Drummer Tom Durr tells the story of the Tremolos, a band that never released a record but whose name is probably familiar to club goers in the Shreveport area in the mid 1960s.
My name is Tom Durr. In 1964 Bob Fell, Mike Tinsley and I formed the first garage band in Bossier City and possibly Shreveport too. The band was called The Tremolos with Bob and Mike on guitar and me on drums. We played pep rallies and dances at Bossier High School, the Teen Club and Elks Club, dances at Barksdale AFB, the Shriner’s and VA hospitals and later when I was at La. Tech, we played fraternity and sorority parties. We started out doing only instrumentals, mostly The Ventures, then later started doing vocal covers of hit songs.
When Bob Fell left to play the N.Y. World’s Fair for the summer we got Sonny Williams to replace him. When Bob came back he formed The Group with Noel Odom. Bob asked me to play drums for The Group, but I decided to stay with The Tremolos. This is one of my regrets in life. As a result, he got Fred Engelke on drums.
When Sonny left The Tremolos he joined The Group on bass. The Tremolos went through a lot of personnel changes including Rocky Chalmiers, Pat Huddleston, Richard White and Don MacMurray with only Mike and I remaining constant. Rocky was several years younger than us, it prevented us from playing places where alcohol was sold. He was very talented and I heard he went on to study classical guitar. The Tremolos did record once in a small studio in Bossier City, but no records were ever made. We were also on a TV talent show in Monroe, LA.
My sophomore year of college, the band broke up. I quit school, joined the musician’s union and started playing with a trio at The Stork’s Club on the Bossier strip. Then I got drafted and had to join the Navy. Meanwhile, The Group went on to do everything I had wanted to do.
I talked to Mike Tinsley about how The Tremolos got started and he doesn’t remember very well either. But from what he said I think this is probably what happened. Mike was already playing with Sonny as The Tremolos. Then Bob Fell introduced me to Mike and the three of us rehearsed together that spring. When Bob left Mike combined me with Sonny, so from Sonny’s point of view I joined The Tremolos and from my point of view Sonny replaced Bob. But I guess technically Sonny is right, Bob was never in The Tremolos.
Hi Wallace,
I remember you and The In Crowd. You, Fred and I had some good times in Cottingham. I remember going to your house once in Shreveport while I was home on leave or something, but it has been a long time since we’ve been in touch.
Playing drums in The Tremolos was a blast, but, I couldn’t play drums in the dorm or in the Navy barracks, so I switched to guitar. I’ve been a guitar player for over 40 years now. I’ve written a lot of songs.
Check out my myspace: http://www.myspace.com/tomdurr
You can also contact me there if you want. I’d like that.
Tom, I very much enjoyed reading about you band as we are contemporaries, and our bands had a very similar history. We were the Vybrations out of Metairie. We also started with Ventures and other instrumental group cover. Two of us even played Mosrites. Thanks for posting.
Hi Tommy, It was good to see your addition to this great web site. You were in Cottingham dorm with me in 1965-1966 at La Tech. I was playing trumpet with the In Crowd at the time. In fact our drummer Steve Tuminello was insturmental in getting the In Crowd info on this web site. I added some pictures. The other comments regarding the Tremolos brought back a lot of memories.
Danny and Jerry had three singles that I know of, including covers of Simon & Garfunkel’s “We Got A Groovy Thing Going” and the Stones’ “Connnection”. They do a real good job with the S&G song.
Hey Sonny!
Danny and Jerry were a trio that played at Kim’s Lounge, on the strip, in Bossier City, Louisiana. Jerry Beach- Lead guitar, Vocalist, Danny Harrellson-B3 Hammond Organ, while playing the bass on the organ pedals and Vocalist. I remember a knocked out drummer named Bobby LeJeune! What a group! One single I remember was”Oh, Maureen”
This was a first class band.
Last I heard Jerry Beach was into blues and was doing very well with his endeavors.
Ellis Starkey
I thought the best record they did was “You Must Be Foolin'” Danny had an incredible voice, I even sat in one night with them a long time ago….. Jerry has been playing some with the Bluebirds- saw him a couple of weeks ago at La Downs.
