The Reddlemen of Angleton were one of three garage acts on the Custom label out of Tyler. They cut this one great 45, the amazing “I’m Gonna Get in that Girl’s Mind”, with the Byrds-influenced “I Can’t Go On This Way” on the flip.
Les Roberts of the Brym-Stonz Ltd. remembers the Reddlemen and their guitarist and songwriter, Michael Cotton:
You asked about the Reddlemen, they were great musicians. The lineup was Pat Harris vocals, Jim Howell Rhythm guitar and electric piano, Charles Smith bass, Gary Cotton drums, and Mike Cotton lead guitar. [Later,] Rick Hutchinson replaced Mike in the Reddlemen.
Mike was this incredible guitarist. He played a strat and used banjo strings to stretch and bend for his solos long before light gauge strings and unwound G strings came about.
Mike went out to California in the mid-sixties and was roommates with his cousin Keith Allison who played with Paul Revere and the Raiders on a show called Where the Action Is! Mike played guitar on the opening theme to the show. He auditioned for the Beau Brummels also. Tragically he was killed in Vietnam.
An old auction for their 7″ master tape reel mentions two unreleased songs by the band. I’ve never heard these and don’t know the titles.
For more on the Custom label, see entries for The Brym-Stonz Ltd. and Billy McKnight.
Reddlemen business card from the collection of Andrew Brown.

This is the best fucking blog EVER !
May I correct something? I am , Aaron Jim Howell, founding member of the group, the Reddlemen. The original members were Pat Harris-lead vocals, Charles Smith-bass guitar, Ricky Hutchinson-lead guitar, Billy Hammonds-drums, & Aaron Jim Howell-guitar & keyboard. The original members stayed together for 10 months. At that time, Billy left & was replaced by Gary Cotton on drums. A year later, Mike Cotton, Gary’s brother joined us to play lead guitar along with Ricky. At this time Ken Mullins joined us as a keyboardist. Mike went to California for a short time & returned to rejoin us for 7 months before leaving for the army. He was killed in Viet Nam.