The Bacardis 45 on Midgard, “This Time” / “Don’t Sell Yourself” is one of the classics of mid-60s independent singles. “This Time” is a beautiful folk-rock original, very much inspired by the Byrds but with a haunting quality to the vocals that makes it stand out. The b-side gets more attention from garage collectors, for its unison bass and drum hook, great guitar break, and ragged lead vocal.
Incredibly rare, it is also one of the few ‘garage’ 45s from this time to sell for over $3,000 at auction.
The RCA mastering number TK4M-6763/4 shows Midgard Records owner Chuck Regenberg sent this tape to RCA’s Indianapolis plant at the same time as fellow Midgard release the Suns of Mourning which is TK4M-6765/6. Both are late 1966 custom pressings. The production listing “IPPRU” is just an abbreviation for “Div. of International Promotion Production and Recording Unlimited”.
For ages record collectors knew nothing about this band. There are no names on the label to help track it. The Midgard label was from Madison, WI, but the band most certainly was not. One source told me Bun E. Carlos of Cheap Trick remembers a band called the Bacardis playing around the Rockford area when he was young. He didn’t know any of the group though.
Then I received this photo of the Light Brigade from Illinois, and we found the group that had originally been called the Bacardis. The band members included Charlie Leeuw, Larry Walters, John Shaw, Bill Throckmorton and Chuck Miller. After changing their name to the Light Brigade, they eventually broke up sometime in the early ’70s.
Chuck Miller contacted me with this info about the group:
My name is Chuck Miller. I was the bass player in the Bacardis and Light Brigade. That’s me at the top of the Brown Jug clipping. I joined the Bacardis when I was stationed at Chanute AFB in Rantoul, Ill in 1966. At that time they were four guys who were also stationed at Chanute.
“This Time” was written by Larry Walters when we were living together in an apartment in Rantoul. It was recorded at the band rehearsal hall at Chanute AFB in 1967.
I believe “Don’t Sell Yourself” was written by Larry and Charlie. I think it was recorded at one of the places we played but not sure where. Both songs were band demos to get jobs and never intended to be made into a record.
I will dig through my attic to find any pictures I have of the group.
Chuck Miller
In Febuary 2013, Charles Leeuw wrote to me about the band:
Just thought I’d fill in some names to go with the flyer of the Light Brigade at the Brown Jug. “The Jug” was just off campus and a predecessor to the Red Lion and Chances R.
Chuck Miller – bass guitar, sometime lead guitar and vocals
Tom Becker- Hammond B3, Fender Rhodes, vocals. Tom replaced John Shaw our original keyboard player in the Bacardi’s
Larry Walters – lead guitar, originator of the band, vocals and songwriter
Charlie Leeuw (Chas) – lead vocal
Bill Throckmorton- drums, sometime keyboardJim Murn was our original rhythm guitar player and an original member, but our first keyboard player was John Shaw, who replaced Jim Murn and also played rhythm guitar and was backup vocalist. By the time of the Brown Jug billboard, Tom Becker was our keyboard player. I strongly believe John Shaw was keyboard on the Midgard record.
More info has come in on the comments below. Hopefully we’ll see more photos of the Bacardis soon.
Source: news clipping from Hollywood Hangover.
My name is Chuck Miller and I was the bass player in the Bacardis and The Light Brigade from late 1966 to 1970.
I was stationed at Chanute AFB, as a electronics instructor, in 1966 and use to hang out at Daves Music store in Rantoul on my off time.
My only possession from civilian life was a Fender Six, bass guitar which I use to play back home in Buffalo, NY.
One evening I was sitting in Dave’s music, restringing the guitar, when Larry Walters came in to buy some picks.
We struck up a conversation and he asked me if I would like to come and sit in with his group, The Bacardis, at a roadhouse call the Junction in Champagne on Thursday night.
Of course I would never pass up a chance to play,(anyone who is a musician will understand)so that Thursday a friend and I went.
When the band started playing I noticed that they did not have a bass player. Instead the rhythm guitar player played with the treble on his amp set to zero and the bass control turned up.