If you are Noel, played w/ the Group, and also worked @ Roadway w/ me plse contact me at: usnf4j@yahoo.com
Ellis, I remember Robt. McDonald; He lived directly behind the house I grew up in. I remember him being interested in music but never knew if he ever did anything. Thanks for the memories. I think Mike Tinsley and I started playing (Tremolos)about mid ’62. I think I was in the 8th grade at that time. How simple things were back then in music compared to today.
I’ve not seen any comments about Jerry Beach and the band he had for a number of years. Can’t remember their name but it was something like “Danny and Jerry”. They had a single out in the early or mid 60’s; a version of one of the Righteous Bros. songs. Jerry played on the Bossier Strip for a number of years; he was an incredible guitarist. Anyone got any info.?
I grew up in that club. Danny and were best friends for ever. Oh the stories I could tell. Bass was Bob Coxey and drummer was Bobby (not lejune) Bobby went to Jackson MS to be a studio drummer at the recording studio then to Nashville to become big time.
I believe the earilest garage band in the Shreveport-Bossier City area was The Catalinas. They played Southland Park, every weekend, starting in 1962. They changed their name to The Rhythm Masters in 1963. Danny Webb, lead, Jimmie Savelle, bass, Larry Jamison, rhythm, and Bengie Burnett, drums.
Other bands soon migrated to Southland Park. The Class Cutters, The Nomads, Empty Hearts, Blue Shadows, etc.
I was attending La. Tech and one of my roommates, Robert McDonald, told me about a friend of his, Sonny Williams playing in a cool band called The Tremelos. Thanks for writing your story!!! Know I know the rest of the story.
I am trying to reach Rocky Chalmiers and his sister Cheri
Danny and Jerry (partial) discography:
Ronn 5 – We’ve Got A Groovey Thing Goin’ (P. Simon) / You Must Be Fooling (Gray – Strickland – Griffin) – 1966
Ronn 12 – I’ve Got Pride (Stickland – Griffin – Gray) / Connection (Jagger – Richards) – 1967
Ronn 24 – I Can’t See Nobody (Robin & Barry Gibb) / Mo’Reen (M. Lindsay – T. Melcher) – 1968
Alarm 104 – Isn’t It Lonely Being Alone (Jerry Beach) / Willie Mae’s Place (Jerry Beach) – circa 1973?
Didn’t take you long to add you info-great job. I believe that your red guitar was a Fender Mustang if my memory serves me correctly. You were way ahead of me- I was still playing my Sears Silvertone single pickup!!!! I bet Mike still has his Strat!!! See ya soon
Noel, Bob Fell never played in the Tremolos. Mike Tinsley and I started that band in his house in Bossier City. He taught me to play the guitar (I had a bright red Fender, don’t remember the make). After about a month or two, we (Mike and I) played our first gig; Christ the King Catholic Church youth group get together. We had one Fender amp, no reverb (the old cream colored cover), and played only Ventures music, as I recalled; no singing. He and I named the group the Tremolos after the tremolo on his white Fender Strat. Mike and I did a few more gigs and neighborhood parties and really had a great time. At some point, we realized we needed a drummer and I think Mike knew Tommy Durr. We brought him in to play with us; did a lot of practice at Mike’s home and Tommy’s. Tommy didn’t own a set of drums so he made a set out of cardboard and other stuff and they were great. He was an incredible drummer and really worked hard at it. Eventually, he bought drums. We played around the area, as Tommy said for a couple of years. We met Rocky Chalmiers at the Elks Club where we played regularly for the youth program the Elks had. He had a real interest in guitar so Mike and I worked with him some, but mostly he learned on his own. He started playing regularly with us. Richard White came along and the guys wanted to bring him in as a bass player. It was at about that time that I quit and eventually went on to play with you and Bob in the Group. Mike and Idid some recordings earlier on with a fellow out of Nashville who was looking for instrumental groups. He had a travel bus with a complete recording studio in it. Nothing ever came of those efforts. Great memories.
I am glad, Tommy that you put that in this site- I remember all too well how good you guys played the Ventures. It is crazy- but I don’t remember Bob playng with you,but I did not start at Bossier until Fall of 64 in our Junior year. I only remember You Mike and Sonny. Anyway you guys owned the “Pep Breakfasts” we had on Fridays at Bossier High School. By the way, you are a great drummer and we would have welcomed you in “The Group”, but…..ah…..hindsight!!! Noel Odom
Noel, your comment about the Sears Silvertone reminded me of an uncle I have, in Ark., who still has a Sears Silvertone bass, original mint condition; original case, strings, instruction manual, etc. I mean like brand new. I keep trying to get him to sell or give it to me but as of yet, no luck.
