The Ninth Street Bridge released one 45 on Cecile in August, 1968, featuring two originals by Tommy Bourque (misspelled on the label as Tommy Bourgue). “Wild Illusions” has a simple riff and beat with overdriven lead guitar and a vocal delivery very much in a Texas garage style. “Hey Boy” is as good as the flip, with the same saturated guitar sound and heavy drumming.
I don’t know anything about the band other than a Houston location and that Sonny Richards produced the single. I did find an ad for the 9th Street Bridge and the Moving Sidewalks for a show on March 15, 1969 at the Safari in Baytown.
I’m not aware of any other 45s on Cecile.

Thats my father’s band! Tommy BourQue…not Bourgue…just fyi
Is you mother by chance Sheryl?
No, she was my fathers first wife. I came after.
I would love to interview Tommy Bourque about “Wild Illusion.” Could you forward this message to his son, who posted on June 22?
I write the “2 or 3 lines” music blog —
Thank you!
Hey Gary, unfortunately he passed away on 2009.
Ninth Street Bridge members –
Charles Catrone – lead guitar
Steve Carney – vocals
Tommy Borque – drums
Arnold Mitschke – bass
Tommy Richards – organ
Does anyone know if Arnold is still around?
He worked at a music store in Spring Branch and Katy, and he sold me my first few guitars.
My brother is Tommy Richards, now deceased. My dad, Sonny Richards, managed the band. The record label, Cecile, is my mother. I have quite a bit of history and memorabilia from that time.
Hi Sharon, there was at least one other record on Cecile Records, I was wondering if you knew anything about any other records on the label please. Thank you for any help.
Hi Sharon, I’d like to use the song ‘Wild Illusions’ in a video for the company I work for. Do you have any information on the license, do you still or your family still hold the rights to the songs on the Cecile label?
So where does Tammy and Rhonda fit in this Richards family? I sat in there front yard and listened to the Ninth Street Bridge play for the neighborhood, (Arbor Oaks in Houston) who beautifully covered the Door’s, Light My Fire. I was young, I thought they were the band on he radio. Amazing memories, Thanks Sonny!
Hi Sharon, my 1st husband was Steve Carney, lead vocals in the 9th Street Bridge. He recently passed and was just wondering if you have any pictures of the band, ticket stubs or any other memorabilia that I might be able to forward to his daughters
Sharon, if you have an iPhone they have Illusions on there. Just downloaded it.
Hello, My name is Jana Richards Tupper and Sonny Richards (who produced this Vinyl) is my grandfather. Tommy Richards (my father who passed) played in the 9th Street Bridge. No one in my family has a copy of his record, and I have never heard it before. I’ve been searching for it like crazy. Is there any way I can buy a copy or get a copy made from you?
Hi Jana & Sharon
I’ve been trying to track down a 45 by the Soul Commitee on Cecile does that ring a bell with anyone or do you know anyone that was in the group. Only Names I have are Jerry Ford & Tommymiddleton
I have the 45 – it’s in very good condition. I also have the ability to digitize it and am doing do for Steve’s daughter Summer. I’m going to send her the record. I can send you MP3 versions if you’ll send me your email address – others are welcome also. my email address is
Steve and I were good friends a long time ago! Have heard the band play several times, they were very good! I likened them to Fever Tree in style
I had a severe crush on Tommy R. They played at the Rinky Dink often. I got to be friends with his mom and she brought me the record when they recorded it. My bedroom wall was covered in their band posters. He bought me a soft drink on break one night. I hung that on the wall also. Still have the record. What great memories.
9th Street Bridge played at our wedding reception at Bill Bennett’s Steak House in the Sky, in downtown Houston, December 21, 1968. My father-in-law was Ken Grant, now deceased, of KNUZ. He organized 9th Street Bridge to play.
Fast forward 50 years…..we are celebrating our 50th this December. I would like to get in touch with any of the surviving members or family of the band.
Hi this is Summer Carney Jobson, Steve Carney’s daughter.. I would love to get photos, other recordings, or memorabilia from the band. My dad just passed a few days ago and we will have a memorial in Austin probably end of February or March.. please let me know.. are there any of the other band mates that are still alive? thanks
Steve Carney passed away last week
The song Illusion is also available on Apple Music in a Texas Garage band compilation called Texas Flashbacks Vol 3 Also on this record is Morning Dew by Sweet Smoke – almost as good as the Allman Brothers version Don’t think the song Hey Boy is available but I can send MP3 of it