The Heathens came from Schenectady, NY and cut one of the greatest singles of the area “The Other Way Around” / “Problems” on Vibra L-104. The Heathens recorded at Vibra Sound Recording Studio, but the cavernous sound does not diminish the energy of the group.
Michael Dellario wrote both songs and sang lead vocals. The labels credit Hooker, Stahl, Petticrew, Sheer & Marquez for arrangement.
I had to look back to Steve Rosen’s article in Kicks #2 for a full listing of the band, as there was none on the internet. In the article, the members are listed as
Michael Dellerio – lead vocals
Laddie Stahl – guitar
Steve Pedicrue – guitar
Larry Hooker – keyboards
Paul Marques – bass
Mike Sherer – drums
The article lists different last names for four members of the band than the record labels. I suspect the article has a number of typos. Going by the labels the lineup would be:
Michael Dellario – lead vocals
Laddie Stahl – guitar
Steve Petticrew – guitar
Larry Hooker – keyboards
Paul Marquez – bass
Mike Sheer – drums
The article gives some interesting information about Vibra Sound studio:
The Heathens were the first to record at Schenectday’s first studio, Vibra Sound, which at the time was located in the home of proprietor Nate Schwartz. As Mike Dellario remembers it, conditions were primitive: “At the time, the studio was his garage and the engineering booth was his basement. I remember there was no eye contact at all. All the talking was through the microphone. Everything was done basically in just one shot, no concept of tracking.”
The Heathens broke up when the members graduated high school in June, 1967. The article states that Dellerio stuck it out with several subsequent bands and eventually cut some demos for Warner Brothers … He hopes to work with local bands on a producer/arranger level.
Mike Dellario changed his name to Michael Dellaira and became an orchestral composer.
Omg! I never new you guys recorded this song! Thank you for a blast from the past growing up in Schenectady.