I was living in Cottingham at La. Tech during fall of ’64 and spring of ’65. There was a lot of talent living there. We practiced wherever we could. I lived in the room across from the phone booths, in the middle of the building. A lot of plans and dreams came from there.
Jerry does play quite a bit with the bluebirds now and also has the Nonday Night Blues Jam at Lee’s every monday night. Jerry does mostly blues nowdays and is a fantastic guitar player. I am a student of Jerry’s, of course he cant teach old hard headed me very much anyway, but we are trying to make me a guitar player.
I remember Noel, Bob Fell, Phil Sage and Jimmy Koelemay playing at the Shindig. I know Jimmy passed away and Phil is in Colorado – but whatever happened to Bob Fell?
Anyone know where Phil Sage is now? And when did he and Noel and Bob play the Shindig? I missed that episode I guess.
Last I talked to Bob he was in Carlsbad California near San Diego. I think he is still listed in teh phone book. Bob adn I started in a house on June Lane in Pecan Park Bossier in FAll 1964- we hammered out the Beatles Rolling Stones, etc.
Bob, Jimmy, Phil and I were in “Back Street Forum” at Shindig after I got out of the Navy- Monday through Saturday 9:00 P.M. til 2:00 A.M.!!!! We played nothing but Cream, Deep Purple, Mountain, Humble Pie, James Gang, etc. I sang about 93% of the songs, so it was a workout. Somtimes Jimmy would go home with his back, so Bob would hook my guitar up to all the amps and we just- turned it up!!!!! Good memories!!
hey Noel i am trying to research some of the bands my dad used to play drums for in the 60’s………he wondered if u could help…..Arnie Abrahams…he grew up in the waterkloof area in pretoria…..please get back to me if you have any info thnx jeanne
I’m looking to get back in the groove myself. Ted Dunn
I had the privilege of not only being friends with D&J, but doing backup work on some cuts recorded at Sound City on Line Avenue (engineer George Clinton) back in the late 60s or very early 70s. I met Bob Fell there. What a talented man. We used to talk for hours and hours; I adored him and what he could do with a guitar. But then, there was a lot of talent that came and went through those doors. I briefly sang in a band around that time, too. I also remember the band Tommy Kramer, Pat Huddleston and Jack Leon had. Wonderfully talented guys. Would love to find out what happened to Jack Leon. He was a good friend….
Boy, all you guys are bringing back memories for me. I’m younger that most of
you(haha), so thanks to Rocky being so young, I was able to see the Tremolos at the dances at the BPOE downtown. I would never have even known about them except for the fact that Mike Tinsley is my cousin. But, I remember Mike, Richard, Don, Tom, and Rocky. Many times I got to see them practice (showoff) at Mike’s house.
Sure sorry to hear that Ellis Starky Passed. He was great with the Rogue Show too.
Speaking of Danny and Jerry, I used to see them perform at the Royal Room. A little lounge originally built along side the Royal Royce Hotel. They had a great Drummer in Jim O’brock. Anyone remember that.
And Yes Noel, I’m younger than you, too. Saw you guys at the Cove the other night. Didn’t get a chance to speak. Didn’t stay long.
Where’s Dino Zimmerman???
i have danced many a night to the tremolos! (Mike Tinsley is my cousin who I love dearly.)
Janet, do you remember me? Mike and I use to pick you up and drive around town. I have thought of you often over the years and have wondered where you are and how you are.
hi sonny, are you on facebook? if so send me a message. and i’ll answer. maybe i will find you on there before that, cause i’m on line now.
janet carr
I think Dino is still in Nashville, Bob.
As it turns out, Dino Zimmerman is in Nashville. He owns a Demo studio:
Dino’s Demos
Dino passed away in Nashville, TN on 8/11/2012 at the age of 67 after losing his battle with cancer. George Clinton (Sound City in Shreveport, LA) passed away on 11/23/2011 at his home at 68 years of age. Danny Harrelson died 11/10/2011 in Shreveport, LA. Jerry Beach died 01/10/2016.
