The furious opening chords and drum rolls, the casual vocal delivery. Sharp guitar and Yardbirds style rave up – “Lovin’ Just My Style” is one of the signature songs from the garage era.
The Caravelles established themselves as a live act in Phoenix and somehow got the attention of Hadley Murrell, a DJ at the AM soul station KCAC. Murrell produced many of Phoenix’s soul acts in the mid-60’s, including Eddie and Ernie (45s “Time Waits for No One”, “I’m Goin’ for Myself”, etc), the New Bloods, and the Soul Setters, whose 45 “Out of Sight” was also released on Onacrest.
When the Caravelles recorded their single in 1966, the lineup included John Fitzgerald on vocals and harmonica, Mike Lipman lead guitar, Jerry Breci rhythm guitar, Danny Reed keyboards and Doug Steiner on drums.
“Lovin’ Just My Style” is an original by Fitzgerald, Lipman and Breci. For the flip, they covered a song by the New Bloods, “Self-Service”, with the memorable lines: “I don’t have no one to love me, I don’t have no one to kiss me … so I’ll have to serve myself … Self-service!”
Rick Anderson may have been bassist at the time of the record; he later joined the Superfine Dandelion. The band’s first keyboardist was Brooks Keenan, and Neal Smith was their last drummer, before he joined Alice Cooper.

These guys changed their name to the Holy Grail when Neal Smith was their drummer and they moved to San Francisco. Great guys, Neal needed some money and I sent him $20. So to repay me, Neal sent a pair of suede boots that John Fitzgerald owned. I must have worn those boots halfway around the world when I played in an all German rock group. Loved the way Boom Boom Rick played bow and arrow bass!
Who were the New Bloods?
I have a demo? copy of this record pressed with a completely blank white label. It is in a plain brown paper sleeve which has “OC502 and Self Service, The Caravelles” penciled on it! The matrix numbers 66-3049-A and 66-304B-B are present on the run out groove. Any Idea if this is authentic because the guy I bought it from was unsure at the time?
Finally I’ve found a website that knows who the ‘Lovin Just My Style’ Caravelles are! Everybody else thinks that the Caravelles here are the same FEMALE DUO from London England who recorded ‘You Don’t Have To Be A Baby To Cry’. Allmusic(dot)com thinks that, Wikipedia thinks that (in their sentence, “Despite changes in musical style…”, and everybody else believes it who copied the “Alexander Hamilton, Roki” write-up about the British Female Caravelles. (He wrote that the different sound is because the Female Duo, “…developed a tougher sound; it sounds like a tune from a D-rated movie, tough biker girls yelling over a noisy rhythm section…”). That was a milk-spewing WTF moment for me when I read that. Keep up the good work.
Those markings match the 45, so it looks like you have a test pressing of the 45.
lived with the band in in tempe would like to find out what happened to them thanks for any leads
Larry toth
i am sorry to say that my uncle, john fitzgerald, passed away in the 14th of march 2014. my aunt charlee is living in seattle, washington. please reply if you would like more information on how to contact her
Remember having to go into the rear of the house after 9pm to avoid the drive by shootings by the cowboys coming out of JD’s all liquored up. Hobo Joes to stabilize the spinning world after 1am? Strange Days but Fun!
Larry, just saw your post inquiring about old Grail members! You were teaching at ASU. I was in the band…
A friend just sent me this web site. Ironically, earlier this summer, I was looking on F/b for Doug Steiner. I briefly played keyboard in a band with him, after the Caravelles. Due to pressure from my parents to “get a real job,” I went to work for his parents and got to know the whole family, some really great people. I have some recordings and memories to add to this site, but gotta go to my “real job” right now.
I played bass with the Caravelles on Lovin’ Just My Style and Self-Service. Great group!
jeff my uncle john fitzgerald has passed away on the 14th of march 2014
I thought that it was the Brit Femme Caravelles,too..listened to an mp3 off of a site and was flummoxed..FLUMMOXED…by the MALE vocal and music style! AND it’s in my folder Muzick(sic)Downloads/Roq(sic) downlaods/Pop Muzik/C/Caravelles .. very good but I’ll have to refile it LOL! Thanks for the site here..
I was approached by John Fitzgerald in Jan- Feb of 67. I needed a change in venues as my gig playing with The Mile Ends at The Fifth Estate was stifling. I joined the newly formed band with Steve Donnely on lead and Danny on keys. I remember the house where we practiced on University and The Farm on 1st Street. GREAT TIMES! Changed our name to The Holy Grail, played songs at the midnight movies at The Valley Art, Love In’s at Tempe Beach, etc. Our first self promoted $$ gig was at the Tempe Armory and the auditioning and 1st time Neil played with us! Of course he did a WHO number on his drums . . . Psychedelic Man! Did some gigs in San Bernadino, partied and opened for The Seeds in LA. Did Hayward and the Summer of Love thing in S.F .. Too many details to go into here but it was A Happening! John’s philosophy was “TOTAL ENVOLVEMENT.” Audience and Band United. PEACE~ LOVE