The Boodly Hoo

Photo: Michael Rowlands
Doug Caldwell (lead vocals)
Michael Rowlands (harp)
Martin Obern  (lead guitar) 
Vic Shantora (rhythm guitar)
Rick Halas (bass) 
John Tanti  (drums) 
Photo: Michael Rowlands
Our single was recorded at the Shoreacers building on Don Mills Road, north of Lawrence Avenue in 1966. We had it played on CHUM AM. It never made the top 50 chart and and is the only recording the band made.
The A side is “Mornington Crescent” and the B side is “Then She Takes You Down”, both written by Martin Obern, the lead guitarist.
We all quit our jobs and took a mini tour to Ottawa for a week in February 1967. When we came back we all got our jobs back. All the members are still around. Now in our seventies we play with various people around Toronto.
Thanks to Richard Halas for providing all the information and photos, which I’ve credited to the relevant people where needed. The following band photos are from Michael Rowlands.
St Andrew’s Church
St Andrew’s Church
Holy Rosary Hall
Ottawa, February 1967
December 1966

8 thoughts on “The Boodly Hoo”

  1. Remarkable …… there was a moderately successful band based in Leicester with the same name Broodly Hoo, during 1965/66.

    1. I’ve just left a message about the band Broodly Hoo. I lived in Leicester and my girlfriend Gwyn Jones was always talking about them. I never heard them myself but don’t think they progressed much beyond church halls and pubs. Not sure if they were a Wiggy Boys band.

      1. I remember Phil Sharpe, (?) who was at the Wiggy. Although I was at Alderman Newton’s we had a common acquaintance Howard Morrison who nowadays pops up on Sky as a judge in The Hague.
        Phil played guitar far too well, his dad had a shop in the east of Leicester.
        I saw them play at a school gig, very impressive with You Really Got Me by The Kinks.

    2. Hi, Tex.
      One of your old pals from just up top of Cecilia Rd here….
      I recently replied to a message about Broodly Hope and confused Phil Wright with Phil Sharpe.
      So sorry still about Peter, hope Christine is still with us, and that you’re still drumming.
      I keep in contact with one of The Warlocks.
      All the best,

  2. My girlfriend at the time Gwyn Jones was always talking about them this must have been about 1965. I never heard them myself but Gwyn always raved about them. She went to Wiggy Girls .Did some of the group go to Wiggy boys?

  3. I was at Gateway Boys mid sixties and knew Peter Taylor the guitarist in Wot Dat Dare and they had a rivalry with Broodly Hoo who were definitely Wiggy

  4. The name Broodly Hoo floated up this morning (@ 3:00 iin the morning) so I did a Google search. Boody Hoo came up and, unless this Canadian band toured Leicestershire I thought I’d drawn a blank.
    Scrolled down and someone had made a tenuous connection to the (Wigston) boys. I’m from near Coalville so spent most of my weekend time there, but I’m sure I must have seen the band – possibly at the County Arms. First time I ever saw a cat fight was there! Shocking!
    Anyway, Broodly had a minor rep. local to Leicester. And their eccentric name certainly stuck in my head.

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