Hey Sonny, Noel, Bob everyone involved with early, Bearkat/Bossier Strip/The Group/Shindig Koolemay revolving band including Bob Fell, Jimmy Koolemay, Noel Odem, Sonny Williams, Danny Herrelson, Tag Graves, Pat McCan, Mike Anderson, many more whom i can only picture in a cloud of sweet smoke. The name of the Bossier Recording Studio was owned by the father of Don Dobbs next to the old Studio steak house, which we all dabbed in recording, and later burned to the ground with the master tapes of all the Strips best. I grew up on Caroline and use to listen to The early Group practice, and later was in a band called the MadHatters, members Bill Tynes, Mike Price, Bobby Kolb, Mike Theadose, Joe Jones, and Mack Thrower. Mack Thrower and Mike Theadose passed away a couple of years ago. Bill Tynes, Bobby Kolb, Mike Price and myself recently got together after 40 yrs. and played for Bossier High 1968 class reunion summer of 2008, the again for 40.5 1968 reunion for people who could not attend summer party Nov.08. Then we played for the 1969 reunion held summer of 09. Still playing all the classics of the 60S. Noel still plays with a band called the Convertibles and were elected to the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame. Sonny Williams and i were roommates at LA.Tech playing Shindig at night trying to attend class next morning yea right! Bob Fell keep in touch with Noel from time to time, Sonny i last saw with his wife Debbie, hope thats right,attending a religious seminar in Denver, Colorado in middle 70s. Jerry Beach lived in Pecan Park also on Caroline and is still playing the Blues in Shreveport. Thats it on my scoop, Sonny get a hold of me on this site, would love to talk. Later Phil, Deb and Ashley Sage. Still in Colorado!!
hi janet iam sure you dont know me but i think we might have a friend in common. i have been looking for porter jordan for a long time, we went to high school at fair park high school about 1957. we use to jam at my house and thought we were pretty good turned out we were neither pretty or good, but i sure would like to what happned to him. if you know please let me know.thanks a lot. gary
Anybody ever hear from Jack Leon? I haven’t seen him since 1970, and I moved to Texas a year later. Can’t find him on the web. I once heard he’d gone to Oklahoma and once heard he was in Houston for a short bit. Don’t know if either story’s real.
Back then I played with the White Nazard, the original Dark Horse, and Boneyard.
Phil, I’ve thought of you so often over the years. Debi and I are living in Missouri. I’m director of Turkey Hill Ranch Bible Camp near Vienna, MO and have been here for 9+ years now. Debi and I have 6 children and 8 grandchildren. Haven’t played music in a group since I left the Group except for a short time in the early 70’s. Play guitar a bit still, but not seriously. Anyway, I am so glad to hear from you. Sorry it took so long to get this note to you but haven’t been on this web site for a while. Send me an email. Would love to talk.
I remember Jack Leon very well. First met him back in the 60’s when I was playing in the Tremelos. We were playing in a club in Shreveport, La., can’t remember the name but it was called the Elks Club and was set up just for Teens. Anyway, he had not yet really started playing guitar and I was playing rhythm at the time. We used to talk about guitar and I showed him what little I knew. Then lost contact with him. A few years later, when I was in college and playing in The Group, I went to a club on the river front in Shreveport and there he was with long hair, playing the guitar; I still remember the first song I heard him play…Sargent Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club..
anyway, I listened to him for quite a while that night; he was incredible. I have often wondered what ever became of him
Sonny Williams
You heard him before I did, if he was a beginner. I first heard him with the Blue Shadows, and he was as good as anybody anywhere. They did the every-Tuesday teen dance at St. Theresa’s, and other gigs. One of the absolute best bands around. Allan Tooraen on drums, Tommy Kramer on vocals and a little guitar. Then he had a band with Bob Horack [sp.]; I think Rick Seale was on bass. Then a band called Rain with Pat Huddleston. Dang, can’t remember the great drummer’s name. I think he traded drumming for teaching TM.
All this was before you heard him on the riverfront.
If you hear anything, feel free to post something.
Are you thinking of Larry Murov or maybe Jerry Greengus?
Larry Murov! That was the drummer’s name. Hear about him?
Jack is in Destin Florida. I played drums with Jack for several years in the Blue Shadows. I then played with A train. My name is Alan Tooraen .I talk to Jack all the time.
