To the long list of great 45s out of Dallas, add The Tortians’ “Red Cadillac”. The band lays down a chunky groove that never sounds rushed, as John Tincher shouts out the lyrics and plays some fantastic harmonica.
The band was actually from Oak Cliff, but this rare single was released on Karry Way Records, with an address of 4339 Jaffee, Dallas, 75216. The RCA custom pressing code, T4KM-9629/30 indicates it was mastered in the first half of 1966. Woodrow Pearson Baker wrote both “Red Cadillac” and the flip “Vibrations” (which I haven’t heard yet), published by Rightway Pub., BMI.
Guitarist Richard McDonald sent me a photo of his next group, the De’Vells, based in Irving but with some of the same members as the Tortians. Richard has a full bio on the bands at his site SpiritSteelGuitar.com, but I asked him some specifics about the Tortians and he kindly answered my questions.
My name is Richard (Dicky) McDonald. I was born and raised in a little suburb in Dallas, Texas called Oak Cliff. A lot of fine musicians and bands came from that area of Dallas like the Mystics, Kempy and the Guardians, the Jokers, Ray Wylie Hubbard, B.W. Stevenson, Jimmy and Stevie Ray Vaughan, Micheal Martin Murphey and others.
The band formed in Adamson High School in Oak Cliff around 1965, our freshman year. I played lead guitar. The Tortians were James King (rhythm guitar), Johnny Congleton (drums), Carl Lowe (bass), Dick McDonald (lead guitar), Gary McDonald (backup vocals) and John Tincher (lead vocals and sax).
We all played what ever was being played on the radio and some older stuff that we grew up with: Ventures, Chuck Berry, Jimmy Reed, Fats Domino. Duane Eddy. Most bands in Oak Cliff played pretty much the same stuff. That’s all we had besides country, big band, classical. Whatever band listened to the radio and figured out the songs first was the top band. It was Robert Farris of The Mystics who could figure stuff out fast. How the record came to be. We were playing a gig at a roller rink I think the Shamrock in Lancastor, TX. Woody P. Baker was out listening to bands and asked if we would record some of his songs and we said yes. Woody set up and paid for the studio time. The Tortians were not signed by Kerry Way Records. I don’t remember the name of the studio but, it was the same studio where “Wine Wine Wine” was recorded by the Night Caps. Woody P. Baker wrote both “Red Cadillac” and “Vibrations”.
There are no pictures of the Tortians and I hope someone sees your website and has some.
I also played in a very hot band called the De’vells and I do have a picture of them. Most of the De’Vells played in the Tortians. The De’vells were Joel Reiner (drums), Rick Surratt (lead guitar), Dicky McDonald (lead guitar), John Tincher (lead vocals/sax), Carl Lowe (bass/vocals), and Little David (keyboards/vocals). This band won 2nd place in the 1967 Battle of the Bands at the State Fair of Texas, and got a trophy which We still have. I am surprised that we were not listed in the newspaper clipping on the website [see this page]. We were booked by an booking agency called Showco in Dallas.
Most of the original members still live very close to Oak Cliff. I have a pedal steel guitar shop in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.
Richard McDonald
Spirit Steel Guitar
Broken Arrow, OK

Red Cadillac turned out to be somewhat of an underground hit in Europe in the eighties during an American “garage band” revival. It was played on many of the undergound stations that had features on 60’s garage music. As a result, it was included on the eighties compilation “Tougher than Stains”, many here I’m sure remember this particular record because it has been touted as one of the best representaions of the era. I have tracked down three copies of this recording on Ebay at a cost of $30 to $70, a couple of others I gave up on that sold over this. Red Caddilac is so rare I have only seen one copy on Ebay that went for $102.50, I gave up @ $100! I was the drummer in the group and this was such a special time, we had a blast! All of the original members of the Tortians still stay in contact and I cherish each everyone of those guys. Jimmy King is the only member out of contact; HEY JIMMY, if you are out their get in contact!
I have the Red Cadillac & Vibrations 45 record.
Are y’all still looking for them?
Yes, still looking for a good copy! Let me know if you pick this up. Thanks
I’m searching for John Tincher, a singer, that used to or still does live in Oak Cliff. I met him at the Parliament Club on Harry Hines. The last time I saw him singing was in Addison I think that was the name of the town. I really do need to speak to him. Please contact me if you know where he is. Thank you.
I’m looking for John Tincher. He was living in Oak Cliff when I first met him & singing at a bar on Harry Hines. The last time I saw him he was living in Sasche, Texas & singing at a place in Addison, Texas I believe. I really need to get in touch with him. It’s imperative I speak to him. If you know where he is please have him get in touch with me at: carollunsfordbaker@icloud.com or 430.236.9393. Thank you! Carol
I attended grade school in Irving Texas with Joel Reiner and his sister Cindy Reiner back in the mid sixties. Would hang out at their house in Irving while they (The DeVell’s) were rehearsing. Cindy and I were in the 5th grade while Joel was in the 6th grade at that time. Cant believe Joel was playing clubs like the Cellar in downtown Dallas while only being in the 6th grade when he started. But even harder to believe was that a good friend of mine who was 16 took me to the Cellar a year later while they were playing there. Alcohol wasnt served so their wasn’t any age limit. I was 13 yers old at that time.
Met Joel Reiner Jr. sometime around 2006 while grocery shopping at an Albertsons in Rowlett Texas. Did a double take when they called his name twice to come to the front counter. I thought it was Joel Sr., not knowing he had passed away about 15 years earlier in a motorcycle accident.
Jr. looked just like his dad.
Being a drummer myself starting around the 4th grade, I was inspired by Joel and the DeVell’s and played for most of my life with some pretty talented folks from around Irving and the Dallas area. Switched to keyboards around 2001 and retired in 2018 from a band called TIME TRAIN.
I miss those days!