The Tigermen were from Olean, New York, south of Buffalo, and started out in 1964.
Members were:
Tom Consedine – lead vocals
John Farrell
Jeff Todd
Tim Stavish – drums
The Tigermen recorded four songs in October 1965 at a studio in Buffalo, releasing two 45s in quick succession featuring a tough organ-driven sound. First released were two originals by Consedine and Farrell, the garage classic “Close That Door” backed with a moody ballad, “Love Me Girl”.
The second is a slow, spooky grinding rocker, “Tiger Girl”, with a cover of “Runaway” on the flip. “Close That Door” seems to be the rarer of the two 45s.
Production was by Art Dedrick who later created the Free Design around the singing and songwriting talents of his children.
The Tigermen had regular gigs around the Cuba Lake resorts and in northwestern Pennsylvania, but after the summer of 1966 the band split up as members went to college or were taken by the draft.
Wasn’t Dan Pike one of the drummers for the Tigermen?
Hi John,
I remember you very well and my dad loved making music with you. The last time I remember you and my dad writing “Spirit of America” and how excited he was to work on that project. If you ever get around to the making copies of the music you have my family and I would love a copy.
I will tell my family “hi” from you.
Hello to Traci and all The Consedines, This is JOhn Farrell your dads friend and buddy in the Tigermen.
It seems like only yesteday we were playing at the Cuba Lake Paviion and all around Olean and pennsylvania.
I loved your dad very much and am gratefull for our short time together. When I go home to the Lord he is on my first list to be with! His service to our country has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated. We thank him for that. I have dozen or more songs of his on casssettes in my basement. Some day I will resurect them and make copies for all of us.
We had great times and I can remember many stories to share with you some time.
byw Tim Stavish was our only drummer…never heard of the dan guy. Tim is retired in the VIllages in Fla. Jeff Todd works in Los Vegas in a country group as well at Madam Toussaints Wax Museum. I own EXIT REALTY of Upstate New York and travel all over western New York all the time.
Should anyone like any information about THe TIgermen, I remember it all like yesterday. 42 years goes by real fast.
I still play guitar in church regularly. Say hello to your MOm and brother!!n God Bless John Farrell
I am a 66 year old record hoarder in Olean NY and recently found a copy of Tiger Girl. I would love to find a copy of a picture of the band in their “Tiger Outfits” in order to frame it and put it in my basement along with the record. Mark Stavish the present owner of the Parkwood Tavern in Olean has mentioned to me that he thinks there was such a picture. If such a picture is available please email me regarding the cost and I will send a check out pronto. PS: I grew up in Coudersport and Ollie and the Go Gos were the rage in that area at that time—Respectfully yours Frank Dynda
Hello John,
my name is Yiannis Andriopoulos and I am a music enthusiast from Greece. I have a small record label and since I discovered this site and saw you a crave to reissue your fabulous 7″s got a hold on me. Would you be interested in giving me a permit for a 300 copies run and if yes do you have the recordings in any format? Thank you in advance for considering. Love from Athens, Yiannis
I came across The Tigermen in Discogs. There are also some credits from Spanky & Our Gang and Don McLean under John Farrell there. Is this correct. Or is this a different John Farrell (Ferrell maybe)?
I knew this band because my dad has been singing to me with all his vocals since I was a baby. My dad was the lead singer and he had such a passion for his songs. My dad always sang in church and he always had a captive audience. My dad now rests at Arlington with a Purple Star and many other honors, he was a proud man, but never bragged about how great he was. I now live “paying forward”. I think my dad had something, he loved life and gave everything back to us, he just wanted to sing, laugh, love and grasp every second of life. He would love to know you are thinking of him.