Terry, So good to hear from you. Bobby Sprayberry and I live in North Hollywood. Jack Leon is in Destin Florida but was in Indy for many years. Larry Murov is in Nashville. We played a Blue Shadows reunion in Shrevport in 1992 and in 1995. Jack still plays as does Boobby. They are both still unreal and even better than they were way back when. The rythem player for the Blue Shadows Clark Hewitt died about 6 months ago from a seizure of some type. Clark was here in La when he died.Please keep in touch.
Alan Tooraen
Hi, folks. And thanks for the nice comments. It’s amazing that people remember, but those sure were the days. Sonny, weren’t you in that band with Rocky Chalmiers that played the teen hall? I’d almost forgotten that, but it is very clear now. Thanks much for dredging up the neurons!! I was fascinated with electric bands and it defined my life for some years. At 25, I realized it was the best thing in the world, but not for a profession. I stayed playing all along and did bands part time throughout my life. Kinda slowed some lately, but now in the Florida panhandle and more opportunities to jam. Shreveport river front…….now those were the days. And Larry was an awesome drummer. Ted Dunn from the Nomads played with us before Larry.
Gail Younker……..I do remember you. You hung out with the likes of Gilby, Dave Parsons, Ford Welbourne……that crew. Where are you now? Terri, refresh my memory of who you are………senior moment. I’m sure it will all come back. Sorry.
Wow, Jack, 11 years later I see this entry! I stayed around Shreveport for a while, sang with Rosedale (Robert Riser, Sherman Gorton, Billy….I don’t remember his last name). I now live on a farm outside a tiny town in Missouri called Fulton. When I retired in 2010, I decided I needed a little more in the way of seasonal weather changes than I was getting in Shreveport, so off I went. Again. I’d come and gone through Shreveport several times, mostly in relation to my folks’ health. I was managing a law firm (don’t start) in Shreveport when Mom died, and moved just a few months later. I’ve thought about you alot, Jack, over the years. You’re probably the best guitarist (okay, tied with Bob Fell) I’ve ever heard.
Jack, I can’t believe you would even remember me. Yes, I played with Rocky C. and Mike Tinsley back in those days. I remember very clearly the gig when you came up to me and wanted to talk about guitar. You were a very young guy back then; we all were, with so many dreams. Hope you have had a great life, Jack. I have been most blessed! Anyway, so good to be in contact with a guy whom I always considered to be one of the best guitar players I ever saw. God bless dear friend.
Jack Leon! A lot of people have wondered where the amazing guitarist and all-around good guy disappeared to. Were you in Houston for a short bit? Thought I heard your name mentioned here in the ’70s.
We didn’t know each other well back then, but talked guitar on a few occasions, split a couple gigs. I played guitar with Alan Tooraen, Billy Riser, and Bobby Sprayberry in the first Dark Horse. When you had a band with Huddleston, we split a gig with y’all at the East Ridge(?) Country Club. Huddy left behind a barstool he’d copped from Jimmy’s short-lived club, and I have it still.
I’ve never been able to find you with an internet search. Do you have a website or myspace or something with music up on it?
Thanks for writing back, Jack.
Dude! Good to hear from you. Haven’t seen you since we visited a few times at your place in south Dallas in ’72.
Glad to know you’re still playing. Wish I’d have known about Blue Shadows reunion gigs, would’ve tried to make one. I still visit Shreveport once in a blue moon or two, mainly to jam with Jerry Beach, Stan Hoffman, Dirty Redd, et al. at Jerry’s long-running Monday Night Blues Jam.
North Hollywood, eh? How’d end up there? That must be a story.
Billy Riser moved to Denver a long time ago, but thanks to the internet I found him again. In 2001 I was on the road and called him and he dropped by the Denver gig. He looks, and is, exactly the same.
Tell Bobby Hi! for me. And why don’t both y’all write me at:
There I’ll give you the real email address.
Stay in touch, Alan.
Thanks for that wonderful note! I have also been blessed with a great career and family……mixed with lots of guitar and interesting band people. They really are a breed that is different from all others. They have their “issues”, but “the band” is like the the family. I hate it now that people tend to have “projects” instead of “bands”. My vision as I approach retirement is to go back to the old school and have a “BAND”!! I still know players, and will have to see if I can piece it together.
