bottom row from left: A. Charles (sax) Simon Reyes (lead guitar and vocals) and ? Garcia (sax)
The Pharaoh label is famous for some great Texas garage 45s by the Cavaliers, the Headstones, the Playboys of Edinburgh, and Christopher & the Souls. Owning none of those pricey records at this time, I’m choosing to feature another side of Pharaoh: Simon Reyes.
His first Pharoah 45 is bluesy pop number with a female backing group and an extended electric piano solo “My Baby Hurts Me”, with a ballad, “Mistake Number Three” on the flip. Simon Reyes wrote both songs and is backed by the Outerlimits.
I haven’t heard his second Pharaoh 45, “Broken Hearted Fool” / “What Now My Love” but I expect it covers similar ground to this one.
There’s not much info out there on Reyes, but he had at least a couple records on Huey Meaux’s various labels, including a very good version of “I’m a Hog (For You)” on Rival, and both English and Spanish versions of “Mama, Mama” on Tear Drop.
Simon’s brother Noe Reyes reports that Simon died in November, 1973.
Jimmy Nicholls owned the Pharaoh label and also a studio in McAllen, TX where many bands recorded, including the Zakary Thaks and Bad Seeds for their early singles. Simon Reyes wasn’t the only Mexican-American crossover artist on Pharaoh, there was also The Cruisers featuring E.J. and Bobby Ledesma.
See the list of releases of Pharaoh Records on this site for more info on the label.
Special thanks to Noe for providing the photos.

Simon Reyes recored songs
1. I’m A Hog For You Baby/ Simon Reyes
2. Just By Touching Your Hand/ Simon Reyes
3. Make Believe/ Simon Reyes
4. Happy Song/ Simon Reyes
5. My Baby Hurts Me/ Simon Reyes
6. Mistake Number Three/ Simon Reyes
7. People Laugh/ Simon Reyes
8. Caminito, Caminito/ Simon Reyes
9. Broken Hearted Fool/ Simon Reyes
10. I’m Gonna Love You Anyway/ Simon Reyes
11. Mama, Mama (Spanish)/ Simon Reyes
12. Mama, Mama (English)/ Simon Reyes
13. What Now My Love (cover)
14. Amor De La Calle/ Simon Reyes
15. The Pregnant Cow/ Simon Reyes
16. El Coyote (cover)
17.La Barca (cover)
18. Tejano Enamorado (cover)
19.La Bola Negra (cover)
Simon Reyes was my brother. He was 27 when he died in 1974 of a herion overdose. I’ve written several short stories of his life as a musician and as a brother. If anyone has any question, or comments, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at: noesheba11@aol.com
Thanks, Noe Reyes
I was a groupie at the age of 10 for Simon Reyes and the Outer Limits. When do you have the annual get together in memory of Simon. I would like to attend.
Don’t remember the year but it was at the Vera’s Palladium in Weslaco, TX that I saw Simon Reyes & the Outlimits perform. I was told a story that one time Simon went into the Keno Cafe and he jumped on the counter and started singing while people were eating. He must have been really special because Maggie (I believe that was her name) who was very strick and kept order at the restaurant let him continue entertaining the guests.
I have several of the original releases on Pharaoh Records from the 60’s:
I Know What’s Been Going On, An Angel Like You, Another Lonely Night (w/ picture sleeve), My Baby Hurts Me, Look At Me Girl and She’s My Kind of Girl. Whenever I hear any of them it brings back good memories of the valley (I lived in Brownsville). In fact, the Playboys of Edinburg,Rene & Rene and Noe Pro & the Semitones played at our High School Jr/Sr prom and Homecoming dances, at different times. Good info on the website…………..
Hello, Are you Gilbert from The Blue notes?
