A. Rahman Mohd. & the Fabulous Orchids

A Rahman Mohd. Playboy EPI have not been able to find out much about this record apart from the information contained on the disc itself. The Fabulous Orchids came from Pontian, a small town on the Malacca Straits in the state of Johor, Malaysia.

All songs on the record are written by B. Ahmad, who was presumably a member of the band. There are two slow songs and two faster songs on the record, a fairly standard formula for Malaysian and Indonesian records from this period, but all songs have some garage-style guitar playing, so I have included them all. One of the slower songs is Seruan Pertiwi (Cry of the Homeland), which appears to refer to the conflict between Malaysia and Indonesia, and because of that I would date this record as no later than late 1966.

The other songs are Mengapa Menghilang (Why Is It Lost), Pesanan Ku (My Message) and Setia Menunggu (Faithfully Waiting). The Playboy label belonged to the Ngee Fat Record Company.

Steven Farram

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