Category Archives: Brownfield

The Charvonnes of Brownfield, TX

Charvonnes Shyles Klan Brownfield News, May 18, 1967The Brownfield News profiled a local combo the Charvonnes on May 18, 1967 for the upcoming Jaycees battle of the bands in the high school auditorium.

The Charvonnes were:

Shad Brooks – drums and vocals
Brad Moore – bass and vocals
Mike Ellis – rhythm guitar
Mike Richardson – lead guitar and vocals

Other bands in the competition included the Shyles of Levelland, Sonic Union from Denver City, the Klan from Tahoka and No Nombres from Lubbock.

As far as I know, none of these bands ever recorded.

If you have any photos or info on any local Texas bands of the ’60s, please comment below or contact me.

The Avantis of Brownfield, TX

The Brownfield News announced a local group the Avantis won a battle of the bands at the Brownfield High School auditorium in April, 1965.

The Avantis members were:

Lee Gillentine – lead guitar
Terry Davis – rhythm guitar
Doug Sewell – bass and vocals
Max Ball – saxophone
Maxie Murry – drums

Brownfield is a rural town southwest of Lubbock. Other groups included the Sessions, Nitebeats and Imperials.

As far as I know, none of these bands ever recorded.

If you have any photos or info on any local Texas bands of the ’60s, please comment below or contact me.