The Mystics

The Mystics, Oak Cliff

The Mystics came out of the Oak Cliff neighborhood of Dallas, Texas. Members were Ron Jobe vocals, David Mitchell bass, Robert Farris and Danny Fugate on guitars, and Glenn Struble on drums. Their original name was the Glorytones, and they often played the Heights Theater.

In 1966 they won a local battle of the bands with the prize being a record contract with Bob Sanders’ Spectra Records, which is when they changed their name to the Mystics.

Spectra hired rockabilly legend Dale Hawkins to produce, and Ron Price (songwriter of “Wishy Washy Woman” and “My Girl” for Jimmy Rabbit) contributed the very catchy “Didn’t We Have a Good Time”. Robert Farris wrote the b-side, “Now and For Always”, a well-executed if ordinary ballad.

The 45 reached #1 on Dallas stations KLIF, KBOX (see survey front and back) and KFJZ and was picked it up by Dot Records for national distribution. The Mystics went on to open shows for the Beach Boys, Sam the Sham, the Lovin’ Spoonful and others, but for some reason never released another 45.

Contrary to what has been written before, the Mystics did not develop into the New Breed, who recorded Ron Price songs like “High Society Girl” and “P.M. or Later”. The In Crowd label used the Mystics name as a way to give credibility to the New Breed, which was actually a batch of studio musicians based out of Robin Hood Brians’ studio in Tyler.

I asked bassist David Mitchell a few questions about the band:

Q. Is that a Gibson Thunderbird you’re playing?

That is a Thunderbird bass in that picture. Wish I still had it now.

Q. Were you still in the band when it became the New Breed?

None of The Mystics were a part of The New Breed. It was never a real band. The record company we were with used our name and said it was the Mystics with a new name. They were studio players. May have been the same players that backed Jimmy Rabbit on his records. They only had the one 45 that I know of.

Q. The one name I can find connecting the Mystics and the New Breed is the songwriter Ron Price, did you know him?

Yes we knew Ron Price. At the time we had won a battle of the bands and a record contract, Ron was working with Spectra records which was also Knight Records and many other label names they wanted to use. Ron was a good song writer, he later wrote songs for Glenn Campbell.

The band broke up in 1968, as we all started getting drafted. Robert Farris went on to play with Sam The Sham and later with The Bellemy Brothers. He also played some with the two Vaughan brothers. I still play some. My son plays drums and has been in bands as well, Speed Trucker, Boy Named Sue, Tall Paul and The Hot Rod Hillbillies to name a few.

The Mystics at Keist Park

Thanks to David Mitchell for sending in the photos, above and answering my questions about the Mystics.

Update, January 2009 – thanks to Barb S. who sent me these two great photos of the original band:

left to right: Ron Jobe, Glen Struble, Danny Fugate (on top), Robert Farris, David Mitchell
left to right: Danny Fugate, Robert Farris, David Mitchell, Glen Strubble and (in front) Ron Jobe

75 thoughts on “The Mystics”

  1. I remember the Mystics as the Glorytones early on. I played in a band in Carrollton, Texas, “The Minutemen”, they were frequently featured on bills we would play. While I lived on the other side of town, I knew several really great Oak Cliff Musicians, Robert Ware, Russell Stonecypher (who ended up my next door neighbor for 15 yrs)and others. Great to see this site.

  2. I too remember the Mystics, playing at the Farmers Branch Teen Club. I played with the Hellfire & Brimstone band, having known Jay Vinton as well. As a matter of fact he dated my sister all the way through high school. Later on as the Eclipse band gfllen Struble played drums for us.I still am playing classic rock and blues with the band ”Ripchord”.

  3. As little brother of Glenn Struble I remember those days following the band to Gigs and watching them rehearse. Years later even getting to play and record with brother Glenn & David Mitchell Bass player for the Mystics also played a few gigs with Robert Faris I enjoyed learning from these guys and all the area musicians who have played around the Dallas area. Brother Glenn now works at the Pocket Sandwich Theatre on Mockingbird just east of 75. If you would like to drop by and say hi to him sometime.

    1. Russell Stonecypher has passed away recently he was a friend who became my BIL when we married a sister & brother Spent many years watching him & Larry Samford play together in many different Incarnations of Rock & Blues bands My husband became best friends w Robert Farris younger brother Ricky for a while but before that me & a friend use to hang out at the house on 9th street that the Farris brothers grandmother let the boys use as a practice studio Needless to say I feel like I’ve been blessed to grow up in Oak Cliff on the fringes of future greatness Thank for the Great Memories in this post😍😎😱

      1. I was across the St. Neighbors with Russell Stonecypher on Winston St. over in Oak Cliff for almost 20 yrs. He and I were Friday night jam partners for a long time. He taught me a huge amount. He lived with his mother Ruby. I left Oak Cliff and Texas in 03 and moved to Hawaii. I lost track of him. This is the second time today that I have heard of my friends passing. Do you possibly have a date of passing for Russell, his info on the net is very limited to almost nothing.