And thanks again for your comments. I remember you as a guitar hero……but it was before I knew how to play a note, so very different than a musician watching a musician. I didn’t know what I didn’t know. As I recall, you were the lead player, and what you were doing was mystifying and wondrous. How could his picking stroke possibly mirror the left hand?????!!!!! Best to you, my friend who influenced my entire life. Though I quit playing full-time professionally, what I learned about creativity, perseverance and organization helped me for a career and a lifetime. Thanks eternally for that!
btw, was Mike a red-headed guy??? And it seemed you or someone in the band was in a wheelchair with a disability…..pardon me if there is any insensitivity. It is just me testing my memory and nothing more.
OK, I remember you now, Teri. With the spelling of the name, I thought you might be a female. When you mentioned the East Ridge gig, it all came back. And you are quite correct on that spelling. As I recall, you were younger than me and not as seasoned in bands. But I distinctly recall watching you play and thinking, “OK, this guy really has the God-give talent…….He’ll probably pass me soon enough”. And I remember your enthusiasm and love for music. That’s one of the best things about bands other than the joy of making music when it is all working. It’s the people and and the sharing of our love for the greatest thing on the planet…….music!
And of course I remember “Jimmy of the Cellar”…….too many great (and wild) times to even imagine. I don’t have any site with music. I do have some video cassettes of some of my hotter playing…….got lucky with a home recording (band practice) where I was perhaps more “in the zone” than I’d ever been. I need to try and digitize it. If someone has an interest in watching and listening, that should be enough motivation to take the steps.
BTW, Alan and the other Blue Shadows had several reunion bands in the 90’s. Alan was good in the old days, but became this awesome killer professional drummer after high school. Tommy Kramer and I remain in touch and he is one amazing talent…..singer, songwriter and player. Pat and I drifted apart…….very sad.
“If someone has an interest in watching and listening, that should be enough motivation to take the steps.” ME! ME! I’d love to relive a little bit of ‘back then’ without the repercussions.
You say “Pat and I drifted apart…very sad.” From what I’ve heard over decades, Pat just drifted. And it is very, very sad. Such a brilliant but fragile mind.
Your memory’s good. A accurate assessment.
I was younger and unseasoneder than you. Graciously put.
> the greatest thing on the planet…….music!
Well said.
Aldous Huxley put it: After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.
Video cassettes, eh?
> If someone has an interest in watching and listening,
> that should be enough motivation to take the steps.
Feel free to be as motivated as I can talk you into.
I seriously doubt I’m the only one with a very big interest in watching and listening.
I’ve visited Shreveport a extra bunch in the last decade, and have heard Pat’s still there, possibly on Colquit Rd., but haven’t gotten closer than that.
Because of this page I’ve also gotten back in touch with Tooraen and Sprayberry. Huh.
Thanks for writing.
Hope all is swell.
Remember music video cassette project. Okay.
I was in a band with Pat Huddleston and Jack Leon for years. We played around Shreveport a lot but also Dallas and all of north and northeast Texas. We called the band Rain because when we were playing in a courtyard in New Orleansit seemed to always be raining. I played for the Nomads before this. When the Nomads split,I went with guitarist Ricky Schuler to new orleans and we got a bass player and were the house band at the Mardi Gras lounge for a while. Hooked up with Huddleston at that point. I believe that Jack Leon went on to Med school and actually caused Rain to split. He was just too good to replace.
Hi Ted Dunn. This is Lynne Legg. I was Rick Schulers girlfriend. Remember the Dairy Dip?
I looked for Ricky after he contacted my mom in Shreveport with no luck.
I heard he landed in California as did I .
Back in S’port has been an eye opener.
Nothing much new here.
I wish you well Ted.
James Stroud played drums on Isn’t Lonely Being Alone and I play on Willie May’s Place.
By the way, Bob Coxsey was the vocal on Willie May’s Place that did the call. I think it was some kind of indian chant. Bob was full Chocktaw.
When Bobby LeJeune didn’t play with Danny & Jerry, sometimes. James, or I, would fill in, but we all ended up working full time for Danny & Jerry at some point. Betty Tiner, my ex, use to sing with Danny & Jerry, from time to time. She actually taught me a lot about singing. She is now remarried and is known as Krystyn Fulgium.
