The Henchmen of Ogden, Utah

Henchmen Guillotine 45 Come On Let's GoThere were many bands called the Henchmen throughout the U.S. in the ’60s, but this one came from Ogden, Utah.

Gary MacShara wrote in a comment below:

The “45 … was recorded at a studio at the University of Utah.

The group consisted of 5 students from Ben Lomond High School in Ogden Utah. The members were Tom Whitimore, Rick Wessler, Paul Quigley, Gary MacShara,and lead vocalist Von Nielson.

Henchmen Guillotine 45 So LonelyThe group broke up after High School. The highlite of there career was a session with the Liverpool Five. The low point was when we took the record to a Salt Lake
radio station and the jock in the studio played it and said quote,”After reading the article in [Billboard] I expected something better.”

If anyone has more info or photos of the band, or better scans of the 45, please contact me.

Because the comments below were almost entirely about the band from Utah, I have moved the original group featured in this post to a new page.

20 thoughts on “The Henchmen of Ogden, Utah”

  1. I have a 45 (7″ single) from a band called the Henchmen on Guillotine Records 6-6489 of Ogden, Utah. A Billboard Magazine article mentions the release of the record in April of 1966. Could be a different group, but Utah borders New Mexico, so I guessing it’s the same band. The Billboard story says they were a Salt Lake City band, but I bet promo materials were sent to New Mexico and Texas. It’s the only mention of a garage rock band called The Henchmen I can find. Tracks are “Slow Down” and “So Lonely” (Hollies cover I think).

    Here’s the link to the Billboard article.

    Would be interested if anyone knows more. It’s an awesome 45! Email if you know more to

    1. Do y’all have any for sale from the Henchmen on Guilotine records? When I was like 5 years old the band played and rehearsed at my parents house. My brother Bruce was their manager. I’ve been searching for the singles for ever. Thanks, Ryan

  2. That Billboard article is wrong on the facts. Always sounds better if you ignore your own history when it comes to promotion, you don’t wanna say something like “Our first release stiffed”. Better to ignore it altogether.

    This group called Hentchmen had a single issued on the Guillotine label which came out in July, 1965: a remake of “Come On Let’s Go” paired with a remake of “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow”. The better side is “Come On Let’s Go”. The Shirelles remake is tepid, a real snoozer.
    The second 45 again pairs two remakes, with the Hollies remake getting the slight edge.

    There are other singles on this label as well, some non rock & roll (country-western) including my vote for the best garage sounding one by far: the Fabulous Morticians, from Iowa.

    As for the Hentchmen, jury is still out as to their origins for certain. I don’t subscribe to guesstimations and random speculation. Until someone comes up with proof beyond a doubt, then these Henchmen could be from any state in the midwest / great plains, or beyond.

  3. Doug the “45” you mention was recorded at a studio at the University of Utah. The group consisted of 5 students from Ben Lomond High School in Ogden Utah.The members were Tom Whitimore,Rick Wessler,Paul Quigley,Gary MacShara,and lead vocalist Von Nielson.There was a followup called “C’mon.”The group
    broke up after High School.The highlite of there career was a session with the Liverpool Five.The low point was when we took the record to a Salt Lake
    radio station and the jock in the studio played it and said quote,”After reading the article in Rolling Stone I expected something better.”

    Thanks for the interest


      1. Hey, my brother Bruce managed the Henchmen. I was only about five years old but I had a copy of the 45rpm Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow. It was stolen. Do you know of any copies where I might obtain one? Thanks, Ryan Unck

          1. Anyone with photos, the music or info on the Utah band the Henchmen can contact me and I will post a new page on this site for them.

            chas_kit [at]

      2. Hey Dena! I heard your Dad’s name a lot while I was growing up, my dad is Tom Whittemore. Would love to get on touch and see those photos!

    1. Hey Gary,
      My brother Bruce I believe managed either the Henchmen or Guillotine Records or both. I was only 5 years old at the time. I’ve been searching everywhere to get the 45’s. I had them but they were stolen. Do y’all know where any are available? Thanks, Ryan
      My email is

    2. Gary, this is Bruce Unck, how the hell are you……been trying to locate you for a long time. Get back and let me know how you are!!

    3. These comments are for Gary, the other members of the Henchmen band from Ogden, Utah, (I know that Paul Quigley has unfortunately passed on), and anyone else who cares. Back in the 60’s I lived on 1100 North in Ogden, Utah and would listen to the band practice through the Quigley basement windows along with all of the other neighborhood kids who would come running anytime we heard “That Sound“. It was a magical experience that we all cherished and looked forward to. I remember watching Paul occasionally run full speed and do back flips off of the outside wall of his parents house during practice breaks. I later found out that he became my wife’s tumbling coach when she was young. I also recall seeing the band on a float in an Ogden parade. I don’t know if any other band members recall an incident that I had with them, but I talked to Paul when he was working at the Roy City Complex and he said he did. Anyway… one day I was riding my bicycle down 1100 when I heard a car behind me. It startled me, and when I turned around I saw a very big black car behind me. I got scared and crashed into a chain link fence in the Elwood families front yard. Crying… I noticed someone was standing next to me. When I realized it was someone from the band, it seemed to make everything better. I have never forgotten, and will always cherish those childhood memories… including the fence. We moved away in the Fall of 1967. But “The Henchmen” of Ogden were real, and will always be a big part of my heart. I hear the music in my head every time I drive down 1100 North. Ring on “The Little Black Egg”.

  4. The Henchmen did Come On Let’s Go/Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow. I played in a band in the same town (Ogden, Utah) at the same time as the Henchmen and heard them play many time in 1965 – 68 timeframe. In fact, one of their band became our manager for awhile. I think I have a photo someplace that came with the original 45.

  5. An observation: It appears there are at least two different The Henchmen bands. The one in New Mexico and the one in Ogden, Utah. My cousin Tom Whittemore was in the Ogden band.

  6. I was married to Paul Quigley after he was in the henchman. I would love to hear the music that this band produced… How can I do that?

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