The Liberty Lads “Too Much Loving” on Dixon

The Liberty Lads, from left: Andy Arguello, Eddie Williams, John Lujan, George Tomelloso, and Mike Mendoza. Photo courtesy of Vicki Bowlin

George Tomelloso, lead guitar and vocals
Andy Arguello, guitar
Mike Mendoza, guitar
Eddie Williams, bass
John Lujan, drums

The Liberty Lads were from the Liberty Farms and Dixon area east of Vacaville. In 1965, like many bands from the area, they recorded at Bill Rase’s studio on Franklin Blvd in Sacramento, a package deal of a few hours recording time and 45s on a custom label to sell at their shows.

George Tomelloso, who passed away some time ago, wrote both sides of their only release. “Too Much Loving” has great tension created by the repetitive bass line and sitar-like lead guitar line. The immense reverb makes the sparse instrumentation seem even thinner. The vocals don’t start until nearly a minute in, and Tomelloso delivers them in a weird snarl with another member echoing the lines deep in the background. A lone handclap accompanies the chorus. At 3:55 this is one of the longest independent singles of the day, and unlike any surf music ever recorded.

All the qualities that make “Too Much Loving” so great are nearly absent on the flip, “I Need Believe In”, a ballad that drags along for over three minutes with only a fine reverb guitar sound to help it along.

The excellent Big Beat CD The Sound of Young Sacramento has a great photo of the group, along with thirty great tracks by bands from the region, and I recommend it highly.

Eddie Williams (Eddie Guilherme) joined the Tears who cut “Weatherman” on Scorpio and “Rat Race” on Onyx.

Thank you to Vicki Bowlin for the photo of the group at top. Vicki commented below that her mother Bobbi Madrid helped manage the band, and had them practice at their house in Vallejo.

22 thoughts on “The Liberty Lads “Too Much Loving” on Dixon”

  1. They were a great band this is my cousin George Tomelloso which has passed already but they all were a great band. Would like to know how to get the records.

    1. Mary, they were a great band. I remember them so very well from my teenage years in Fairfield. They used to play at the now defunct Armijo Auditorium every year. I loved them. I also enjoyed hearing them at the Dixon May Fair. Soooo many great memories. I wish to pass along all my good wishes to your family and all the surviving members of the band…the GREAT band. God bless you all.

      Jim Parks

  2. Actually, I played the keyboard (Vox Continental Organ), a little Bass (very little), sang some background and a few songs.
    George was (and always will be) the foundation of the Liberty Lads. He was gifted with a soul for music (vocal, writer and virtually any musical instrument he laid his hands on). Johnny played drums (Ludwigs); Andy played Rhythm Guitar ( I believe it was a Vox); Eddie played Bass (maybe Fender, I don’t really remember). Along the way Benny Saragosa (from Dixon) came along and added to our team his skills on Bass, Flute, and Saxophone.
    We did travel some and performed at various events throughout California…
    Those were the days, since most of us worked out in the fields hoeing weeds, picking tomatoes, irrigating, etc. It was a dream that actually came true for each of us.

    Thank you for remembering
    An Old Lad 🙂

    1. hey my mom was bobbi madrid at the time when she was helping manage and having you practice at our house in vallejo ca. I have fun memories of you all playing . I still have a couple photos of your band. I also remember all the fun times at all the fairs we would go to back in the old happy go lucky times. We recently lost her in 2020 and just a shout out to thank you for giving her good memories of good ole vallejo ca. One of the Madrid kids.

    2. The best memories I ever had living in Dixon. They were the top band in the county. Always played at our school dances and Carl’s fun Center. I used to hear them Practice at Michael Mendoza house down the street from where I lived. So many fond memories of that band. I have there photo from the newspaper. Thank you so much to the group for bringing those great memories to a small town and as far as i am concerned they are in my Hall of fame for a wonderful band. Thank you Liberty Lads.ⁿ

  3. Wow, this really brings back memories for me. When I knew the Liberty Lads, they were known as George and the Eliminators. I’m so sorry to hear George has passed away. I can still see and hear him (and he was such a “hottie”) singing at a party I had in Davis in 1964 or so. Johnny on drums, Eddie, on the guitar, and Tom and Benny. Those were the days! Thanks for the memories! I’d love to see pictures of the group from back then. I so regret not taking any myself.

