The Shadows 5 were thought to be from Oswego, New York, on Lake Ontario, northwest of Syracuse, but the band actually formed in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
The band members’ first names are on the labels but I only know two members’ surnames. Another member’s last name is Williams, but I don’t know which.
Bill – lead vocals
Randy – lead guitar (Fender Jaguar)
Craig McKinney – rhythm and occasional lead guitar (Mosrite “Joe Maphis”)
Ralph Riehl – bass (Fender Jazz)
Vic – drums (Ludwig)
“Gathers No Moss” is an incredible version of the song, and the flip “That Little Girl” is a fine jangler.
Tech Records released the single in August 1966; I can’t find anything else on this label. The quality of the recording is excellent, with the opening guitar riff jumping off the grooves.
This was a very rare record though in the last year about 10 copies have shown up, which is how I was able to afford one.
Craig McKinney wrote to me with info about the group:
Two of us (Vic and I) are from Fulton, NY, a small city just south of Oswego, NY. Vic and I played together there before shipping off to Fort Wayne, IN and college. We started the band out there.
We recorded the record in Fort Wayne, IN at radio station WOWO and pressed 500 copies in Chicago. I wrote the words and music to “That Little Girl” as well as the arrangement for “Gathers No Moss.” Bill sings lead on “Girl” and that’s me on “Moss.” There is only copy out there that was signed by all members of our band. It was signed while we were on a tour trip to upstate NY in our old hometown.
Q. Were you or Vic in the Newberry 4 of Oswego when you lived in Fulton? They recorded a song called “That’s Why I’m a Rolling Stone” that is much like “Gathers No Moss”.
We were never in the “Newberry 4.” I heard them once or twice, though I was not there much in those days. They were the area’s top group at the time. They were excellent. A “Beatles” spin-off group if I remember right. Never knew them but admired them at the time. I didn’t remember their song until I heard it after reading a comment on your website. Still a great song to this day.
While we recording in the studio at WOWO, we had a professional photographer take pictures and videos of the group. We also left with the master tape. To this day, the pictures, videos and tapes cannot be found.
The group played backup for The Kingsmen in 1966 at my brother’s fraternity at Franklin College, Franklin, IN. They commented on how much better we were than them. Great fun! We played a LOT of frats and sorority houses in Indiana until Vic and I flunked out and the band broke up. Vic and I both later returned and graduated.
Randy was from Fort Wayne and, unfortunately, passed away about 8 years ago. I’m not sure where Ralph was from, but now resides somewhere in Florida. Bill was from Ohio and still resides there. Vic lives in Huntington, IN. I am back in Fulton, NY.
Craig McKinney
This is not the same Shadows Five who recorded “Dynamic Drums” / “Gary’s Boogie” for the Sully label and “Markham” / “Twistin’ Shadows” for Peacock. That group became the Ultimates and later Prince Charles & the Crusaders, then finally the Ultimate, with a 45 on Garland.
Some information on the group surfaced from a member after the book went to print. although the group did travel to Oswego, NY to play some gigs and where they first heard “Gathers No Moss” as performed and recorded by the Newberry 4 (“titled “That’s Why I’m A Rolling Stone”)
The Shadows 5 were from Fort Wayne, Indiana. They all attended the Indiana School of Technology.
A Newberry 4 member told me back in the 1990s that the Shadows 5 played a few gigs and were a short-lived group to the best of his recollections. Now we know why he’d remember it that way, the Shadows 5 were only in town for a very short period of time.
Very interesting how “Gathers No Moss” is a copy of “That’s Why I’m A Rolling Stone”.
Release time frame of the Shadows 5 single is around May, 1966.
HI, Indiana Institute of Technology was the college in Fort Wayne that the group formed. I played the guitar but summer of 1965 I bought a Fender Jazz Base with the last dollar to my name and joined the Shadows Five Band as base player. I was from Teaneck New jersey, became a Sig Ep and transferred to Ball State U and graduated in 1968. The Band played about 10 Gigs in total and cut the record the same year. That Little Girl was played on New York WGL cousin Brucey for 6 months and WOWO Indiana and some other stations. That Little Girl was from the tune Needles and Pins and A Rolling Stone gathers no Moss was from scratch. The Band played mostly Beatles songs at Gigs, Great fun, Great Guys, Great memories and a great tune for its day.
