The Ducaines came from the same Bronx music scene as the Elegant Four. They recorded two songs at Variety Recording on 46th Street in Manhattan which deserved a release, but have remained unheard until this year. Founder and lead guitarist Art Lent wrote to me about his group and sent the photos seen here:
I formed the The DuCaines in 1964 and they lasted until 1969. The original members when I formed The DuCaines were Jerry Silber (bass), Charley Vicari (rhythm guitar), Joe Barbato (drums) and myself, Artie Lent, on lead guitar. I replaced Joe when I was introduced to Freddy Baroni and he played the drums at his house for us. What a great drummer!
We played many of the Catholic high school dances in the upper Bronx. We also performed at the Worlds Fair held in Queens, New York. The singer was Tony Lavell (a stage name) and the rhythm guitar was Charlie in this early group pictured at the Fair. We played on the New York State Pavillion stage.

Our very first recording, “How Do I Love Thee” was also done at Variety Recording studios in New York. I believe I was about 14 years old. The DuCaines was brand new with Joey on drums, Jerry on bass and myself on lead. I don’t believe we had a rhythm guitar yet. We were asked by a local singing group called “The Provincials” to back them up since they didn’t play instruments. They had a great lead singer. The DuCaines did a few shows with them around the high school dances. This recording [is] from my demo record so it’s a little scratchy.
The Provincials with the DuCaines – How Do I Love Thee
Freddy Baroni and bass player Jerry Silber stayed with me as I changed members during the years. I later replaced Charley and Tony with Marc Laflotte as lead singer/rhythm and Tommy Mariani on keyboard. We needed them because we wanted to do songs by the Rascals, Vanilla Fudge, Vagrants and other similar bands. We later bought a Hammond B3 like many other top bands back then like the Rascals. We were the house band for many of the WMCA Good Guy radio shows at the high schools. We played in concert at Cardinal Spellman High School as the opening band for The Vagrants.
We later lost Marc for some reason and Joey (?) came in as lead singer and rhythm guitar. These are the members that recorded two songs I wrote and copyrighted at Variety Recording studios in 1966 or 1967, “Little Angel” and “I’m New”.
The DuCaines – I’m New
The DuCaines – Little AngelWe only had demo records made at Variety, we never had the record pressed into a 45 for release. We were waiting to get some more songs together. I took the original Scotch 8 track tape to a studio in Tampa Florida just a few weeks ago and after much work was able to get it to play. He moved the two recordings after 45 years plus to a digital software and him and I sat in his studio and remixed each track for 2 1/2 hours.
A few months after the recording our bass player left for the Army. Joey filled in on bass and sang lead. He left for school soon after Jerry returned from Army reserve training. Then I left to join the US Marines and went to Vietnam. The band broke up a few months later. The DuCaines merged with The Elegant Four after I left to join the Marine Corps. I believe the Elegant Four were calling themselves Windigo at the time.
Art Lent
Update, January 2011:
Fred Baroni’s stepdaughter wrote to say Fred passed away of esophageal cancer in April of 1995 at the young age of 45.

Artie Lent sent in these photos of him and his son on stage with the Bronx Wanderers. Artie writes, “these are the pictures of when my son played on stage with me this past February 2020. He’s playing the Fender Jazzmaster that I played in the 1960’s with The DuCaines.” Read Jason’s blog post on the Ducaines & the ’60s Bronx music scene.

I remember the Ducaines from dances at Our Lady of Solace in Morris Park in the Bronx in the late 60s..
Terrific picture of them- they were really great! Two other bands that played there around that time were the Five to One Odds and the Purple Haze.