Hey Gilbert! I think you were the one who e-mailed me about owning one of my brothers original 45’s. I just wanted to tell you that if you want to sell that record I would be glad to buy it from you. I dont know how much you are asking for it, but I’ll see what I can do. I also got a few of Simon’s originals that I bought on Ebay. I need these records to display at the Weslaco Texas Museum where a display of my brothers records and short history will hopefully be displayed for music culture purposes. Try and get back to me. Noe (Rudy) Reyes
e-mail: noesheba11@aol.com
My partners dad is the son of Simon, he was put up for adoption by his mother and found out who his birth parents were just a few years ago
Nope. We got the DNA test
If that’s our Dana, then yes you are correct.
Rudy, I am brother of Enrique Ramirez (Fina Service Station) in Weslaco. I have an original 45 from Simon entitled “Amor de la Calle” and the flip side is “Te Extrano”. The label is Tear Drop. I am in the process of converting about 50 original 45s into CDs. I have been hauling these around all these years. Other records include Los Cachorros, Joe Bravo, Los Royal Six, Noe Pro, Ernesto Guerra, Pepe Maldonado, Tumbleweed Band, Los Relampagos, Los Dinamicos, Los Triunfadores, Victor y Fina, Carlos Guzman, Carlos y Jose, Los Unicos, and many more. I even have El Baby JJ. I am very interested in your project for the Museum. I am very much into history and would like to focus on Tejano accomplishments and contributions to the development of Weslaco. Would like very much to hear from you. Let’s talk.
Do you have “La Traicionera” by Carlos Guzman y su Conjunto? Mel Villarreal, Armando Hinojosa, Ramiro de la Cruz “Snowball”, Balde Munoz.
With much sadness the reason Noe (Rudy)Reyes hasn’t replied he passed away on November 23, 2022. With ALS, same day as his Brother Simon. If you want more abt Simon you can email to Rudy email & I’ll pass the information to his brother Freddy Reyes. Forever will miss Rudy , his wife Mari
Noe, My brother Jo Jo Molina was Simons best friend. He took your brothers death very bad. He has never forgotten him, as a matter of fact, Rot Meave another of your brothers best friends recently found some songs Simon used to sing and made a cd of those songs. I hope you can continue emailing me with any info on your brother. I will let my brother know I emailed you.
chey please contact me as soon as you can
rene.deleon88 (at) yahoo.com
I played with Christopher and the Souls from McAllen in the ’60’s. We recorded at Pharaoh records. Would like to know more about Simon. Where were the Outer Limits from. Also, did you know Noe Pro and the Semi-tones? I live in Austin now and run a guitar shop.
I was going through this web page and I read that you have some of our music. If you need some more from our band let me know I have everything we ever recorded.
Casey Cantu
i was only 9 years old when i first heard the song mistake # 3 at a gettogetder that my sister was attending and my mom send me w/ her .they let me change the records and i heard mistake # 3 for the very first time and i fell in love w/ the song and the voice singing it. 2 weeks later i went to another get together w/ my sister and they played it again.i wanted to steal the record but i didn’t.i could not afford to buy records.so i kept asking who sang the song but nobody remember.so for about 43 years i kept searching for this song.i knew the main verse word by word.i thought i would die w/out ever knowing who sang the song or let alone own it.on wed nov 23 i was searching the cruisers and long and behold i stumble to this website.i saw mistake # 3 and i thought i was dreaming.i click on it and it played the song.i must have cried for awhile.talking about miralces in life.i had just lost my last of eight cats milo on nov 9th.i was down in the dumps and the song that eluded me for more than 43 years was there for me to hear.God and Jesus send me the best present ever.i was sorry to hear simon had died.what a good looking boy w/ an awesome and angelic voice.i hope to one day own this record.thank you for this website and all the info.if i ever own the record i will let you know.i wish i had it on a cd to listen in my car.i just love this song.my very best.yahnna walbroehl-minnesota formely of brownsville,texas
He was my grandpas best friend growing up we were listing to him the other day
Hello Noe…just to let you know, I remember Simon very well. Used to hang with him quite a bit in Harlingen,Tx..He used to play the clubs over there a lot and that’s when I got to know him. Later, I started working in radio…I used to play his music a lot, in Corpus Christi then at a local station in Harlingen where I worked. I hadn’t seen him in a long time before he passed away…what a loss! He was a great guy and good friend. Drop a line anytime…
Hey, is this the Mike Cantu with a natural God given voice for Radio and TV? Cant blame you if you don’t recall me—its been a bunch of years. If you are the ONE…give me a call 713-391-5493. It sure would be nice to catch on more than 30 years! Or am I exaggerating? Saludos!