At this point the band consisted of Larry Walters on lead guitar, Bill Throckmorton on drums and Farfisa organ (one handed while keeping the beat), Charlie Liew singing lead, and Jim Murn rhythm guitar. They were all stationed at the base’s hospital squadron. They played a mix of top forty and oldies.
After the set ended Larry introduced me to the band and I sat in and played two songs.
A few days later I got at the phone call on base from Dave Barnett asking me if I would meet Larry at the store that week. I met Larry at the store and he asked me if I would like to join the band, gave me song list, and told me they were playing Thursday’s and Saturday’s at twenty-five dollars a night.
Obviously I joined.
More to come………………….
Hi Chuck, I am Jim Murn’s Brother, Jerry. My sister found this post. Our family came down to Chanute AF Base for I believe a Family Event. You guys were playing at The Brown Jug. Although I was only 10 or 11, they let us in the bar because of Jim. That was the only time we saw you guys. I do have a 7″ open reel recording of the band at “Sig Ep” Frat House at the University of Illinois. I wrote a note on the box of the members, Jim at Rhythm, Charlie lead vocals, you on Bass and Bill Throckmorten on drums. You guys got so hammered! This brings back so many memories. Thanks for writing this. If you come up with anything of the band, i would appreciate if you could send it to me. I’m on Facebook or my email is jmun@cox.net or text my phone 602-904-3485. Jim has been gone for a long time but I think about him all the time.
Thank you so much
I’m very happy and excited to finally see the mystery of the Bacardis being solved. Because their release was on a Wisconsin label, they are included in my second WI book, but with almost no additional info.
I look forward to more info from Chuck. Did you or any of the other members record as members of any other bands?
Gary E. Myers / MusicGem
Chuck has not yet stated if his group recorded those songs.
I have seen the moniker Bacardis used a few times by groups that did not end up releasing a 45.
This was the Bacardis that recorded this record.
“This Time” was written by Larry Walters when he & I lived together in an apartment in Rantoul. (we were still all in the air force at that time)
It was recorded at the band rehearsal hall at Chanute AFB in 1966.
“Don’t Sell Yourself” was written by Larry and Charlie. I think it was also recorded at the band rehearsal hall or one of the places we played (Brown Jug,
Red Lion) but not sure where. That’s me doing the count-in ala Paul McCartney “Saw Her Standing There”.
The tapes were given to Midgard records by our manager Jim Crill.
Both songs were band demo’s to get jobs and never intended to be made into a record.
Chuck –
Great info, thanks for coming on here to let us fanatics know the details.
I have the 45, it is one of my all time favorite 1960s records. Thankfully your manager sent the two songs off to have it pressed up onto a 45.
The Bacardis mystery foiled all of my varied sleuthing efforts to find out the identity and locale of the group for over 20 years!
Hope to see more pictures!
Mike, would you be willing to have the 45 recorded as I would like a copy. I was the manager of the band and actually Irv Azoff and I flew to New York deal seeking but we had a hard time as the British Invasion was well underway and made it challenging for US bands. We operated out of the Urbana campus of the Univ of Illinois and the Bacardis (Light Brigade) were Air Force personnel and the drummer was with the local Air Force band. Most of us were medical squadron personnel. I believe we recorded that 45 in a very funky semi studio environment. Very unsophisticated equipment and very rehearsal type of undertaking. More info if desired. It would be a welcome effort to obtain a copy of the recording.
Would you be willing to copy the songs and send it. Thanks, jim crill
I could fill you in on more knowledge of the band should you wish.
Hi Jim,
I have MP3 files of the two songs.
I can email them to you if you want.
Chuck memory stimulation and would you send a copy and if you desire we should speak. Email j@crill.us for number exchange
My best your family
Hello Jim this a copy of a message I set to Chuck. I will copied it to the others who were with the band.
