Kevin Longendyke found this excellent band photo in Richmond, Virginia and was trying to determine who the band is. Chandler Edmunds wrote in with information about the group:
The band’s name is The Earthquakes from Virginia Beach. Drummer is Chuck Martak. Middle guitar player is Doug Christdon. Right guitar player named Ric (that’s all I have), and the other guitar player remains unnamed.
I understand these guys were in a bad car accident in 1966 and one may have died. Doug got seriously hurt in the accident but survived. I don’t think they were together long enough to get a record out.
Stamped on the back is “Clifton Guthrie”, who was a fine photojournalist in the South Norfolk, Virginia area (see this link for a few of his images).
Thanks to Chandler for finding out about the Earthquakes.
“The Earthquakes” from Virginia beach. Charles Martak, drums…Doug Christdom (middle guitar player)…Ric (no more info, right guitar player)…unknown third guitar player.
The guy on the far right is Ric Riganto, the far left is Billy Harris. Doug Christian was the only one of the members of the band that was in the accident. Doug was driving so fast he turned a fuel truck over when he hit. He and a couple other people laid out of school that day and I think Doug was the only one that survived. They thought he would not make it but he did.
Rick is Rick Reganto and played lead. His dad was a prominent auctioneer named Maury Reganto. The other guitar was Bass player Billy Harris. Bill was in a coma for years due to a wreck. The drummer was Charlie Martak (Chuck is his son)
Billy Harris was not in the accident. He passed away several years ago. I knew him personally and his sister.
They left school early that day for a rehearsal or gig. I think they cut. I considered going too but didn’t. They were speeding and hit an oil delivery tanker truck.
We heard all about it at school.
I never forgot them, the band or their name. It’s been with me nearly fifty years.
Buddy Brown was killed in the accident that day. I played bass in the Futura at the same time as the Earthquakes. We all lived in the London Bridge area.
the info above is not quite correct Billy was not in the wreck. the band continued to play as the earthquakes but Doug was never the same.
I left the band called the Avalons along with tommy Ferris a bass player.
we were able to record some songs and one an instrumental was played on wcms radio
You spell my name Farris.
I joined The Avalons on guitar right after Tommy Johnson left.
I am thankful to whomever created this website and all of those that contributed information. My father was reminiscing about his teenage years and telling me stories. One of the sad stories that he brought up was about loosing a drummer friend in 1966. He remembered the name of the band, The Earthquakes, exactly how he passed, and speaking with his mother at the funeral but could not remember his name. I did a quick google search and to everyone’s surprise I found this article.
I think it is a wonderful testament to the band and to Charlie Martak that my father still speaks of them after all these years. He said the band was really good. He said they were very popular with all the local teens during that time period. He remembers them playing at school and community church dances.
In memory of Charlie Martak, I would like to mention that my father said that he was a good friend. Also, my father still remembers the kind words that his mother spoke to him on the day of the funeral. She showed grace during a time of devastation. His death was a traumatic event in my father’s young life.
I collect records and I have a couple of 7 inch acetates, cut in New York in the mid sixties. It has the name THE EARTHQUAKES. One is versions of Baby Baby and Someone to Love. The other is Kansas City and Roadrunner . I just wanted to ask anyone if they knew if the group ever cut acetates cut-it was common for groups just to have some done so they could send to record companies or even just for themselves. Obviously if they’d never played these tracks it seems unlikely .
Thanks and greetings from the UK
Okay so I am the step daughter of Paul McBrooms brother. Paul was in the band but not pictured here and I’m trying to find out why now. I also personally knew Billy and he was not in a coma after this accident. Paul is one of the ones that passed away from the accident. Some of this information is incorrect. The accident was not their fault. It was the oil tankers fault, and he was also charged for it. I believe my mother has the newspaper when it happened. None of the boys were skipping school. I’m not sure the details, but it was one of those situations where they were transporting from one school to the other. Paul’s brother, my stepfather was on the school bus from Trantwood Elementary, and saw the accident. I’m trying to get more info on this picture. Unfortunately, several years back Billy passed away as well. I was at his funeral. Billy’s sister is still alive and well so I’m going to be having a conversation with her about this picture as well And I will post an update.
Just an update: Paul later joined the band so he isn’t pictured. He was killed in the wreck. Freddy, Paul, Doug and Buddy were all involved in this accident. Freddy-was in a coma for years and lived but never was the same.
Doug lived and was the one driving the car.