Ariane had about a dozen other releases besides this one, most accompanied by the band Les 10-20. Though Ariane was from Belgium, much of it fits into the standard French ye-ye style of femme-vox pop.
“Tu Voudrais Que J’Oublie” is a little different, a ballad backed with strong playing from the drummer and guitarists. Written by Jacques Nelissen and Nelly Byl, this was released in 1966 on the Palette label.
What a marvelous freakbeat sound!
I’m precisely interested in these kinds of Yéyé beats ; and i’ve just posted 3 songs by Cléo and Violaine on my blog.
I’m from belgium and I never heard this song. Really strange. I’m gonna put it on on parties…!!
Most of Ariane (Buyle’s solos and, with Les 10/20 were issued round 1990 by BMG Records Belgium, owner of the Palette label originally owned by someone I don’t want to name here.
I’m still holding many 45 records including “Knokke 66”.
At the time (round 1990/91), I talked with a member of the group (hairdresser in Bussels) by phone. He told me Ariane was antique dealer avenue Louise in Brussels too.
Lotsa labels were part of the BMG’s (Bertelsmann Music Group, Munich, Germany) back catalog including RCA Victor,
French and Belgian Decca (related with US Decca/London American Recodings!!!), Vogue and so on…certain Belgian Philips and Belgian HIS MASTER’s VOICE/Pathé!!!
To date that back catalog is owned by AMC records in Brussels.
In my opinion, the best singles recorded by Ariane were those with Les 10/20.
You can visit ‘Sixties Hit Parade Belgium’ (1955-1969) where you’ll find all the great Belgian labels including quasi all the Palette singles listed by Roger Timmermans and myself.
Have a good time there!
Stephan (Liege, Belgium)
Bon pour ma pordeon’m français de l’Argentine, je suis à la recherche d’un canciond et Ariane appelé “playboy” , ou si je recherche l’intégralité du disque généreux de sa part si je peux aller pour télécharger l’article ou un disque entier devrait être reconnaissant, je laisse mon e-mail:
Super, je suis le 1er batteur d’ariane et les 10/20 et je peux vous envoyer en mp3 la compilation de 1995. Voyez sur Facebook FANS D’ARIANE ET LES 10/20, http://www.memoire60/70.be puis en 60/65 Ariane et les 10/20 ou ww2.plala.or.jp/french/ariane.html site japonais. Merci