Category Archives: Crystal City

The Sound Tracks and Four Jays from Crystal City

Sound Tracks and Four Jays Crystal City Sentinel Apr 13 -1967a

The Crystal City Sentinel published this piece on a battle of the bands at the Carrizo Springs armory on April 14, 1967. These towns are southwest of San Antonio.

The article notes that the Sound Tracks and Four Jays from Crystal City and lists their members:

The Sound Tracks:

Joe Peralez – lead vocals and rhythm guitar
Cesar Perales – bass, vocals and harmonica
Kenneth Hale – lead guitar
Calvin Reily – drums
Ben Martinez – rhythm guitar and vocals

The Four Jays

Jesse Garcia – bass and lead vocals
Johnny Rodriguez – lead and rhythm guitar
Joe Lopez – drums
Emilio Fiscal – organ

I couldn’t find a follow-up on the results of the battle. I don’t believe either of these bands recorded, but I could be wrong.

Thank you to Matthew B. for help accessing the news clipping.