That was a very special time for live music with many nights of Battle of the Bands.
carolann, I use to attend Our Lady of Salace dances often back then, only I didn’t get to dance to often because I was playing guitar and singing lead for “Mozarts People” . It seems if I remember things correctly, and it has been quite a long time……..that’s why I quit the “Ducaines” as rhythm guitarist. And my name is spelled Marc Laflotte not Mark Lafloat. “Mozarts People” we were the band with the harpsicord, played Our Lady of Solace every other week. And the battles of the bands were held often. We use to come in first and second all the time with the band “the Savages”. My friend Billy Killoran played the Vox Continental keyboard in that band and sang lead. He now plays with the old lead guitarist from the “Vanilla Fudge”. Glen and Mario were the two guys at Our Lady of Salace who boooked all the bands, wonder how there doing. A year or so later, after winning a series of battle of the bands contests “Mozarts People” went on to represent the bronx at the Central Park Battle of the bands contest. Mozarts People won the “Bell” recording contract and went on to record two songs in the studio, “Suicide” and “The grass won’t Grow” before breaking up and reforming. I remained in the band for a few more years. We replaced musicians and kept playing as “Mozarts People.
Pete, I was one of the ones lifting the B3 with Tommy when we played out, it didn’t seem to bother us too much and the sound that came out of the leslie cabinets was great! Nothing could compare to it, so it was worth lifting. The band I joined after the DuCaines, Mozarts People also switched from harpsicord to a B3, eventually.
I wanna stop right here for a moment……….A chill just went up and down my spine. I can’t believe what I just read about Freddy! I would have loved to see his smile again and catch up. What an impressive, animated drummer………..he could play the hell out of Wipeout. And we loved to show him off!!!
Wondered whatever happened to you after you left “Just Five”.
I haven’t checked in on this site in a while but when I read about Dino Dinelli passing today 12/15/22, I couldn’t help but think of Freddie and him telling me had spent summers at the same location as Dion.
That’s Dino Dinelli.
LOL, hey this is GREAT! Marc, we did a B.O.B with you guys at St, Helena’s and at Mount St. Michael, LOL. Tommy White was in my class back then, and we used to laugh about all the B.O.B.s that were around, yet the only PAYING gigs were Solace and “Beer Bashs” at Fordham, LOL… I remember you had a blond thin lead guitar player back then that used to mute his strings with a piece of foam, when you played “Henry VIII, I Am” LOLOLOLOLOL. I remember Billy’s VOX, as he was the only kid that HAD one. At the B.O.B. in Mt. St. Michael we were “The Beauvilles”, LOL and for St. Helena’s we had added a piece and became “The 5th Generation”, TOO FUNNY… (BTW, I also remember you guys doing the Animals “Don’t Bring Me Down”, LOL) AMAZING…
Was there a guy named Richi Smith, thin, long black hair, always wore leather pointed boots, flashy shirts, from the Bronx, played guitar in the band “Mozart’s People”?
So glad to have found this site. Artie and I not only went to school together and erre friends but both were in the USMC and Vietnam but not together. I still remember being the DuCaines roadie for many a gig and watching over Artie’s girlfriend, Barbara (?) as he played and so glad when they replaced their B3 with a smaller electric organ. Sorry to hear about Freddie he was a fantastic drummer. Good times and loved those Battle of the Bands.
Hey Pete, I am the son of Art and Barbara so thanks for looking after her while he was rocking the dances! Worked out good for me.
Hi Jason,
Believe me, it was my pleasure to be there for such an important duty. I did it willfully. No doubt you have to be one talented young man with the parents you have. Are you a guitar slinger, too? It’s in your genes to be a good one.
Wish you much success,
Hi Pete,
My parents were kind enough to let me bang on drums when I was young. Dad (Art) took me to lots of shows when I was young from Whitesnake to Madonna so I’ve always been a music geek. I recorded an album in Colorado with a band while still playing drums. These days, I’m playing bass in a Vegas band called Sweetest Morphine. I didn’t get my dad’s talent so it’s just for fun. I am a music writer and toured with a band called Cowboy Junkies in 2010 as a journalist writing for their website. My “real” job is managing the Hard Rock Cafe on the Vegas Strip. It keeps me busy and around great music!