Chuck, I am Jim Murn’s Brother, Jerry. My sister found this post. Our family came down to Chanute AF Base for I believe a Family Event. You guys were playing at The Brown Jug. Although I was only 10 or 11, they let us in the bar because of Jim. That was the only time we saw you guys. I do have a 7″ open reel recording of the band at “Sig Ep” Frat House at the University of Illinois. I wrote a note on the box of the members, Jim at Rhythm, Charlie lead vocals, you on Bass and Bill Throckmorten on drums. You guys got so hammered! This brings back so many memories. Thanks for writing this. If you come up with anything of the band, i would appreciate if you could send it to me. I’m on Facebook or my email is jmun@cox.net or text my phone 602-904-3485. Jim has been gone for a long time but I think about him all the time.
Thank you so much
Chuck – you mentioned living in Rantoul, IL.
I have a 45 released in 1966 by a group based in that town, they were called the Quaternotes. A guy named Fred Shear was in this group – might you recall these guys?
I’m wondering why your manager did not opt to send the two songs to the guy who operated Rofran Recording Studios, located right in Champaign. There were a bunch of 45s released from groups who recorded at his studio. The Quaternotes recorded their two songs there.
Chuck, if it’s OK I’d like to ask a few more questions about the band. If you’d prefer to do it off site, please email me at gem777@earthlink.net
Gary E. Myers / MusicGem
Wow, lots of memories here, contact me direct at tbilly_2002@yahoo.com
and we can try to catch up.
Hello Bill, this a copy of the message I sent to Chuck.
Chuck, I am Jim Murn’s Brother, Jerry. My sister found this post. Our family came down to Chanute AF Base for I believe a Family Event. You guys were playing at The Brown Jug. Although I was only 10 or 11, they let us in the bar because of Jim. That was the only time we saw you guys. I do have a 7″ open reel recording of the band at “Sig Ep” Frat House at the University of Illinois. I wrote a note on the box of the members, Jim at Rhythm, Charlie lead vocals, you on Bass and Bill Throckmorten on drums. You guys got so hammered! This brings back so many memories. Thanks for writing this. If you come up with anything of the band, i would appreciate if you could send it to me. I’m on Facebook or my email is jmun@cox.net or text my phone 602-904-3485. Jim has been gone for a long time but I think about him all the time.
Thank you so much
Thanks Mike,
It was really great to hear these songs once more. They have brought back many great memories of that time and place in my life.
Hi Gary,
I woud be glad to answer any questions you have.
Hi Mike,
I don’t remember the Quaternotes but the name Fred Shear rings a bell for some reason.
Is it possible we ran into each other at Chanute, AFB or Daves Music in Rantol.
I think our manager knew someone at Midgard records and that was why the record was released by them. (Its’ been 40+ years so my memory is a bit fuzzy) 🙂
Thanks, Chuck.
1. Is it correct that the personnel on the record are: Charlie Liew – voc, Larry Walters – ld gtr, Jim Murn – rh gtr, you – bs, Bill Throckmorton – dr?
2. What about John Shaw?
3. Did you, or any of the others that you know of, record as a member of any other band?
4. Did the band ever do any TV or appear with any name artists?
5. How long did the band exist as the Bacardis?
6. Do you still play? If not, when was the last time?
And FYI, the owner of Midgard was Chuck Regenberg of Madison, WI, who recorded as Joules Regen. He moved to L.A., around ’67, and took his own life in ’85.
