This is an unidentified 12″ Sanders Recording Studios acetate featuring a somewhat free jazz ensemble whose sound and instrumentation remind me of Sun Ra or Mingus. I’m hoping some listener will be able to help me identify the artist. If you have any friends who are into this kind of jazz, please have them give these samples a listen.
Neither side has any information on it other than the printed label with the studio’s address and phone number, at 167 West 48th St., off Times Square in New York City. I would guess this dates to about 1961 or 1962.
It’s a very low fidelity recording, but I think the music is interesting enough to make a listen worthwhile. It’s noir, well-composed but not totally straight either. Track 13 may be the most polished composition on the acetate, so you may want to start with that first.
Someone commented the trombone sounded like Bob Brookmeyer, though I didn’t hear it.
I was 15 when my brother-in-law let me ride with him in his rig. He was delivering in NYC. We arrived early in the morning around 4am. He found a spot to park his rig when daylight came I took a stroll on 48th street and saw the sign on the door for Sanders Studio. I wanted to go inside but the doors were locked (It was a Sunday) so I never had a chance to meet the people involved with the studio. I wanted to find out what it would cost our band Shep & The Sting Rays (Lancaster, PA)for recording time. Also I wrote a song when I was 15 title “Surfin Queen”. A band from Baltimore Md called “Gary and the Peacemakers” said they would work on it for me. A year later someone in another band from Baltimore was playing in Lancaster and said Gary had recorded that song and took the credit. If anyone out there has a copy please let me know. I still have the original hand written lyrics.
Dennis (Shep) timelegend@hotmail.com
I have sent you a email concerning the 45’s I found. The 6 records have the SanderS label and NY address.. They all have Elvis Presley written in as the artist and his song title. They are also numbered. They are heavy like acetate.
I would very much appreciate if you could upload a full 320kbps rip of this mystery record
I was a customer at Sanders. In the mid-60’s I would bring tapes recorded in other studios and Mr. Sanders would transfer to an acetate. Never recorded there. He was a fixture on West 48th. Will no doubt be very difficult to identify the musicians.
I just found a 45 LP Sanders recording studios with the song crazy performed by Henry woods but I can find absolutely no information on it. I know Patsy Cline recorded it in 1961 and that Willie Nelson wrote the song and that it has been covered a lot. This record looks to be from the early sixties and plays very well there’s another song on the back but the label is missing it is nothing I am familiar with