Hi Pete, Let me know what happened to Freddy. you can email me at arthur_lent@bellsouth.net
Hi Pete,
I just reread the update regarding Freddy passing away. I didn’t notice it last time. Thanks for your comments and help on the road. I still play my guitars almost every day at home in my studio. Still love it. All the best. Artie
Hi Artie,
Sent you an e-mail to the address you gave. Glad to hear that you”re still playing maintaining your great talent. Are you playing professionally still or have you given up the glamour?
If you’re still playing let me know because it would be great to hear you, again. Keep in touch. Maybe FB?
Take care,
Hi Jason, I’m Marc, one of the rhythm guitarist/lead singers for the DuCaines from the past. I only recently discovered this site, after entering the name of the band into Youtube and coming up with the Ducanes from 1961, I almost gave up. After a respelling attempt I seem to have made a discovery. After all these years……..it’s like I’m having a flashback!! It’s great. Your Artie’s son! I can’t wait to talk to your dad. I have a son also. His name is Logan. Check out his band “Paulson” online. I think you might find them really interesting. Logan is the lead singer and writer of all the songs. Most music sites have there CD’s.
Listening to Paulson on my Spotify account right now. Cool sound! Reminds me a bit of Circa Survive on first listen.
Hi Marc,
Hi Marc, You were in the studio with my dad, who was a Provincial. That day your band recorded, How do I love thee and Gloria. My father sang the lead in Gloria. His name is Glenn Delancey (same name as mine). Do you have a copy you can somehow share with me or this website of Maria? I would love to play it again for my dad who no longer has any copies of the recording. You can also email me at glennanddebbiedelancey@yahoo.com Thank you for your time, Glenn
Artie, It’s me Marc Laflotte…….you mispelled my name. I forgive you! I screwed up the spelling of “Our Lady of Solace” and I was a catholic school boy for 10 years. It’s definitely getting late and I wanted to finish up. I have so many questions………how’s Tommy and Jerry doing today? Did they get married and have kids? I miss you guys. Let’s have a reunion or something. Though without Freddy, it’ll be bittersweet. He was everything you wanted in a drummer and more……………. Contact me at marcafterdarc@gmail.com
I’d like to see that reunion! I’ll fill in on drums or bass if needed!
Jason, Some exciting news………Jerry’s son Erick contacted me and said his dad is alive and well. I couldn’t believe it! I think he lives in Ohio now after moving out of New York years ago. He’s retired and I’m trying to get in touch with him through his son. I don’t know if your dad has spoken to him yet or I’m the first one he contacted. I’m really excited that three of us are now accounted for. That leaves Tommy the keyboard player yet to be found!
Hey Jason, did you ever have that reunion? I can’t believe I haven’t been back to this site in so long. I have to check at least once a month. Artie, are you on FB? I tried looking.
Wow, you guys were good. I worked with Jerry and he told me about the band numerous times. Hope you can find more recordings.
Was “Joey” the rhythym guitarist/vocalist Joe Bonfiglio?
Charlie’s last name was/is Vicari. Artie, this is Joe Barbato. I ‘ve been reading the comments on here and just want to say, it is nice to reminisce, brought back a lot of memories. I am sorry to hear about Freddy. Kathy & I are living in Florida now. Send me an E-mail so we can catch up. Great finding you on here. Regards, Joe
My dad was Charlie Vicari. I’m Brian, his son. I would LOVE to get pictures if you have any. Sadly he passed back in ’98 at age 51.
Hi Artie, it was great to listen to “How do I Love Thee.” FYI… Tony Lavelle’s real name was/is Tony Bavaro. He taught me how to play drums when I was 13 years old. We stayed in touch for many years but then we lost touch with him. Our attempts to locate him failed. Regards, Joe
Hi Joey,
My son forwarded your comments to me by email. My wife Kathy and I also live in Florida. We are in the Brooksville/Spring Hill area on the West Coast. I’m still performing on stage in the area. Contact me at arthur_lent@bellsouth.net and give me your phone number and let’s talk. I spoke with Jerry, Mark and Jimmy Shaw just recently.
While searching out articles on the 1964 Worlds Fair I am astonished to find this DuCaines website.