    1. Elizabeth, Dixon High School Class of 1966 is having our 50th Class reunion this summer. We are trying to locate your father John Lujan. Please send me his mailing address and phone number so we can get information to him. Thanks much.

  4. Sorry to hear of your cousins passing. I would like to know how to get the records for Libery Lads. Dixon Records – Too much loving.

  5. Remember the “Lads” so well. A fixture at the May Fair, they also came to Fairfield and played at the old Armijo Auditorium a few times. Great memories. Wonder if any of them are still active musicians. (Jim) They were bigger than the Beatles in my mind.

  6. Hello people’s this is Georges son Joseph , It’s pretty nice to see all your comments of the liberty lads . I don’t know any of you band members but would like to meet you guys , I would love to hear some of the memories you have of my dad and the band . Because my relationship with my dad was short lived ,I never got the chance to know him . So if anyone would like to contact me my # is 707 628-5187….take care much love
    aka Dj JoE Figg.

  7. George was actually my mother in law’s uncle! I’m on the hunt for this record if anyone knows where to find it! I’m trying desperately to find it so I can give it to her as a surprise Christmas present.

  8. My big brother is Michael Mendoza the key board player and sang . I would bug him to take me with him when they would practice …and he would take me! Loved watching them practice ! I was so proud of them they were huge in my eyes !

  9. from bobby ruiz

    I have a lot of memories of george tomelloso and the liberty lads when he used to play guitar. He would play johnny angel all the time, and a lot of old songs. Hed also play back his songs he wrote, and id give him my opinion on them. He and the band used to play at the dixon high school, and the old veterans hall. It would be jam packed with everybody from dixon to vacaville and all over.

    Thanks for the memories george

  10. i would like to hear from johnny lujan we all grew up together in the liberty farms my name is lupe

  11. The Greatest Local Band Ever !!!
    I have so many stories that I couldn’t possibly tell them all in such a small space What I will say is that the Liberty Lads were all friends of mine, George and I last spoke to each other 3-months before he passed away it was that day that he told me that he was very sick it was the saddest day of my life. I will never forget the good times we had, when we departed that day George turned to me and said ” Take care of yourself Night Train” a nickname he called me while we both ran track in high school.
    To all the members of the band George, Mike, Johnny, Bennie, Andy and of course Eddie thank you guys for making my teen years so special,

  12. The Liberty Lads were great! The best band in the area, for sure. They shared similar influences which shaped early Los Lobos. Both played Richie Valen’s La Bomba and Oh Donna with authenticity. The had the real “feel” for Wooly Bully. George played a mean Misirlou, he could play all styles from surf to the Beatles, and of course also wrote his own songs. Someone mentioned the Eliminators, and I recall first seeing them in the original High School auditorium near the main entrance, across from the office, Fall ’64. The Eliminators/Lads also won the Lions Club talent show, covering the Beatles “From Me To You.” They packed the Summer dances at the Old Vets Hall in the ’65-66 years.
    A memorable night was the “League Battle of the Bands”at Dixon’s Madden Hall, with a band in every corner,. (from Clarksburg, Rio Vista, etc. ) The Lads played last, and when they started with “Honey Don’t”, the crowd went crazy…of course they won the battle. George led a great band that combined cultural influences and styles. For the young teen years they were the band that led the scene in Dixon and surrounding areas.

  13. Andy I still want my ‘Beach Boys’ Albums back.
    Mike ‘Thank you for your service’. Glad Griggsbe gave you the job at the post office. Anyone know what happened to Dale Minor.
    John, how is your wrist these days? Glad you stopped the knife fight in the alley in Davis. SoNrry you got kicked off the school bus by Mr. Moore for slugging me.
    George, turn down your bass volume.
    Liberty Island is now flooded and the bridge is blocked, the ferry is gone.

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