noe this rene de leon a friend of simon. i would like to hear the rest of thr songs that simon sang or wrote. please e-mail me to see how i can deownload his music. i used sing with a group called the memories (juan cantu, chubby hinojosa, david garza,leon brown) will be waiting for your response
rene.deleon00 [at] gmail.com
RENE, It’s good to read your comments on SIMON. I just remembered your band THE MEMORIES, I think you are the ones I am thinking of. Did you guys played in WESLACO alot, cause I remembered the drummer LEON BROWN and it was in weslaco. I am 67 years old now and living in HOMESTEAD,FLORIDA but the groups from the vally will never be forgotten. Are all the band members still alive?
Noe, i just found the website with your brother’s music. I have been looking for over 40 years to find a copy. I spoke to Raul Arizpe, at City Barber Shop, and he knew your brother personally. Give him a Call,956-686-9253
My name is Balde Ramirez from Harlingen originally from Mercedes and I have always remembered Simon. I went to several places where he sang especially in Mercedes. I left for Vietnam and while on an in country R&R I sang Mistake Number Three in order to give the words and music to a Vietnamese band so I could listen to it. They did ok but never like Simon. Thank God for guys like him.
I am 62 and was on my conputer when I found his song. He will always be in prayers.
Thank You
Simon Reyes was born 1947 in Weslaco Texas to Simon Sr. and Juanita Reyes. He had four sisters and two brothers.
At a very young age as a juvenile, his passion for music was evident. He would perform on a TV show from Weslaco called the Molten Ty Cobb show. He would paint fake sideburns and pretend to play a guitar without strings while he sang “Hound Dog” and he would also dance like Elvis and would perform this way on the TV show.
He dropped out of high school in his sophomore year.
He never really had a job but pursued his music interests with a passion. He soon formed his own group and played at many venues through out the Valley. As he got older he moved to Galveston Texas and then to New Orleans Louisiana.
During this time he recorded a total of 19 to 20 songs, some of which have not been released or have gotten lost in the bureaucracy of recording studios.
He died on November 15, 1974 a few blocks away from his home in Weslaco Texas.
He never married but it is believed that he has a son somewhere in California or New Orleans. This information about his son was passed on to me (his brother) by the late Freddy Fender before he also passed away.
Recently, a movie called “Broken Promise” by producer Eddie Howell of Mercedes plays one of his songs on the radio in the background. In the movie, there is a small scene where his character is portrayed by the son of Balde Silva of the group “Toby Beau”. The movie is about struggling musicians and at the end on credits, a tribute is given to Danny McAnna a musician who died recently who also played with Toby Beau and Simon’s name is also mentioned in the tribute.
I am currently trying to find a place in the Weslaco Museum for my brother’s records and pictures of him. The people at the museum are very interested in this possibility and are waiting to see what I may present to them.
Recently, in October of 2010, the Broken Promise premier was shown in the new Weslaco auditorium. My brothers and sisters were given the key to the city, an October 3rd proclamation making it Simon Reyes Day by the City of Weslaco. We were also given a plaque engraved with the words “Simon Reyes….Rio Grande Valley Rock and Roll Legend”.
Thank You, Noe Rudy Reyes
are you his brother?
Hello my name is melisa tanguma, daughter of rolando tanguma who played in your bro. band. what else can you tell me about the group??
Hello Melissa Tanguma. Is your Dad Rolando the same guy that played with Al “Chato” Chavarría? If so, he was or is a PHENOMINAL keyboard player! Did they call him “Tips”?
Hi this is Rob Kilgallon, my uncle Roy, “tips”, my mom’s brother. Melissa is my cousin. He was also in groupo Mayo, they were on the Johnny Canales show. I would love to hear more and any music back then. He passed away back in ’96.