Gary E. Myers / MusicGem
Hi Chuck Miller ! ! !Bill Thrickmorton… and other GarageHangover surfers. Wow, I am so excited to have found you here through Bill Throckmorton (Throck), who contacted me and told me about Garagehangover. Chas Kit, this is a cool site. I was the vocalist (lead singer) in the Bacardis of Chanute AFB and Rantoul,Illinois, later to become the Light Brigade of Champaign, Ill. Like you Chuck, I’m memory challenged. I can add some info about our band but unfortunately, it being the season of Christmas, I don’t have much time right now… I’ll fill in more after the first of the year. I would love to hook up with you again Chuck, and Bill, Larry, and Jim Murn,and John Shaw who became our keyboard after Jim. The Bacardis name as I remember it, and I’m not looking to take credit here just that this is my memory, caught my attention because I liked the rum and the Bat Symbol. I believe I suggested it and it got adopted. We made a full size overlay of the Bacardi Logo and installed it on Throck’s base drum. As you say, Jim Crill became our manager and at a point in time, the Bacardi Rum Company caught wind of our use of the name and the copyright Bacardi symbol beautifully displayed on Throck’s drum and threatened to sue for infringement. We subsequently changed the name to the Light Brigade. Another memory I have is that we recorded This Time and Don’t Sell Yourself at a recording studio on the University of Wisconsin campus in Madison which was arranged by Chuck Regenberg of Midgard. About Rofran vs. Midgard, my memory is that as you say Chuck, Jim Crill had a contact with Regenberg at Midgard. I also think that we did the ’45 to get it released and get airplay, I remember Jim Crill going around Champaign and Chicago trying to get it played, I think he succeeded a few times. I hope we can get the other members hooked up here on Garagehangover.
Happy Holidays all and Merry Christmas,
Chas Leeuw
Hello Charlie, this a copy of the message I sent to Chuck:
Chuck, I am Jim Murn’s Brother, Jerry. My sister found this post. Our family came down to Chanute AF Base for I believe a Family Event. You guys were playing at The Brown Jug. Although I was only 10 or 11, they let us in the bar because of Jim. That was the only time we saw you guys. I do have a 7″ open reel recording of the band at “Sig Ep” Frat House at the University of Illinois. I wrote a note on the box of the members, Jim at Rhythm, Charlie lead vocals, you on Bass and Bill Throckmorten on drums. You guys got so hammered! This brings back so many memories. Thanks for writing this. If you come up with anything of the band, i would appreciate if you could send it to me. I’m on Facebook or my email is jmun@cox.net or text my phone 602-904-3485. Jim has been gone for a long time but I think about him all the time.
Thank you so much
Chuck, Bill, Charlie, Larry, Jim, and John;
Thousands of memories flood my consciousness. It would be a good thing to join in a skype group call. I seriously believe we will laugh and perhaps cry, but it should be a wonderful time. A few memories that will certify the connection that only you could know. The overpass experience returning from Indiana. The passing of the troops ala 68, Chicago. and so on. And you guys were really good and I do mean good. As to the recordings I made a trip to New York with the main personality from the agency, of which you will recognize, to attempt contract. As you know at that time the Brits were storming new york and we stood little chance and that is to a degree how Joe Walsh wound up in the Eagles. More when we make contact. My email is my name as you all know it and the .?? relates to whom we served together. I will monitor this site to see if any of you pick it up and I will attempt Bill since he placed an email. I just do not want to get out into the open internet – toooo farrr.
Peace to all of you and to your respective families.
jim crill
And it would be great if someone who has a copy of the recording have it recorded digitally and make copies available to us.
Hey, OMG this is Larry Walters, Songwriter Guitar Player original member ! I just turned 65 and have unlocked some great memories from this sight and now have a Studio in Holland, MI. I spoke to Chuck a few years ago, and got a call from Charlie awhile back too. The days of playing with the “guys” hold a lot of great memories. The Green Limo, Oshkosh, WI the Chances Are, the garage in Old Town, Universal studio – Chicago. Wow that’s more than I thought I could remember. Those were great times and will always remember our start with the Blue & White Chevy Van. Our first gigs when we were in the AF in Rantoul. My email starts with my initials. The studio is “Makin’ Waves. Hope to hear from Bill “Throck” and my original friend Jim, from across the hall in the barracks. Time for a nap ! Larry
Hello Charlie, this a copy of the message I sent to Chuck:
Chuck, I am Jim Murn’s Brother, Jerry. My sister found this post. Our family came down to Chanute AF Base for I believe a Family Event. You guys were playing at The Brown Jug. Although I was only 10 or 11, they let us in the bar because of Jim. That was the only time we saw you guys. I do have a 7″ open reel recording of the band at “Sig Ep” Frat House at the University of Illinois. I wrote a note on the box of the members, Jim at Rhythm, Charlie lead vocals, you on Bass and Bill Throckmorten on drums. You guys got so hammered! This brings back so many memories. Thanks for writing this. If you come up with anything of the band, i would appreciate if you could send it to me. I’m on Facebook or my email is jmun@cox.net or text my phone 602-904-3485. Jim has been gone for a long time but I think about him all the time.