I was a little kid and I lived around the corner on Allerton Ave.
In 1964 every kid at ten years old wanted to play the guitar and be in a band.
To this day I have never seen the DuCaines . But I would stand and listen from in front of the house on Hone Avenue between Mace and Allerton. Iwanted to be them !My first live rock band.! Beautiful house they would practice upstairs above the gararge. There is a statue of a concrete deer that is still in that yard today.
I eventually went to Empire State Music school on Allerton between Hone and Paulding. I learned to play the guitar.
I was too young for the Our Lady of Solace “psychedelic dances”. I only heard about them.
I went to nearby St Lucy where me and my classmates played the new folk masses. We all still play today.
Looking at the Worlds Fair photo I am drooling over the vintage Fender equipment .
Thanks so much guys.. It’s been a great ride.
Hi Dan,
Thanks for your comment. I was the lead guitar player for the DuCaines. That was Freddy’s house, our drummer. Which we knew you wanted to listen to us. We would have invited you up to Freddy’s music room.
My long time friend dan d. told me to check your page out ARTIE LENT. your Drummer freddy Barone was an awesome drummer back in the days , when we use to go and listen to you guys play from my grandmothers yard , bac on hone ave. you guys were the bomb back then and i sure would have liked to hear more of the music first hand. i just wanted to tell you about those days back in the good old bronx.
Artie ,
How did your band come up with the name DuCaines?
I like the beginning drum intro in Little Angel , nice pick up. I seem to recognize Freddy . The people in the neighborhood remember the band. How did you get a gig at the Worlds Fair?
What cover songs did you do when you played the high school circuit in the Bronx 1960’s? There was timeless melodic music back then and I am wondering if the tunes you did as new stand up today as “oldies”.
Hi Dan,
Jimmy Skau, The DuCaines manager, and I were watching a band at a high school dance and a friend of ours suggested the name while we were brain storming what to call our newly formed band. Jimmy Skau is the true founder of The DuCaines. He heard that I played guitar and asked if i wanted to be in a band that he was putting together. He visited all the schools and handed out cards and talked up the new band. If it wasn’t for Jimmy, there would have been no DuCaines. Jimmy saw an Ad in the newspaper advertising for groups to play at the Worlds Fair. Jimmy filled out and submitted the proper forms and The DuCaines were approved to play. All the hit songs we played back then are classics today. I still perform today using the DuCaines name and play the same songs. I just use backing tracts behind me and play lead guitar and sing.
Great memories.
Just found out Tony Bavaro passed away two years ago at the age of 64. You might have forgotten that Mike O’ Connor was in the original band with you and me .
Went to NYC in March and searched for the recording studio where the band recorded. The building is gone and a parking lot now takes up the area. Bummer!
I just found this site. My dad (Glenn G. Delancey) was in the group called The Provincials. I’m going to surprise him next time I see him and play- How Do I Love Thee! Does anyone have any other recordings by The Provincials? Do any of the Ducaines remember my dad? Anyone have any photos of The Provincials?
Hi Glenn,
I only can picture the lead singer of The Provincials. Was your Dad one of the Background singers? They were friends of our manager Jim Shah who passed away recently. I don’t have any other recordings or pictures. I know we recorded “Gloria” in the studio that day but I don’t have the recording. If he has the recording or pictures of his group please email them to arthurlent@gmail.com
That’s my current email address. The Bellsouth hasn’t been used in years.
Wow , I haven’t looked at this site in a while and just as I did (LAST WEEK), you replied lol. My father sung back up. I played How do I love thee for him and he loved it. I don’t have the Gloria recording but I know the song well. He has been singing it my whole life. Thanks Glenn
Have your Dad email me at. arthurlent@gmail.com with his phone number. I would love to talk with him.
I remember Joey Downs being in the Ducaines when I met them and sat in on band practice on Home Avenue. Am I correct?
We did have a Joey play guitar and sing lead at the time we were recording. I forgot his last name. I haven’t heard from him.