Rudy, I have always wondered what accomplishments Simon would have had he not died so young. I have many memories of Simon going back to the afficionados at the Benitez Theater. His first communion was a disaster when he was all dressed up in white before going to the church and he fell in a large puddle of muddy water. I’ll never forget how upset he was. Then there were the times when he would just walk into our house and say “Maria (my mom) ya estan las tortillas, traigo much hambre”. We would sit by our huge radio and listen to KRIO and he would play the guitar following the tunes on the radio. Bula, he would yell. Vamos pa Harlingen or sometimes Mercedes. There was a time when i ran into him in California when he was following Ruben Vela and he would play the rock and roll music. I could go on and on for hours and hours. He lives in my heart and is part of my childhood and teenage years. When Simon died, I was in the Army stationed in Germany. I missed the funeral but his memory lives in me forever and ever. I hope you can put together something great for him. Oh, and he did show up to my graduation party at home. He had a few drinks, laughed with us and behaved like he always did – laughing and being loud. If you need more stories about his relationship with me and our family, let me know. Always real fond of you and Freddy. Miss those good times we had when we were kids. I used to love spending the night at your house cause Juanita would fix the best breakfast. I walked home one day. It seemed so far to me then even though it was only one mile. Maybe cause I was only 6 or 7 years old.
hey little brother, someone made a mistake when they printed when Simon died………it was on nov.22,1973 and that year it fell on thanksgiving day……….. i still get chills when i remember the phone call i got from you, telling me that he was gone!!! and if i’m not mistaken, he was born in ’45, cause he used to tease me and tell me i had to do what he said, because he was older than me!!! lol and i was born in ’46……… love ya lots………
Thank you so much everybody for posting your comments about Simon. I have always believed that it was his fans and friends like you who have kept his memory alive. I have never tried to promote him or his music because I have always thought that if his music and talent warranted attention he would get it from the public and not from a family member. He WAS a talented musical legend to many people who knew him me included. I go further and say that he was one in a million and a book could very well be written about his extraordinary life, his music, and his death.
His “OCOTOBER 3RD SIMON REYES DAY PROCLAMATION” presented in Weslaco was really an honor to our family. I do not know if that proclamation was intended for only that day on that year but I dont care and I will celebrate it every Oct. 3rd at my place in Edinburg. We just celebrated it this past Oct. 3rd with live music bands and a small tribute of his pictures, records, and a few words about Simon.
Feel free to contact me vie e-mail at: noesheba11@aol.com
Thanks Again, Noe (Rudy) Reyes. 10/11/2011
Glad to find this website! Simon lived here in Galveston and played many nights in my father’s club – The Yoyo Club on 57th Ave S in Galveston. My father was named Richard (Rico) Fuentes. I was young and was only 13 when Simon died. He spent a lot of time with my father and his brothers. My grandmother also treated him like a son. I remember Simon and how all the young girls like me had little girl crushes on him. I believe his band then was called THE BOURBON STREET SAINTS AND SINNERS. I came across a 45 for Caminito Caminito but unfortunately lost in in our last Hurricane. My favorite was MAMA MAMA…we all knew the words and would sing along. I remember the day we heard that Simon died. It was a day that brought much sadness to my family. He had such a beautiful voice and I wish we could find his music on a CD. My father has passed away, but I have two uncles left and I believe one was like one of his best friends. They may know more about his life here in Galveston if you are interested.
Tina thank you for responding to Simon’s post. I was around 23 when he died but I had been to the Yoyo Club about 4 times when I was around 16 & 17. I coulnt drink but my brother would talk to the manager (probably your Dad) and I’d hang around the club all night long. Several times I went with my Dad. And while Simon played at the Yoyo Club regularly, he’d also do gigs at the Flying Tiger and Christies Beacomber by the beach.
I know he named his band the Bourben Street Bums but the name you mention could very well have been used also during the course of his residence in Galveston.
Sorry you lost the 45 Caminto, Caminto, its been one I’ve tried to locate for a long time.