Dear Teri, we are having a Blue Shadows reunion this year in June or July in Shreveport. I will get you the dates when I have them. All the original Shadows will be on stage , Jack Leon, Jim Hardy, Tommy Kramer, Jeff Stewart, Larry Murrov, Pat Huddleston, Alan Tooraen , and perhaps Jerry Greengus. I am even trying to get Bobby Sprayberry to come and play some. Spread the word as we would love to have you come.
Alan Tooraen
Hello there. I just wanted to say that I remember you from those days…My brother is Jeff Stewart of the Blue Shadows. Sure is nice to see a post from the past….
Greetings friends. What a pleasant surprise to find this set of fascinating memories, personalities, and music recollections. I remember almost every one of you writing and/or mentioned in these notes, and I assure you it is with tremendous fondness.
After a couple of years at Vanderbilt University majoring in literature and heading for law school, I started over. An “Andres Segovia Plays Bach” album purchased in the 99 cent bin changed my life. Short version: graduated from Berklee College of Music, then New England Conservatory, majoring in composition and playing classical guitar exclusively. Somewhere along the line I got back into that good ol’ rock and roll, blues, folk, etc, and now I just enjoy it all.
My career has been fun, interesting, and rewarding. I’ve taught a lot, performed classical, jazz, rock, and as a singer/songwriter, and have made my income as a music school leader. For seven years I was Vice President of Academic Affairs at Berklee, and now I’m the President of McNally Smith College of Music in St Paul. Awesome school, young and not as well known as Berklee yet, but it will be.
Great to hear about you all, and I wish you the best. Please feel free to contact me if you wish at harry.chalmiers@mcnallysmith.edu.
Wow……I went to school with Rocky at youree drive ….if it’s the same Rocky Chalmiers ….went to school with Alan too
Rocky and I played football together at youree drive in 7th grade.Wow great to know you’ve done so well Rocky
Just saw that the Blue Shadows were having a Reunion in Shreveport. Great! I’ll sure try to make it.
I played in the Kayots, another Byrd garage band. Rusty Wilcoxen,Dennis Brewer,Mike Tuminello and myself. Those were great days!
I am desperately trying to get in touch with Rusty Wilcoxen.Any help would surely be most appreciated.Thank you!.Paul J.(Concho,Az)
Rocky, it is so good to hear you have had a good and rewarding life. I remember you as a very young and eager-to-learn guitarist from the early days of the Elks Club in Shrevesport, La. Your dad set that gig up for us, The Tremolos, and we played that club for quite some time. It was you, me, Mike Tinsley, and Tommy Durr. What fun and memories. I remember your sister, Cheri, so well. One of the first songs I ever wrote was about her. How and where is she now? Loved your mom and dad. I have thought of you often over the years.
Rusty is living in Nashville. If you send me your contact info I will forward to Rusty. Just not sure if he wants his info out there. It’s a privacy thing. But I will forward to him
I worked at KEEL Radio in Shreveport hung out with Jerry Beech and Bobby Lejeune These guys were some unbelievable musicians. Bobby was blind and was one of the best drummers I ever heard. Jerry was a great picker and great singer. Would love to find Jerry again.
O.M.G. Gary Hamilton. Do you remember one evening I was taking you home (I used to run around with Ron Montgomery alot) after we’d all been hanging out. You lived, as I recall, in some apartments near 70th and Mansfield Rd? Anyway, my car started acting strangely, so we pulled into the gas station right there by the complex. The attendant came out….okay, I just remembered to the point where I realized there is no way to tell this story that won’t leave me feeling bad and in trouble with several million people who are much higher up the ladder with their sensitivity training than I am. Anyway, I’ve thought of you and our politically incorrect adventure often.
> Larry Murov! That was the drummer’s name. Hear about him?
October 30, 2012: I have played a couple of jazz gigs with Larry. He plays with Suzanne Fiering (jazza) and Serenatta, a Latin Ensemble in Nashville.
Larry is a first-rate guy and a pleasure to play jazz with him.
Wayne Renardson
After the Navy I got a BS in psychology from LSU-BR and a BA in education from LSU-S. I moved to Sacramento, CA in 1978. I played lead guitar in bar bands from 1978=1984. I met my wife Idell in 1980. I went back to college and studied computer programming and taught adult computer classes for 26 years. I played again for a few years in a duo at coffeehouses, rallies and festivals. I recorded 7 CDs of original songs in my home studio. These songs are now at SoundCloud.
Tom Durr