        1. Jay and Mitzi, I am looking for pictures of Russell if anyone has some. My half brother is Russell’s and he never had the chance to meet him. I would be very grateful if anyone could provide a picture or more that I could pass on to my brother. Contact me at TDCastleberry at gmail if either of you could assist. Thank you!

      2. I have a question was the house. On 9th street at 9th and Tyler ? My grandparents lived in the 700 block of 9th and I remember around 66-68 a white van owned by a garage band then driving up and down ninth. Was this them. Just curious. Thanks bob

        1. Rob lived with his Grand Mother about two houses down from the corner of 9th and Tyler. I lived AT the corner of 9th and Tyler (right in front of the 7/11 store. ). Robby and I were very good friends and I hung out with him ALOT. I was NEVER in the band but Robbi told me I could sub for David if he ever got sick ( David was a very healthy guy!)

          1. Is this the James King that played in the Tortians with me Johnny Congleton, Dickie Mc and Carl Lowe, John Tincher. If so drop me a line sometime. Thought bought you and what happened to you from time to time. Johnny

  4. Hello;
    The above comment was from Albert Clifton, brother of Michael, I am also a brother, James West, 1/2 bro, which makes no difference, but I recall the guys coming to our home in East Dallas, close to Military Parkway, play way into the evening, etc. All of you were excellent players, singers, etc. Totally enjoyed the music of the ages back then.
    At times I sang with the Gene Summers group when he played places close the old “sportatorium”, GUTHRIES. I was just a visitor as he invited me up to sing something. Gene and I were in a Quartet back in ’56, 57 in high school days in Duncanville. We were good in our own right but afterwards we broke up, Gene formed his own group. He knew of you and your guys as well. Wish I could see or visit you again. Thanks for taking my comment. Oh for the good ol days, again.


  6. I went to see The Beach Boys one night back in the 1965 or whenever at the old Memorial Auditorium. The opening act was to be the Lovin’ Spoonful. The MC came on stage and announced that the Lovin’ Spoonful had misssed a connecting plane to Dallas that night. The Beach Boys would go on as scheduled and those that wanted their money back becasue the Spoonful didn’t show were invited to leave. Then, the Mystics were brought on as a substitute for the Spoonful. They wore black with white poka dots as I remember. They did a good job and then the Beach Boys put on their always great show. And then, the Lovin’ Spoonful came on after all. Those of us that waited got more than our money’s worth.

  7. albert, after all these years, it is a miracle, that my son gave me this website. his name is rafael ibarra and he is a musician who lives in austin. i have been trying to find out what happen to your sister sue; actually i remember your mother calling her margaret sue cliffton. as you may remember my brother gus died in 1969 and that was the last time i saw michael and sue.
    would like to get together sometime, if possible. my wife and i live in dallas.

  8. i first met michael cliffton and his family in 1960. we had moved from west dallas-living in the projects. at that time we, my brothers and i were a little frightening to the folks in our neighborhood. we were very scary to them; being hispanic, driving late model cars and wearing kahki pants and all. michael was the most genuine and non judgmental person that i had ever met at that time. for the next six years he was my best friend. i lost track of him after high school. i knew he had a musical career, but i did not know he played with the mystics. i truly miss him. i would like to reconnect with his family.

  9. Its a shamed that they got screwed out of their record deals. I played in a garage band The Cliques in Dallas an upcoming band that desolved like others due to egos.We played the Mystic songs.. I learned guitar style from Robert Ferris and went to school with strubbles brother at Bryan adams High school.This was probably the best band in Dallas at the time. If they had stayed together they would have been up there with rolling stones and the other groups that survived that time. Would it be great to here them together one last time. I am curious to know where or what happened to robert ferris if you know, ask him to contact me. Joseph Glad to find this site.

  10. Robert Faries and I have joined a band together. Robert on guitar and I’m playing key board. The members are all retired. We are called The Wandering Curmudgeons. Go figure. Not looking for a record deal, just five old guys who love to play music, but we would take a deal if one comes up.
    David Mitchell

    1. David,

      It has been many years since I last saw any of you guys, but I am glad to have found you through this website. I fondly remember gigs you guys did at the Shamrock Roller Rink in Lancaster, The Rocket Roller Rink in Cockrell Hill and many other places. And, I remember all the times you guys’ PA interfered with the PA at Grace Temple Baptist Church across the street from Robert’s grandmother’s house on Tyler.

