The Shandells came from Mount Prospect and Arlington Heights, Illinois, adjacent suburbs about 20 miles northwest of Chicago. The Shandells cut one treasured record, “Caroline” / “Mary, Mary” on Sizzle SS-5130 in August, 1965. The label reads “That Fabulous Four Sean, 2 Toms, Joe”. Members were:
Joe Stanley – lead guitar
Sean Ryan – bass
Tom Nyquist – guitar
Tom Blomquist – drums
Crypt Records included “Caroline” and “Mary, Mary” on Back from the Grave volumes 3 and 6, respectively.
A feature in the Chicago Tribune on August 5, 1965 includes three photos of the group in the studio (which goes unnamed, unfortunately), and even quotes a verse of “Caroline” a little different to what was on the record:
The last time I saw her she said to me
She’d be mine if I wanted her t’ be
I said ah-Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
The band downplay rock music in the article, presenting a wholesome image.
An article from Arlington Heights Herald notes how they would regularly fill the Knights of Columbus Hall. It goes on to say that Sean Ryan was leader of the group and primary writer of their original songs, and that he was an Irish citizen. He was a senior at Prospect High School.
Joe Stanley also wrote for the group, was a sophomore at St. Viator High and “has a B average.”
Tom Blomquist was class president at Arlington High School, wrote “Caroline”, and also averaged Bs in school.
Tom Nyquist is “lead rhythm guitarist” and a sophomore at Prospect High School.
When they cut their single, the group were 15 years old, except for Sean who was 17.