Buddy and the Beaumen had one single on Gretchem 101, “Blue Feelin'” / “Hold On I’m Comin'” released in 1967.
Although the label for “Blue Feelin'” lists J. Henslee as songwriter, “Blue Feeling” was written by James Henshaw and made famous by the Animals in 1964.
Buddy Smith produced the single but I didn’t know any other names for group members until comments below: Steve Hill played keyboards and Danny Hukill played drums. The band photo lists Fort Worth for their location.
The Beaumen are listed as playing on the opening night of the 19th Annual Optimist Carnival in Waxahachie in August, 1966, followed by a group I haven’t heard of, the Unexpecteds on the next night. Waxahachie is about 30 miles south of the center of Dallas.
In early 1967 Buddy & the Beaumen shared billing with the Mystics as the top attractions at the Irving Teen A-Go-Go in early 1967.
When I bought this photo, it came with a photo of the Pathfinders, from the Brewer Photography Class, probably the Brewer High School on the west side of Fort Worth.
Steve Hill played keyboards with Bloodrock, he passed away in 2013.