Thank you so much
Hello Larry, this a copy of the message I sent to Chuck.
Chuck, I am Jim Murn’s Brother, Jerry. My sister found this post. Our family came down to Chanute AF Base for I believe a Family Event. You guys were playing at The Brown Jug. Although I was only 10 or 11, they let us in the bar because of Jim. That was the only time we saw you guys. I do have a 7″ open reel recording of the band at “Sig Ep” Frat House at the University of Illinois. I wrote a note on the box of the members, Jim at Rhythm, Charlie lead vocals, you on Bass and Bill Throckmorten on drums. You guys got so hammered! This brings back so many memories. Thanks for writing this. If you come up with anything of the band, i would appreciate if you could send it to me. I’m on Facebook or my email is jmun@cox.net or text my phone 602-904-3485. Jim has been gone for a long time but I think about him all the time.
Thank you so much
I knew a drummer who could play the organ in a song by the Boxtops called The Letter. How you doin’ Bill, It’s Larry and I am officially a senior (65). Be right back, I need a nap…………………. There, much better. OMG where did all this come from. Our old songs, wow !!! Still alive, how ’bout you? Larry
Hello Larry, this a copy of the message I sent to Chuck.
Chuck, I am Jim Murn’s Brother, Jerry. My sister found this post. Our family came down to Chanute AF Base for I believe a Family Event. You guys were playing at The Brown Jug. Although I was only 10 or 11, they let us in the bar because of Jim. That was the only time we saw you guys. I do have a 7″ open reel recording of the band at “Sig Ep” Frat House at the University of Illinois. I wrote a note on the box of the members, Jim at Rhythm, Charlie lead vocals, you on Bass and Bill Throckmorten on drums. You guys got so hammered! This brings back so many memories. Thanks for writing this. If you come up with anything of the band, i would appreciate if you could send it to me. I’m on Facebook or my email is jmun@cox.net or text my phone 602-904-3485. Jim has been gone for a long time but I think about him all the time.
Thank you so much
Hey Jim,
It’s Larry………………! you must be 70 or older by now. Great to hear from you. OMG the memories. I heard from Chuck & Charlie and always wondered what happened to Jim Crill. I remember hooking you up with Judy from Paxton. I need a nap, hope to see you someday too !!!! Are you in San Antonio ? Larry
How are you doing?
I was sitting here and saw the email notification of Jim’s message…..
Unbelievable to hear from you and Jim, and Charlie.
I talked to Bill a while ago and shared some pictures and memories of those days….
I can remember getting very sick on RED Beer at the Airmen’s club gigs.
Glad to hear that you are still involved in music and recording.
I am currently recording some 60’s instrumental songs on GarageBand just for fun and to keep my guitar chops from getting stale. 🙂
Jim, Charlie great to hear from you both. hope you are doing well and are in good health.
I guess the AF base is gone now, decommissioned a few years ago it think. I wonder is Dave’s Music is still there?
Great to hear for you all…
Hi Chuck,
Is GarageBand a program, web site or a place ? I think I got sick on that red beer too. Good to hear from you also visited the old airbase 2 years ago, and it was gone ! I tried to find the Chances Are in Champaign, but it looks all so different in only 45 years. A reunion would be a hoot !!!!!!! Larry
Hey Larry,
Great to hear from you.
Garageband is a audio recording program, on my MAC, that I use to record songs.
I thought I read a couple of years ago that they had decommissioned the airbase and tore it down.
I’m up for a reunion!!!! Charlie, Bill, Jim, 🙂
Do we know where Jim or John are?
Have a great 4th everyone…….
Hey Larry,
My email is xremnant@aol.com if you want to catch up.
Chuck, Bill, Charlie, Larry,
The founder of this web site has connected what otherwise would not have happened. So Manyyy times you all came to mind. I now have two emails and will attempt to get us connected. jim
I hope someone can post some pictures from the group’s 1966-67 era!
