The Lidos “Since I Last Saw You” on Band Box

The band’s names are on the song credits – G. Nole, G. Fick, D. Silvis and R. Saunar. I didn’t know anything about the group until J.C. commented below, which I’ll excerpt here:

The band was from Aurora, Colorado (suburb of Denver). All 4 original members attended Aurora Central High School and included bandleader Gary Nale on vocals, lead and rhythm guitar, Gary Fick on vocals and bass guitar, Dwight Silvis on vocals, keyboards, lead and rhythm guitar and Robert Sauner on drums.

The 2 songs were primarily written by Gary Nale.

I’ve read that the Lidos disc predates the British Invasion, but from the Rite pressing number, 13555, it dates to mid-late 1964. So the Invasion had started, but the Lidos weren’t really paying attention. “Since I Last Saw You” is repetitive and crude, with its cool opening bass line, pounding drums and a great shout before the guitar break, which comes earlier than usual. I think this would make a great instrumental. The ensemble vocals are a little bizarre. It ends with a fantastic drum break and repeat of that sliding bass line.

The chorus of serenaders on “Trudi” turns it into a parody of the doo-wop style. The band must have been disappointed in the absolutely crappy fidelity they got out of the Band Box studio, even though that cloudy sound is part of the charm of “Since I Last Saw You”. However, I do like the intense decay on the last chord of “Trudi” – so, you have one reason to take a listen to it.

Anyone have a photo of the Lidos?

Vicky Morosan started Columbine Records in Denver Colorado, changing the name to Band Box Records when Columbia objected. After starting on East Sixth, she moved locations to 220 S. Broadway. Releases started with drummer Ronnie Kae’s “Boom Boom” in the late ’50s and continued into the late ’60s, totaling almost 200 singles altogether.

For more info on Band Box check out this article from the Denver Post on the documentary Gears, Grease and Guitars, as well as Rockin’ Country Style, and this extended, though partly incorrect list of releases (the Lidos are not listed and #359 is attributed to “The Royals and The Shades”).

7 thoughts on “The Lidos “Since I Last Saw You” on Band Box”

  1. Yes, the band was from Aurora, Colorado(suburb of Denver). All 4 original members attended Aurora Central High School and included bandleader Gary Nale on vocals,lead and rhythm guitar, Gary Fick on vocals and bass guitar, Dwight Silvis on vocals, keyboards, lead and rhythm guitar and Robert Sauner on drums.

    I myself was in the studio on West 41st. Ave. in late 1964, as a fan, semi-roadie and friend of the band when they recorded both sides in what now would be considered primitive conditions. The band paid for the studio time and were finished in at most an hour or two at the outside(roughly 2 takes). This would explain the rather poor recording quality of the record(I still have an autographed copy of this, the only single recorded by the group). The 2 songs were primarily written by Gary Nale(“Trudi” being, I believe a dedication to a former girlfriend), I suspect, somewhat inspired by Oh! Donna.

    These were four really cool and talented 15, 16, and 17 year old musicians who got caught up in the British ivasion, gave it a shot, did several gigs and had a good time over about a two year period and then as most bands do, grew up and went their separate ways. At least that’s the best of my memory.

    Thanks for rememboring the Lidos, J.C.

  2. Does anyone know how to contact Dwight Silvis? If his mother’s name was Margaret Johnson, I have a nursing graduate picture of her. She was my Mom’s childhood friend. Thank you, Karen

    1. No one I know has seen or heard from Dwight for at least 30 years. Yes his mother (via adoption) was Margret. She passed away in the mid 1970s in Colorado and his father (John) passed away in Colorado at least 10 plus years ago. That is all I know.

    2. Wow! Dwight Silvis- now there’s a blast from the past. My husband (deceased) and I shared MANY good times with him from ~1988 thru 2002. At that time (2002), Dwight had been living with us for about 6 months. Then, as mysteriously as he had shown up on our doorstep, he bought a cheap, but liveable Airstream, hitched it to his car, & was gone. I tried to locate him when my husband died in 2010 (they had been close in the past)- but no luck. And nothing since. If you’re still interested in locating Dwight, I might be able to give you a starting point or two. Feel free to email, text or phone me. My name is Sam Kelm; 217-801-0203;

  3. This is an old site but anyone know how to get in touch with either Gary?
    My father is Robert from the Lidos and has been trying to find them.

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