Annie and the Orphans were a part of the New Hampshire band scene in the 60’s. The group was from Meredith, a small town on the banks of Lake Winnipesaukee. Although they didn’t release any records at the time, they won a battle of the bands in Franklin, NH.
Original members included Bob McNab on bass, Anatole Paquette (“Annie”) on vocals, Tom Paquette, Jay Ley and Jim Corriveau. More recent members include Peter Previte on keyboards, Roy D’Innocenzo on guitar and Barry Nelson on drums.
Bob McNab sent in these great photos to share, including photos of earlier bands of Peter and Barry, and wrote to me about the group:
Two of us (front man Anatole “Annie” Paquette, and I) have been together since 1964, but we’ve had many other musicians with us over the years, who are with other bands now, but they occasionally sit in from time to time for the fun of it.
We have never made a studio recording as a band, but some of us have done work on recordings with friends bands, especially our drummer, Barry Nelson, he has done studio work on many projects.
We still play venues in, and around NH, ME, VT, and MA.
Check out their website AnnieandtheOrphans.com.

Annie and the Orphans in 1968

Barry Nelson, our drummer, and his old band, The Ampegs c1962

Peter Previte, our keyboard player, and his band, the Wolves circa 1966