Best to all
Ralph Riehl
Just a clarification Mike. We never played in the ’90’s or any other decade after the ’60s. We broke up in 1966 when we flunked out never to be heard from again. “Gathers No Moss” is not a copy of “That’s Why I’m A Rolling Stone.” As with many songs, past and present, some similarities may exist, but I can assure you we did not copy their song. As with most bands of that decade, we were influenced by “The Rolling Stones” and most likely “gathered some moss” from them. It has been 52 years. My memory isn’t what it used to be. We never made a nickel, never will, and at my age (70), don’t care too. Two of our members have since passed and I was proud to have had the opportunity to play with them. Let’s enjoy all of the music and memories that go with it. Hope this clears things up. I would like to see our song back on YouTube for all to enjoy. Seems kind of ridiculous not to, but so be it. Enjoy the music!! Peace!!
Just an FYI…..The pictures posted here are not The Shadows Five. As I stated above, all of pictures were lost and never found.
Hello, I have a record store in Evansville Indiana called Rotations, and recently tracked down an actual Shadows Five Professional Group photo and was looking for band member contact info to get copies to the original members and discuss the pic with.
Hi Tim. I would be very interested in getting a copy(s) of any photos you have of our group. You can e-mail me at to discuss. Thanks for your interest. I’m the “Craig” in the original Shadows Five” band.
Too bad the SHADOWS FIVE GATHERS NO MOSS has been pulled by You Tube. My son has an original record for upload if it will help.
Why take it down after 50 years? JUST STUPID!
Ralph Riehl
Am I the last Shadows Five alive?
Hi Ralph!!! Craig Here. Vic and I are still very much alive. I’m in Fulton, NY and Vic is still in Huntington, IN. Believe it or not, I am still playing a little with a couple of old guys from another band. Lots of fun!!
Good to hear you are still out there keeping The Shadows Five alive. I still have 3 copies of our record. Peace my friend!!
Hi Craig, best to you and Vic. If you travel to South Florida, let me know, I live on the beach in Fort Lauderdale. Why did they knock our tune off of you tube, do they think we are FE’s? The Shadows 5 had a spark that will never die. I’ll never forget a date I was on when my car radio played our record on WOWO in Fort Wayne Indiana. That was probably my best date ever. Peace to all
Hey Ralph!! Good to hear from you. I don’t have a clue why it was pulled. It sure was a thrill to discover it was even out there after 50 years. Can’t be for monetary reasons, we never made a nickel on it. A “just for fun” adventure at the time at most. I get to the other side of Florida (Sarasota area) once or twice a year to visit my sister. We usually stay a month or so. Next time I’m there I’ll try to come over and look you up. You can contact me by e-mail if you like. My address is down below here. If not, this way is fine with me. I’ll let Vic know I “talked” to you. Hope you got lucky on that date!! Keep in touch. The Shadows Five could have gone a long way…we were just young and ignorant at the time. Peace my Friend!!!
Great to hear from you Craig, my e-mail is
Look forward to our reunion. Maybe we should rent a hall!
Still hoping “Gathers No Moss” is put back up on YT
Hi Ralph. I kind of wrote a clarification to MopTop Mikes comment above. Check it out when you get a chance. Someone is claiming we infringed on a copyright and that’s why it was pulled from YouTube. 52 years later…..come on. Let it rest. Just enjoy the music. Hope all is well. Will still try to visit sometime in the near future. Peace!!
OK Buddy
Best to you
Greetings. Just an update. Our recording of “Gathers No Moss” has been reinstated on You Tube. Many thanks to those who supported it’s return. Would appreciate it if Garage Hangover would update the above video. Thanks again and enjoy the 50th anniversary of Woodstock as well.
“Gathers No Moss” has been reinstated on You Tube. Many thanks to those who supported it’s return. Would appreciate it if Garage Hangover would update the above video. Thanks again and enjoy the 50th anniversary of Woodstock as well.
Update, still in Fort Lauderdale beach, survived all the nonsense and Covid hoax, where was a different place oh since the plan damage.
Hope all are well.
Let me know how you guys are doing, thanks, Ralph
Vic Canale- still in Huntington IN