The Huns came from Arlington Heights, Illinois, a suburb NW of Chicago, most of them students at St. Viator High School, class of 1969. They cut one of the best double-sided 45s of the ’60s, the incredible, blasting “Destination Lonely” with the more tuneful “Winning Ticket.”
Members were:
David Grundhoefer – vocals
Bob Dempsey – lead guitar
Mark Abate – rhythm guitar
Bill McCaffrey – bass (also spelled Bill McCaffery in one source)
Herb Klein – drums

An article in the Roselle Register from May 24, 1967 states that they made their first appearance at the Plum Grove Club in October 1965. It also goes on to say “they have cut one record and made the arrangements for the release of another.”
The article states that the members “recall the Oasis Drive-In Battle of the Bands last August [1966] as its first big step. WNWC sponsored the contest and the Huns were among the top five finalists from 67 entries. They went on to take top billing … and won the record contract.”
“‘Destination Lonely,’ written by Dave and Mark, was cut at Sheldon Recording Studios in Old Town. Distributed under the ROCK N’ JAZZ label, the record gained popularity here and in Milwaukee but could not be played on either WCFL or WLS due to lack of a copyright.”

“In the words of Dave [Grundhoefer], ‘We started after Saturday’s Children but changed to more abstract folk in the lyrics, an obscure tough of Dylan.’ As examples he cites three new Huns songs: ‘Look My Way,’ ‘My Life’ and ‘Did You Believe Me?'”
“Their equipment, built up over the last 18 months, now totals over $5,000. … ‘Most of our earnings have gone into equipment’ said bass guitarist Bill McCaffrey.'”
Another article in the Daily Herald states that the band had played the Hut, the Cellar, and “are schedule to play with the Cryan’ Shames at the New Place in Cary.”
Dave Grundhoefer and Mark Abate wrote “Destination Lonely” and Grundhoefer wrote “Winning Ticket,” both published by RNJ Pub, BMI.

The Huns released their single in November, 1966 in two different versions: first with blue labels with a dry sound (no reverb), and then with red labels with added reverb on the vocals and jet noise overdubbed on “Winning Ticket.”
The blue label has a slightly different intro to “Destination Lonely”: the opening chord is struck twice, while the red version has a leading chord before striking the next chord two times.
Other than that, and the reverb added to the lead guitar and vocals, I can’t detect a significant difference in these versions of “Destination Lonely.”
The blue labels include “S-4923” and “S-4924” which indicates it was pressed at Sheldon in Chicago.
The red labels include “SS-8668-01A/B” which is supposed to indicate this single was recorded and pressed by Stereo Sound in Chicago.
However the versions are so close, that I do not think the entire song was rerecorded at Stereo Sound. I believe it’s possible that the lead guitar and lead vocal were both re-recorded over the original backing track done at Sheldon. That would explain the difference in the striking of the opening chords.
I haven’t heard the blue label version of Winning Ticket – any difference besides the overdubs?
The blue label version is considered much rarer than the already-scarce red label copies.
Rock n’ Jazz Records released 45s by the Night Watch – “The Goods Gone” (by Forbes – Loesch – Hanson) / “Shake”; the Perpetual Motion – “You Hurt Me” / “Sally Brown”; and one by Ray Smithers and the Perpetual Motion – “I Remember” / “We Will Share”.
“We Will Share and “Sally Brown” are original songs by Mertes and Saranpos, “You Hurt Me” by Saranpos alone. Publishing on all Rock n’ Jazz singles except the Huns was by Freemont Music.
I believe Ray Smithers owned the Rock n’ Jazz label, as the photo at top notes the Ray Smithers Revue. I haven’t seen any records by the Marie Antoinettes though!

I read some stories in Fuzz, Acid and Flowers about the group that I’m a little skeptical of: that they wore “animal skins with bleached white hair,” that “Robert Dempsey took guitar lessons from Ted Nugent … he apparently helped his student by writing some of the guitar solos for the 45.”
I also read that some years later they released a 45 for Ampex as Greenwood County Farm, but Roy Vombrack wrote to me to clarify: “that was a separate group that had former Huns singer Dave Grundhofer as lead vocalist. Greenwood County Farm released a Bill Traut-produced single “The Man”/”I Wish I Knew You” with Dave on lead. I was the tenor sax player. The band later became Greenwood & then morphed into Jamestown Massacre which later became Mariah.”
Thank you to Paul Sullivan for sending in the photo at top of what appears to be the Huns, listed on the sign behind the band as David and the Huns. Bob Dempsey has commented on youtube that this is his group of Huns from Arlington Heights, not the Ithaca, NY group.
Pressing info from the very informative Anoraks Corner.