      Those photos bring back a lot of memories, like the night I blew the clutch in my Impala SS on the way to a gig in Weatherford or Mineral Wells, or somewhere out that way just as we approached the toll booth on DFW Turnpike.

      Drop me a line sometime. It would be great catching up with you guys. I am glad to hear that you are still playing.

      Marc McCord

  11. I’m the guy that sold you the Cadillac hearst. I was good friends with Ron Jobe. Where is Ron now? We would all go riding around Keist Park in that hearst and drink beer. I have to look, I may still have some reel to reel recordings of the Glorytones. Do you remember playing the Heights theater?

    Gary Haas

  12. Do any of you remember me? I remember you. I was Michael’s friend and companion from 1967 to the mid 70s.

  13. Ralph, I am David Mitchell’s son and was living in Austin for 6 years and had the privelage of playing and hanging out with your son at several bars on 6th Street. I have recently moved back to Dallas, but will continue playing monthly in August. Maybe you can catch one of my shows here in Dallas. My mom has spoken of you and would love to visit sometime. We are doing events in East Texas in the old Pine Mills Danceland that her parents used to run with live music. Our next event is Halloween weekend. Y’all should try to come out.

  14. A reunion of The Mystics would be great. I went to South Oak Cliff H.S. with some of these guys. I can remember them as the Glory Tones. Please let my know of any appearances that they might make.

  15. You asked about Ronald Job. He now is retired from American Airlines and livin in Nashville, TN. contact me if you would like his Email address.

    1. Hey Al.
      Ron Jobe retired from Airborne Express. He did live in Nashville for a while and then moved to Oregon to live close to his relatives. I last visited him up there and we communicated frequently until his passing a few years ago. He always spoke very fondly of his days with the Mystics and his buddies. Ron and I met in 1969 and were fast friends. He was a great guy and I miss him every day.

  16. The Struble brothers are at it again. Drummer Glenn Struble of the Mystics along with younger brother Al Struble have been rehearsing in a new band called SmokeHouse. The band dips back into the sixties and also plays blues with Glenn singing Thrill is gone at his best. Also in contact with David Mitchell to play keyboards in the band waiting as he gets well from an illness. Other Guitarest David Wier & Chris Montigold round out the band. Hope to be out and about soon singing and playing for ya’ll. Contact agstrub@hotmail

    1. Small world, I played in a band with David Weir for a short time in the 70’s. What a great all round guitarist and especially a country player.

  17. Send me Ronald email address. I’m not sure how I contact you.
    I live in Austin Tx and still playing the drums.

    Gary Haas

  18. I am an old bandmate of Robert Ferris, do you know where he is now? Would love to talk to him. Ronnie Caldwell

    1. I was told by my youngest brother he had spoken to Robert’s sister Rachel …he and his Brother Richard ( close friend ) have died… from drug overdose ….I rode in that Hearst with Richard to Grade School Graduation Party…I was like a brother to Richard I knew them for a long time…Robert was the best lead guitar player before Stevie Ray Vaughn in Dallas Oak Cliff….

  19. Robert lived across the hall from us at Southern Oaks Appartment. would love to see or hear from him.

  20. Tell Robert I said Hello. I was his neighbor in the old Southern Oaks Apartments. In fact he got me interested in playing.

    Don Ivey

    1. Nikki ,Did you say that you were married to Richard Farris. Me and Ricky were best friends, I lived on Alaska St. We started a band ,he had just got a set of drums . please email me or call me at 940-735-0058 thanks;

  21. Didn’t the GLORYTONES play the Heights Theater in Oak Cliff???
    Does anyone have a photo of the Heights?
    Or the Glorytones????
    Kirby F. Warnock

  22. I asked David & Glenn back in early March about the idea of making a surprise appearance at our 45th class reunion. They contacted the other guys, plus Al & his current band, ‘Chill Factor’, and made it all happen Sat. night, Oct. 1, 2011, at the new Double Tree hotel, Central Expwy & Campbell Rd., in Dallas.

    The secret was kept intact right up until the moment they took the stage, unfurled the ‘Mystics’ banner & started playing – “Didn’t We Have A Good Time, Baby”. Lordy, what a bunch of gape-jawed folks – they (we) went wild, yelling, clapping & couldn’t believe their eyes & ears – our guys were back! Then, they slowed things down & played the flip-side, “Now And For Always” – great tune & haven’t been able to get that one out of my head yet. I just listened to them both again at the above links & I’m sure it will not be the last time.

