Here’s a good photo of a band that would be anonymous but luckily the photo was mounted to a backing board which names the band as the Phantoms, and the photographer as Newell Wood of Ulfinian Way in Martinez, CA. It also tells that the photo placed second in the Concord California Club miniprints competition in June of 1966.
Martinez is about 8 miles from Concord, and the band could be from anywhere around the East Bay, Vallejo or Walnut Creek. I’m not aware of any group named the Phantoms from that area, or if they made any recordings.

I have a 45 rpm record by The Phantoms on the Dana label West Covina Cal no zip code. The record # is 102. The 2 sides are Head over Heels and Phantom Drums. I am trying to research this record. Any hyelp will be appreciated
I have a circa 1966 poster from Fresno that promotes a show with the“ E-Types” (a well known garage band) and the second billed band is “the Phatons” —which I assume to be a misspelling of “Phantoms.” Actually, I have a small collection of these garage band posters from Fresno shows. Bands include Roadrunners, Stained Glass, Children, 5 o’clock News Hour, etc.
I was a member of the Five O’clock News Hour. Can you scan over the posters you reference ? Thanks mick Marderosian