On another note, just today, Feb. 19,2012, a very nice article about Simon was publised on the Monitor Newspaper out of McAllen Tx . It features several pics as the ones here on Garage Hangover. It also mentions some other information about his life and music.
Please tell your uncles that I would greatly appreciate it if they contact me to talk about Simon.
Melissa, My mom is Irma Reyes Flores and is most interested in talking with you about your family. please call us at our business, Something Special 956.968.6528
Raul, glad to see your post and comments. My brother David told me about this site. I too have wondered about what his acomplishments might have been .My favorite memory is when I was staying at Mama Grandes house for a couple of days and Simon just dropped in. She was sitting in her favorite chair with her stoic look and Simon said “Mama Grande! Te quiero cantar una cancion que aprendi!” He got his guitar and sang “The House of the Rising Sun” It was awesome. Mama Grande never flinched but she was listening. At the end she said: Esta bonita la cancion. As soon as he dashed in he dashed out, as a girlfriend honked outside and off they went. When I was stationed in the Phillipines in 1971, a Phillipino band covered the song “Mama Mama” and it was constantly played when I was there. Like in Mexico, the song played overloundspeakers everywhere. They did an excellent cover. If other veterans can remember this please correct or verify. I would tell my friends, “Hey my cousin wrote and sang that song! Of course, they said I was full of S–T. I have lots of memories also of Simon. El Baile Grande, Reynosa and Harlingen. Towards the last days of his life, while I was going to Pan Am, there was a little club on the corner of 107 and Sugar. (Does anyone remember the name?) The club was facing Sugar Rd.
One night, to my surprise, I got there and Simon was playing. He was into rock and roll that night. His rendition of “Red House” brought the crowd into a frenzy. Will never forget that night…It was the last time I saw him alive.
It was called The Study Hall. The song that he sang was Little Red Rooster. And yes, he was amazing
Little Red Rooster….too lazy to crawl today…
I believe one of my uncles Alfonso contacted you. My other uncle who actually was good friends with Simon said the band was the name you said..I was 12 and 13 back then so was trying to remember what I thought was the name. Hopefully my Uncle Alfonso will contact you when he heads down to the valley.
i would like to have some of simon’s songs r they recorded somewhere where i can down load
My brother Lupito Meave played with Simon’s group at one time or another. He played at my graduation in 1965 at the old Paladium. His music was just great. God bless him.
i remember Lupito very well………he once helped me save Simon!!! he was a dear friend to both of us……….please have him contact me…..
What a delight! Just happen to be recalling the old days and speaking to an old friend from the Valley. We were discussing prominent individuals from the Valley and Simon’s name was mentioned. I googled his name and wham! I came upon this treasure. I scanned through the comments and it all prompted a little bit of nostalgia—el valle de aquellos tiempos, …the good ole days…! I had the good fortunate to meet Simon through Riche and Joe Vela (Ruben Vela’s brothers) from my hometown of Mercedes. Both occasionally played drums for him. This was probably in 1966. I became an instant fan and Mistake Number Three became the song of the times. I followed his presentations, and sometimes drove the group in my 1957 Chevy to Harlingen and other Valley sites. It was a thrilled to see him preform, he had all the qualities of a star, looks, voice, talent. Although Simon acquired recognition, I feel musically he was way ahead of his time. Throughout the years his memory has remained present in my thoughts and I would love to be part of a project that would bring this magnificent and talented brother global recognition someday. Please keep me in the loop for future events or meetings.
Blessing to each one of you.
Lupe Casares
I would like information on how to get a copy of Mistake number 3 and Mama both English and Spanish. My dad Rene Rodriguez wrote those songs and recorded by Simon Reyes
It was Simon who wrote “Mama, Mama” both in English and Spanish.