The newspaper clipping, as shown above, dates to March, 1970
Well, cut my legs off and call me “Shorty”! During the Light Brigade’s ( formerly “Bacardis”) formative years, I was also stationed at the Chanute Air Plane Patch Hospital (’66-’70 ). I moonlighted at the local Rantoul radio station and interacted with the Brigade’s manager- at that time, Jim Crill. On occasion, Jim was a patient of mine in physical therapy; we always discussed the trials and tribulations of getting play time on the air – both locally and especially on the power stations in Chicago. Military active duty professional musicians faced many obstacles to compete in the entertainment market. First, I believe the Brigade had to deal with the negative effects of the musicians’ unions- since it was a conflict of interest for military members to belong. Trying to book gigs could hit a snag if club owners were found out for hiring non-union professionals! My hat is off to them for their ability to find time to rehearse, fulfill commitments, and serve active duty!
I have no idea how I suddenly thought of this group of the past on this May 9, 2012 and found this most interesting web site. Since the radio station for which I worked played mostly MOR ( Middle of the Road ) music, it was difficult to program the Brigade in between Andy Williams and Margaret Whiting.
If my mind is correct, Jim Crill drove a classy automobile of that era: a slick, green sport Volvo?
I continued working in radio transitioning from disc jockey to anchoring news with my last gig at a 24-hour CNN news-affiliate in San Antonio, Texas. I gave up broadcasting for a much more exciting venture – working in the casinos in Las Vegas. Eventually, I became a supervisor of table games at the Pechanga Resort and Casino in Temecula, California. C-ya,
Phillip, My memories are flowing from the dark pool of long ago filtering through the decades of so much pathos and this morning I was inspired to re-check this site to check for fresh communications. What a long time ago and so many inter-related stories. I live in San Antonio as of 10-2010 from Chicago – post military and UofI 1973. My email is jim@crill.org. Lets chat. jim by the way are you aware of the solution to military restrictions for playing off base? There was one.
I think that I hit the jackpot. I’ve been looking for these guys for years but always ended up in the liquor website. I also was stationed at Chanute AFB durring that time. I worked with all those dudes so its fantastiick to finally find them. It’s sad that they broke up, they were or are pretty good band. I remember being asked by them to translate the words of La Bamba for them the first time they were to sing it. Not that they were going to sing it in spanish but they wanted an understanding of the song. That is the kind of stuff of great bands.
Milledge you old dog, i remember the day you started working at that station. Used to call you at night to play some favorites or just to talk nonsense about all the womenj calling in. Remember you playing the tape you submitted to the station, don’t know if you remember all that but were wonderful times for all of us. We met an made great friends. I know that I will forevernbe visiting here to connect with great friends.
Chas, so glad to be able to talk to you guys, sorry to hear that the old base had been decomissioned and torn down. Chas this is Raimundo “Bo” Bonilla. If you can recall Ritchie Valens La Bamba, you came to me to translate the song for you to more or less understand the meaning, to give you more insight into the song. I guess we all got old gracefully; right now I’m 68 yrs old, though i keep being told that I look 50, but whom am I to argue.
Ralmundo, Exciting to reconnect. Share some of your thoughts and will likewise. I have considered writing about that era. As for the guys in the band – they were a seriously great group and Larry was creative in so many ways, and Chas sang and performed with total heart and incredible skill, and Throck was the drummer of drummers, and Chuck kept it moving with energy and skill. Hope to hear more from you. jim@crill.org
Raimundo,you ol’ bedpan pusher! WOW! You still remember over 46-years ago? Gosh! Y’all worked with most of the Barcardis’ members as MEDICS! MEDICS! during that era. Hopefully, you may recall a civilian nurse, Sylvia Ahorrio and her husband Frank, were fans also of the Barcardis. I see you got a response from the Jim Crill; I sent him an E-mail but didn’t get a response. Would be neat to hear from you; my e-address is milledge65@roadrunner.com. Mas tarde, amigo!
