Sometimes I pick up photos of unknown bands through ebay or in antique shops. This set came from a seller in Yuba City, California, north of Sacramento, but I don’t know the locations in the photos yet. Most of the photos show what seems to be a Christian music group called Sonlight from about 1970 and 1971. One photo shows some teens in front of a Saint Anthony Seminary, possibly in Santa Barbara, but I’m not sure of that. The photo at the top left is from 1967 and shows what is definitely a teen garage band in front of a banner “Sound”, but I don’t have the name of the group unfortunately.
Jeffrey Harvey pointed out that The Ancient Star Song website posted the cover and tracklist of an album by Sonlight that may be the same group. The back cover lists members of Sonlight:
Vicki Higgins, Betty Davis, Patti Bryson, Doug Norby, Ron Quigley, Richard Johnson and Roger Walck.
The group has an address in Van Nuys, California. Dean Talley produced the LP, and Mike Wallen designed the cover. Recorded at Customcraft Recordings in North Hollywood.
Can anyone identify who these people are?

Could this be the same band?
sure seems likely. I’ll leave a comment on that site. Thanks for pointing it out!
Dear members of sunlight. I appreciate your efforts thanks so much. From albert Terence chin
The pictures are not of the Sonlight group names you mentioned. I knew the group. Names in your narrative are correct. Pictures are not. They released one album, “The Sonlight”, bright orange/yellow cover.
Jo-Bette is correct. I met/heard them when they toured up the California coast in 1969. I still have their album. Wonderful witnesses to the love, grace, and power of the Lord Jesus Christ!
We had the Sonlight spend a weekend with our church youth group. Bought the album. Vicki Higgins, Betty Davis, Patti Bryson, Doug Norby, Ron Quigly, Richard Johnson, Roger Waick. The Sonlight album was the gospel on vinyl. Richard IIRC played a wonder 12 string. Still have it and play it often.
I have their album. They came to my church in CA. Followed them for several years. Glad to see some reference on line!