    David, Glenn, Robert, Danny & Al, the ‘Mystics’ & ‘Chill Factor’ coup brought tears of laughter & chill bumps to a coupla hundred folks who are still raving about it on our class guestbook. Thank you all so much for a very memorable performance! Ron – We missed you on this special occasion, send along our prayers & best wishes, and look forward to a repeat performance with you in it next time. – Don

  23. Don, I just wanted to thank you for all the work that was put into the Reunion along with Sandy and crew. It had always been a dream of mine to be able to perform music after tagging along as little brothers do. Going to band practice and wishing that someday I too could be playing. I never in my life dreamed that I would ge the chance to be on stage performing with these guys much less singing Good Time & Now & For Always. So with this being said Thank You David Mitchell, Danny Fugate, Robert Faris and of course my brother Glenn Struble for letting me be a part of a memory that will last forever. And now as we go forward with band Chill Factor Brother Glenn & I invite you to visit our web page at did somebody say keep on Rockin? Al Struble

  24. I was at this event and “You Tubed” it for posterity, truly an historic in event the annals of Dallas garage rock. Sadly, Robert Farris, STILL, a great guitarist was picked up from the homeless shelter, cleaned up for the event by David Mitchell, and brought out for this one time show. What a waste, Robert, we love you and hope somehow with the Lords help you will recover and be back with us Rockin and Rollin.

    1. This is Charlene faries (ravia) . Where is my brother robert (robbie) faries, farris. Ferris (I give up on spelling) lol. Let me know. 214 881 8069. Is billy wayne metcalf still alive. The best singer and so funny

      1. You might not remember me and my brother Billy we lived across the hall for you in the Southern Oaks apartment. Been looking for you and Robert for years. How are you both?

  25. Danny Fugate lived across the street from me in Desoto. Remember listening to the guys practice. Found the YouTube video, it was great seeing and listening to the band again. Would love to hear from Danny and Jackie. Email address:

      1. Hi David.
        This is Barb. Have you heard that Robert passed away. Ron left me a message yesterday. I called him but haven’t heard back as of yet.
        You have my email address so please let me know.
        I have plenty of memories that have come flooding back. Lots of laughs.When I would straighten his hair for him and the famous Lawton Oklahoma trip. To many to list. I was able to talk to him a few times over the years. He was able to be there for Ron when he had his surgery.

  26. I lived across from Robert Farris and his sister in 1964 and have never forgotten him for introducing me to music. I don’t know if he is still alive but would like to find him or his sister we called her Raven.

  27. I had a message yesterday that Robert Faris has passed away. I have a call in to Ron Jobe to find out the details.

  28. The Mystics won the Battle of The Bands at Broadway Skateland in Mesquite. There were 16 bands playing over 4 Saturday nights.
    5 of a Kind from Bryan Adams came in second in a close ‘play-off’.
    We really wanted that record deal, but ended up making a couple records on the VAN-DAN label with Tom Brown at Summit Studios.
    Honestly, Mystics were the better Band…
    Stevie and Jimmies high school band also beat us at Twilight Skateland in ’65. A lot of Great Talent came out of Oak Cliff.

  29. Ran across this by accident. Looking for info on Gene Summers. Didn’t think anyone was left that remembered Guthries Club and Gene. I was a regular there back in the day. Would love to hear from others of that day.

  30. Sad about Robert
    I would have loved to talk to him he did what I wanted to accomplish in life
    Professional fun loving guitar and musician. I learned a lot from him in the 60s in the short time I knew him. I went to Bryan Adams with strubles little brother.playomg with the cliques I loved those days and the music.Robert was a better musician than Stevie Ray it’s sad he never got the recognition that he deserved or the glory of his talent.
    Rest In Peace play on .

    1. Hello, I’m very sorry to hear that David has passed. My interview with him was one of the very first I did on this website and it was good to see him add a comment from time to time. All my condolences,


  31. Yes, Robert was a great friend and a fantastic musician! Any one interested in how good he really was, check out this concert he did in Stockholm when he was member of the Bellamy Bros! One of the best ever to come out of Oak Cliff, and that includes the immortal SRV!

    1. The Robert Faris I knew was never with the Bellemy Brothers. I don’t think he ever left Texas.
      Barb S.

  32. I acquired a 45 rpm record by a group called The Mystics from Texas. The song is called,” The Clock” from 1958 on Daryl Label #107. Is this the same group?? Can not find much info. I’ve been a collector of vinyl for almost 65 years. My question is, is this the same group?? Great doo wop song. Can someone help!!

    1. Nope, not the same group; several groups around the country have used Mystics, Mystiks, Mistics etc. Thanks to Chris for keeping this site alive!

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