Hey Milledge, has it been 46 years? Wow, really wasn,t counting the years but yes been a long time and I don’t know about you but those were cherished moments in my/our life? Those been good memories of our time together, we are were a brotherhood of sorts; at least that’s the way I look at it. Images and memories still remain after 46 yrs. One memory of you is the you had that(i believe it was a smalll red convertible) and the night before I think you parked it in a space with inches to spare on either side. The following morning you were bent out of shape because they park close to your car. I take it you had some drinks the night before. Do you recall any of this?
Hey guys my name is Chris and I work as a video editor making daily web videos for Y103.9 radio out of the Northwest Chicago area. Recently we recorded a video for your song “This Time.” Jeff James is the radio personality I work with. Earlier in this feed I saw you are looking to possibly acquire digital versions of your old songs recorded under the name The Bacardi’s. I would highly recommend you email him at JJames@Y1039.com. He is a great guy and huge music lover and always loves to hear from band members. I’m sure if you do he would be willing to arrange something with you to get you those digital copies. Also check out his video dedicated to your band and the song “This Time” on Youtube at http://youtu.be/SN27JtDYFxA
To all you guys who check in here occasionally. I certainly will check it more often, what an amazing piece of work Chas Kit has done sleuthing and building this site!
Larry, Chuck, Bill, and Jim, so good to see you guys posting about the music and memories we made, do I have a memory? To all you other guys who remember Daves Music Shop, the Holiday Inn Coffee Shop, open 24 hours, The Bacardi’s / Light Brigade and the “4077th” Hospital, Chanute, what a gass to hook up here. Bo Bonilla, heck yeah, you learned me the English translation of LaBamba! “Im not a sailor… Im Captain”. Any questions! I’m going to try to email the band but if I’m not successful, you can email me at cjleeuw@yahoo.com, or charlesleeuw@gmail.com which I don’t check to often. Jim, with regard to the musicians union and the military noncompete clause, what was the workaround? I used to have a memory….
Chris N. Love the video you created, I’ll contact Jeff about a digital copy. It’s gratifying to read such appreciation in the comments about “This Time” and ” Don’t Sell Yourself”, a real Yardbirdesque track.
Larry, a reunion would be so much fun, maybe in Holland where you have a studio, and you could take a nap! I hope to hear from you all.
Thank You Chas Kit
Blue Sky’s,
Chas Leeuw
The workabout drove me crazy. I was working in the “outhouse”, my exile for getting into the clinics prior to some of the NCOs, and got a call from the JAG office. They knew us and had received a complaint from the Urbana Musicians Union that we were taking jobs way from the “civilians” and a regulation existed that clearly stated that military personnel could not compete with civilians in the normal pursuit of employment. Thus we were militarily restricted from playing “anywhere off base”. I was stunned. We had equipment payments etc and i knew that band members had obligations and that we were going to be in serious financial difficulty. I called the musicians union in Chicago, I spoke with one of the super jocks at WCFL (?sp), and spoke to the MU Hq in the east somewhere. No go period. In racking my brain one night it hit me that that same regulation applied to “everybody” that work off base and that included dependents who worked in Champaign. So i got the reg the next day and read it in detail and knew there might be a solution but not without risks that i didn’t understand at the moment. I took the risks anyway. I called Cong Springer’s office and got him on the phone and said, “Congressman, I have a solution that will get you re-elected next time. It’s a solution to Champaign Urbana’s unemployment. There is a regulation that states that no military personnel or anyone associated with military personnel can interfere with civilians in their pursuit of normal employment. To help you I am going to make that complaint for you and this will provide openings for you unemployed”. I did the same with the mayor. They both weren’t breathing when i finished speaking. Unemployment was about 4 to 6% and about $7,000,000 was spent in CU by military personnel. Within a short period of time, maybe a week or two i was called at work by the JAG office and they were excited to share that they had received a phone call from the Musician’s Union stating that all we would have to do was inform them of our dates each month. Charlie Leeuw made contact with Bub Bartholomu (if i remember correctly) and we were in the Chances R that Saturday with Irv Azoff and Bob Nutt standing in the audience, shall we say chagrined. I walked up to Irv and stood for a while and said ” we can work together if you want ” and that changed the course for a long while. When this came down we had 14 days of the 1st months of dates in the Green Lion Pete Palafus operation. It hurt financially for a while but we came back. And the members of the band stood together and took the bite as it was. But then turned around.