Rudy, you are absolutely correct about Simon writing Mama, Mama in both English and Spanish………it was actually when he was living in Galveston, above the Tiger Club, in fact he wasn’t finished writing the English version, and he read it to me, and asked my option on the wording………. I remember telling him it was perfect just as it was, and that any mother would be so very proud to hear it…..that was when we had first started dating…..I hadn’t even met Mama yet, but she was the most loving, caring, and kind woman I was ever fortunate enough to meet……. I think of her often and miss her still………
There’s a man by the name of Raul Ybarra, he taught me how to play and one of the first songs I learned to play and sing was Mistake Number Three. Raul played with Simon for a while, wish I could buy some copies of music.
Hello Primos and Primas! Just a quick note, in 1988 I met Frank Ochoa, Frank and I talked music while stacking apples in the produce department at Auchan Hypermarket in SW Houston.
One day Frank mentioned he use to manage a band in Galveston and showed me a business card he had in his wallet, the card was old and read, Simon Reyes and the bourban street bums! ( Manager Frank Ochoa) I was floored! and had to tell Freddy Reyes, Simon’s Brother, which I did while Freddy was selling Christmas Trees in the Westwood Mall parking lot down the road from my job. I told Frank I was Simon’s cousin and since then he has always told me stories of Simon and still sings some of Simon’s songs in SW Houston today. Frank even took me to the Tigers den? in Galveston and played “Amor de la calle” on the juke box, he told the bartender I was Simons cousin and she Flipped out and gave me a big hug! Just a little story I wanted to share. Proud to be Simon’s cousin and FAN! Lonnie (Orlando) Reyna……
Thanks for sharing Lonnie. The place was called “The Flying Tiger”. Simon used to live upstairs of the club. I went to visit him there several times. Other clubs he used to play at in Galveston (that I visited) were “The Top Hat”, “The Yoyo Club”, and “Christies Beachcomber”. “Amor de la Calle” was an original of his. I wonder if those places are still there. Again, thanks for sharing Lonnie. Rudy Reyes
Great News All You Simon Reyes Fans!!!!
After 44 years, the son we believed to be Simon’s has made contact with our family and is going to meet us for the first time in his and our life’s. He is from California and he is coming to the Rio Grande Valley. And yes, he also loves music and sings.
My band The Answers were practicing one Sunday afternoon at our practice place we called the club house on S. Illinois Street in Weslaco back in 1967…while taking a break outside the club house Simon Reyes and his drummer Lupe Meave dropped by. He said that he wanted to hear the band. After playing some songs he asked us if he could play a song he had just learned. He took over with Lupe Meave on the drums and our bass player Nacho Torres following along as best as he could. The song he played was called “Tell it to the Rain by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Afterwards he offered to teach us the song, which he did. He showed us all guitar and bass chords along with vocals and harmonies…he even wrote all the words to the song for us. We added it to our repertoire. Later on in the summer of 1967 the Catholic Dioceses of Brownsville put on a Battle of the Bands in Harlingen which we signed up for. There were bands from Brownsville all the way to Mission Texas. Well we performed and played the song Simon had taught us to play. As we played i looked up to the balcony and saw the crowd swaying to the music. We left early and headed on home with no hope of winning. The other bands played much better than us and had better instruments etc. Two weeks later we got a call from the Dioceses informing us that we had placed First Place Group Division and for us to go pick up the trophy. We were all excited. All due to Simon Reyes who unselfishly taught us that song. Simon wrote songs with very good harmonies and he had an ear for it. I always love his style of playing and consider him one of my mentors…
They guy with the sax (bottom row/labeled Garcia in the pic) is actually my father, David C. Alvarado.
@ David Alvarado…can you tell us more about your dad David C. Alvarado? where was he from etc…
Leon the drummer, Juan cantu guitar have passed. Miss them dearly.
Hi..I m interested in rereleasing Simon Reyes’ 45s in an lp compilation. I want to try to bring back these amazing tejano rock music.
Is Noe still alive?
Please call me
Rich Hopkins
I’ll send this information to his brother Freddy Reyes.
Beto Perez (played the bass) is my grandpa. I always wondered if there was any more pictures or videos. He passed at age 55. Would love to know more about the band. Email me at roseannperez04@yahoo.com
H R Long Is On Sax Also.