Afton Records started with three releases in 1959:
Afton 616 – Frank Pizani -“Wanna Dance” / “It’s No Fun”, Pino Music Co., distributed by United Telefilm Records
Afton 616 – Frank Pizani -“The Stars Will Remember” (Pino Music Co.) / “Steady Cha Cha”
Afton 618 – Ted Ostling – “Shivers & Shakes” / “Girls Choice” (Keith Music pub)
I can find a listing of Afton Records as a corporation in the 1963 Illinois Certified List, with an address of 105 S. La Salle St, along with “Ohio M.S. Distribution Company” at the same address, both owned by Milton Salstone of 1700 S. Michigan Ave. In a comment below, Joel Mills points out a notice of M.S. Distributing handling Frank Pizani’s second Afton single.
Seven years later, in 1966, the label returned with a 1700 series. Publishing is usually by Vic Mil Pub or Vic Mil Music. Presumably the Mil refers to Milt Salstone, and the Vic must be Vic Faraci, who produced the Five Bucks and the Gnomes. I haven’t seen any incorporation paperwork for Vic-Mil Publishing – if anyone can dig that up I would appreciate it.
Afton V-1700 – The Strangers – “This Brave New World” (Bob Rubin) / “In the Beginning”, A-side is a top surf instrumental, flip is blander
Afton 1701 – Five Bucks – “No Use in Trying” / “Now You’re Gone” (April 1966), first press omits label # and lists b-side as “Now You’re Mine”, produced by Vic Faraci
Afton 1702 – Gnomes – “The Sky Is Falling” / “Something’s Going Wrong” (both by Carpenter, Sullivan, Vic Mil pub.), great ballad backed by first-rate garage. Produced by Vic Faraci. Anyone know this group?
Afton 1703 – Sound Carnival – “I Wish I Could Tell You” / “Dreams” (both songs by Stock, Siegel, VicMil Music BMI, September, 1967)
band from Morton Grove, Illinois
Afton 1704 – Donnie Sanders & the Don Juans with Scherri St. James – “Make a Happy Home” (D. Sanders, Vicmil Music BMI / “Shing-a-Ling Baby”
I’m not sure if V-1700 is actually this Afton Records, as the credits have nothing in common with the others, but the 1700 numbering suggests it possibly is.
There are other Afton labels not connected to this one.
For more on the Five Bucks see my article on this site.
I could use good scans of the Donnie Sanders 45.
any help with this discography would be appreciated.
This is the same label as the one with the Frank Pizani release. See https://books.google.com/books?id=uB4EAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA40&dq=billboard+%22afton%22+%22frank+pizani%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiHrYD9hsv9AhWlj4kEHcmzDpwQ6AF6BAgIEAI#v=onepage&q=billboard%20%22afton%22%20%22frank%20pizani%22&f=false
I used to not think so, as there were 7 years and a different numbering system between his Afton singles and the ones that I list in the 1700 series. However, he was from Chicago, so it may indeed be the same label. I will revise this article.
“The Stars will Remember” is on Afton 617, Not 616 as shown above.
Also, there was another label printed of Afton 616 as “Wanta Dance”.
I have two of them. BTW: Still in touch with Frank, who now lives in Florida.