Hab Practice in Denver. While there we called David Potter, who at the time was living in I believe, Wisconsin or Minnesota, working construction as a masonry contractor. A couple of years later I heard that Alan died of a heart attack.. and so ends my immediate and intimate association with the ‘Music World’ of the 60’s. As a footnote I think that Frank Davis, besides being one of Texas’s true hidden jewels as a performer, did all he could with the available equipment of the times.

Sources include: Interview with Jimmy Frost in Not Fade Away #4, Paul Drummond’s Eye Mind, and my correspondence with George Banks. Photos by their manager, Gary Iwers. Misfits business card from the collection of Andrew Brown. La Maison photo courtesy of Nancy Kuehl.

18 thoughts on “Lost and Found”

  1. “When Will You Come Through” is easily one of my all-time favorite garage-punk-psych 45s. That guitar work is really loud and searing, as you say it. I like it much better than the other one they did. This one’s a real classic! Just thought I’d say so.

  2. I’m with you Brian absolute killer Nugget!!!!
    Is it me or can i hear a real “Music Machine Talk Talk” flying thru the mix?
    Anyone know much more about this outfit?

  3. I have been married to Jim “Frosty” Frost for 42 yrs. now. He still plays the guitar regularly in “open mike jams” around the Austin area. He loves the blues, Muddy Waters & John Lee being his favorite. He is still a cool rockin dude.

    The only tour the Lost & Found did was with the Music Machine I think it was around 1967 or 68. You can probably hear some of their influence as you stated.

  4. Man first your blog is awesome thanks for sharing all this music and info.

    I must say that the post about Lost and Found was amazing, i dont know the band but the first name The Misfits call my atention because i love Misfits (The punk band, 80s) and i have no idea that there is another band with the same name.

    Again thanks man

    best regards from Chile

  5. I know Pete Black who sang with the Misfits who are Lost and Found. He no longer lives in Houston. He said they opened up for Sam The Sham and the Pharoh’s.Also for the 13th Floor Elevators at the La Maison.

  6. Does anyone know how the lead guitarist got that AMAZING sound on the record? It’s the same sound on the album. Was he playing that Gibson guitar as in the picture?

  7. Still playing Gibson single pickup with stacked Humbucken back then we played through home made amps. 100 watt Bogen PA
    Amp with jack added for plug,2 = 10 or 12 in. Speakers.I played with treble cranked used Vox fuzz. sorry took so long to comment
    New to the hi tec world just got on line Fathers day . Plus had hard time getting thru red tape on this site.
    Thanks for the nice comments.Peace Love & Rock on !

  8. To Jimmy Frost. Just found this website. What a blast from the past. I’m Skip Bennett, you might have known me as Bill at the time, but??, tall skinny guy, drove a white ‘63 Dodge Dart. Anyway… surf trips to Mazatlan, La Maison, hung out and worked with George Banks, Mack Blaker dive/surf shop, skate boarding at “the wedge”. I saw you and Pete once right after I got back from Nam but ended up in Denver. Got into the audio electronics side of the music business and promptly went to L.A. where I worked with many bands of the time, The Doors, Steppenwolf, Three Dog Night, The Beach Boys, and Chicago. It was quite an adventure during that “greatest ever music era”, IMHO. Backing up for a moment, I was just talking to a girl I knew from around ‘66 and she mentioned letters I’d written to her where I’d talked about Kirkpatrick’s Baroque Brothers and my friends in The Misfits. That sent me on this internet searching mission. So, if you remember who I am, just reply… I’m signed onto this site. I’ll post my direct email and then send you some of my rock’n’roll stories to read, if you’re interested.

    1. Wow what a flash back ! Just happen to check web site. I renenber you well !
      We have a reunion called Bellaire Bad Boys we were just talking about you . There’s a happening in Houston comming up in June you can check it out on Facebook it’s called Texas Psych Garage ! I’ll ck back,well try to hook up!

  9. Hey Jim, For some reason this site didn’t contact me about your reply to my post. I had signed up for that service but seems it didn’t work… so I’m sorry about the delay in answering you. It was your Facebook contact that was the ‘heads-up’ to check this Lost And Found page. Contact me through this old email and I’ll reply with my real email address. ladydy (at) pldi (dot) net Looking forward to hearing from you. I’m at my ranch in Oklahoma but will be moving back to the Houston area this summer. Meanwhile, very best regards to you and your family, Bill/Skip

  10. I picked up a poster that was for sale on ebay that was being attributed to Lost And Found (of international Artists fame) but as I explored a little further, it seems like it is a different band of the same name, from the SF CA area, that had a running gig at the Letterman Officer’s club in the Presidio area of SF. As this piece mentioned only the one tour with Music Machine that stayed more in the southeast, I sort of assumed that you never played SF. Unless this was a use of the name while the band was staying in the LA area before returning to Houston? Anyway I asked the seller what the deal was and he pointed me to a past sale from emovieposters.com (who keep a history of past auctions if you wanna check out the 11 posters that they attributed to Lost And Found ( International Artists) http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/film_title/LOST%2520%2526%2520FOUND%2520(band)/archive.html

    Anyway, does anybody know the story of these shows and who this band was that was playing the Leterman Officer’s club back in the day?

  11. Anybody know what happened to Steve Webb the drummer. I think he went to my high school. I know he even played with the elevators a little.

    1. Sorry to say he passed, in the late ’90s or the early ’00s.
      Last time I saw him was here in Houston in the mid ’90s.

  12. Does anyone know what happened to James Harrell from Bellaire Texas who hung out with Rocky Erickson of the 13th Floor Elevators and Noble GintherJr who worked with International Artists record label?

    1. Hi Noble
      I spoke w/ Noble, Jr. – I assume your father – in the late 1980s. Very courteous over the phone. One story was about the Bubble Puppy bringing a tiger (lion?) into the studio. I may be misremembering that. He also said he had some sealed IA LPs in the attic. Got the impression he’d let me have some if I came to visit, I didn’t have the resources to do so at the time.
      I completed my IA collection in October 1975 at the Rock of Ages show in New York City. A guy from Texas had all of the IA albums with the exception of the first two Elevators LPs and the Dave Allen LP. I already had those, so picked up those I didn’t; Golden Dawn, Red Crayola and Lost & Found… all sealed at $15 each. Telling this just to point out to you or anyone else how crazy the prices have gotten. Today a sealed Golden Dawn would easily go for over $1000. Anyway, all the best to you and I had a very nice conversation with Noble, Jr.

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