I found this Indonesian lp by Pattie Bersaudara on the Mutiara label a couple years ago, but had no info about it until Steve from Australia wrote in:
Pattie Bersaudara is not a person, it’s the two ladies who appear on the album cover. They were also known as the Pattie Sisters. The one with the blue top is Nina Pattie and the lady next to her is her younger sister Silvy Pattie (Sometimes recorded also as Nena and Selvy). They started singing together about 1961 and remained popular into the 1970s. It seems they always sang together and avoided doing solo work. I saw a newspaper report from 2006 that Nina died a few years ago. The sisters were born in Yogyakarta, Java, but their family was from Ambon and they recorded songs in the Ambonese dialect as well as standard Indonesian, Dutch and English.
Most of the tracks are in a local pop style like “Rudjak Ulek”. “What Am I Supposed to Do” is a cool soul/garage tune, and “Pura Pura” has some good organ and guitar. “What Am I Supposed to Do” is the only song on the lp sung in English. It sounds like a cover, but if so I can’t determine who did the original. Click to view full-sized scans of the front cover and back cover.
Thank you Steve for the info!
“What Am I Supposed To Do?”
What an odd place to find such a great garage song! I would have flipped right past that record without even considering that such a great song could be hiding on there.
Pattie Sisters – Sonja