The daughter of the great Thomas Consedine
Hello Linda Consedine- First let me say I am very sorry for your loss, you, your kids and your family.Tom was a “roll model” for all those local Olean wanna- be- musicians, and, proudly, I am one of them. I remember the first time that I ever heard Tom sing, I didn’t know he sang, but he was in an Olean High School musical thing with another Olean High School singer, Carol Chase. I’m sure John remembers as does Tom’s sister as well as Tim Stavish and Jeff Todd. Anyway, from my point of view that is when Tommy Consedine became Olean’s “Star” and he kept that “Star” and for sure in my mind will always be that “Star” . He was a class act and when he hooked up with The Tigermen, they all set the bar very high for the rest of us and, believe me I know that bar was set high because the band I was in at that time, The Checkmates, and I remember the second of a two part “Battle of the Bands” held in the Olean High School Auditorium, actually I think it might have been referred to as a “Concert” where Tom, John, Jeff and Timmy blew us right out of the OHS auditorium. It was not that difficult of a pill to swollow because if you are going to get beat, it couldn’t be by a bunch of nicer people, The Tigermen. I remember the last few times I saw Tom perform was at the Skye Loft at Cuba Lake and that was with my band, The Checkmates, and another local singer from Cuba, Rick Mauer. I must tell you that the matchup of Tom and Rick was like hearing the Righteous Brothers in person, because that is how those two guys sounded. Now those were performances that are in my musical brain forever.
Hi John, It was wonderful reading your words about Tom and the Tigermen. It does seem like yesterday. I miss Tom constantly but am thankful for the wonderful years we shared and for the three children we raised. Tom would be very proud of them. I have many of Tom’s songs and have put mose on disc but I can’t find any of the Spirit of America songs. If you have any especially in Tom’s voice I would love to have copies. I live in Mechanicsburg, Pa. and would enjoy sharing mamories with you. Also I know my kids would love to hear stories about their Dad. So give us a call sometime.
Hi Frank,
Thank you for sharing your memories of Tom and the Tigermen. They really were great, weren’t they! I remember you and The Checkmates very well. Tom always spoke well of you and admired your talent. It touches me deeply that you have kept him in your heart and mind and that you took the time to communicate with me.
Thank You,
Linda Consedine
Love this group and had to share this pic with everyone including the family members of this incredible band.
Hi Linda, this is Tim. My son happened to see this website and read about the band. Seems like yesterday. Could not believe it when I heard about Tom. I called Diana to get your address. The last time I saw Tom was when Gerri and I were in Olean and Tom saw us walking down State St. He was visiting His Dad I think. Tom didn’t get to enjoy the retirement he deserved to have after serving your country. Life is not fair sometimes. Gerri and I are still going strong after 43 yrs and retired in the villages in Fl. A son and daugther 33 and 35. and no grandkids cause they aren’t married as of yet. I saw John in Olean last yr. and Jeff in Vegas 2 yrs. ago. Hope you and your family are doing well and tell your kids hello from us.
No, Dan Pike was not the drummer. Tim Stavish was the one and only drummer. The most amazing drummer ever.
Hi John
You kindly gave me some lessons that (after also studying with the great Brud Bunker) had a lot to do with my musical education. (What NOT to play.) John David’s Mood was the coolest band around when I was in high school. I’m 54 and still drumming with this band: kennmorr.com
Bob Gaspar
The great days in Olean NY in the 60’s were highlighted by the music of the Tigermen, the Checkmates and a few other bands around the area.
Our innocence was our fun … all of the Fridayor Saturday Nights dances with these Groups made all of us feel like big-city kids.
I would not change anything during those times – then we grew up and moved away!
I met up with John Farrell a few months back in Endicott, we had a great dinner and talked for hours. We hadn’t seen each other since 1967 but the others at our dinner table didn’t believe it – we talked about just about everybody we knew and grew up with.
Olean in the 1960’s – the best place to grow up and live !
Can anyone sent me the lyrics of tiger girl?
A tremendous Hello to all you funky Olean area 1960’s people. This is Steve Hadzicki OHS Class of ’68.
I will post more but as of now I will see if this gets to a proper destination.
For now. Go Huskies.
Peace to you all
Hi to all…
Was so sorry to read the passing of Linda Consedine….Safe passage on your way to fly around with the love of your life…Tommy “Tigerman”…..
I have heard songs recorded by the tiger men and I loved them! When I read that one of the members was tom consedine I couldn’t believe it! I remember the consedines when they lived in South Wales, back in the late 1970s. At the time tom, a captain, was serving with the United States army, stationed at raf caerwent. His two oldest children, Michael and Tracey, attended the same school as myself and my youngest sister, edwina. I was very saddened by the news of Tom’s passing, followed by Linda’s. I think about the consedines quite often, and other people from back in the day. RIP Linda and Tom. The music goes on!