Jim, Charlie, et al.
Just by chance I was deleting old posts and came across the link to this site.
Been a while since I have checked in, but glad to see recent activity.
Seems like it was only yesterday we were banging out covers at the Red Lion.
I seem to remember recording some tracks in Chicago. I wonder if they are still archived somewhere?
Hope this finds everyone in good health…
Chris N. or Jeff James, if you visit this site again, please repost the video on you tube. We all enjoyed it greatly and others would like to see it.
Would love to post that video but since station is no more all those videos are gone. For about a year back in 2011 every weekday at 6pm I did a one hour show called the WINDY CITY @6 which features artists – groups that recorded in Chicago – chicagoland and the burbs along with groups from Illinois and YES I gave my 45 a spin on the air a couple times – – LOVE that 45……. THIS TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, I remember Light Brigade, Moses, and another band playing a dance at the Teamsters Hall in Springfield around ’70 or ’71. My first exposure to local bands. I was 18 and not much happened in Springpit, as we called it. I remember seeing REO Speedwagon playing around the area, and Sugar loaf and Rare Earth playing at the Armory.
I still remember that dance, good to hear all the comments. I now run a software development center in Manila in the Philippines. A long strange trip its been!
Cheers, David
I’d be interested in hearing from others that were in Springfield at the same time and their memories of the local bands. I had moved to the area in ’67 and I guess I didn’t know much about the local music scene.
Dave Are you still in Manilla? Jim crill light brigade mgr
I’ve been here for the last 5 years. I’ve spent the last 20 years working around the world. In my 60’s now, visitied or lived in over 35 countries, and have seen at least a couple of thousand bands live, starting with those Springfield days. For some reason, I remember that Moses/Light Brigade show as probably my first. My parents lived in the suburbs in Peoria and then Springfield, as I was never involved in the music scene until I returned from 3 years in the Army (Korea, Hawaii). By then, it sorta sucked with a lot of disco. Moved to Chicago in 1985 and lived there off and on for 25 years. It was my base for travel and work until about 6 years ago, when I moved permanently to the Philippines.
Did the name Moses ring any bells? As i remember, they did some of the boogie that was pretty popular in the early 70’s in central Il.
You guys were my favorite band on campus from when I arrived in the 67-68 school year and first heard you at the Brown Jug. I don’t think I missed an opportunity to catch it when you played the Jug or the Red Lion. I’m going to run through some of what my memory tells me used to be in your sets, and please feel free to add more or correct flaws in my recollection. Nazz (Crowded and She’s Goin’ Down), Vanilla Fudge (Take Me For A Little While and You Keep Me Hangin’ On), Rotary Connection (Soul Man), Rhinocerouse (Top of the Ladder), Moody Blues (Ride My See Saw, Peak Hour and Tuesday Afternoon), 3 Dog Night (Chest Fever and Nobody), Steve Miller Band (Roll With It and Dime-a-Dance Romance), Deep Purple (River Deep, Mountain High), Spirit (I Got A Line On You)?, Led Zepplin (Livin’ Lovin’ Maid)?, Bee Gees (I’ve Gotta Get A Message To You)?, Grass Roots (Midnight Confessions)?, Rolling Stones (Jumpin’ Jack Flash)?
My older brother, Jim Murn played guitar in The Bacardis while stationed at Chanute Air Force Base. He also played with them for a time when they were the Light Brigade. I know he played with the Light Brigade in Battle of the Bands competition in Chicago. We have the 45 you are referring to in this site. My younger brother also has a reel to reel recording of The Bacardis practicing. We had no idea this band had a following back in the day. Jim Murn passed away in 1997 at the age of 53. This thread on this site would have made him smile. Thanks for the memories.