David Leroux of the Raphaels sent in the scans and story of his next band:
“A Group Called BUBS” became an offspring of former members of The Raphaels and The Skaliwags.
A number of us got together starting with my brother Ralph Leroux (drummer), John Bacho (guitar) and Chris Saunders (guitar) who had been with the Skaliwags. Former Raphaels Daryl Wadsworth (organ) and Claude Gravel (guitar) and now Don Burnet (bass) had been a replacement for Peter from The Raphaels. The new band proceeded under the name “A Group Called BUBS”! Essentially, BUBS was a British slang term for “Brothers”.
The BUBS had an original mission of doing the show band concept with the audience reaction that goes with that sort of organized show. Our inherited slogan: The organization that manufactures happiness! Recording was not a priority. I think we were having too much fun.
I have heard some tapes made by various folks but not sure where they wound up. My only tapes now are the “Farewell to the BUBS” poems and radio interviews from CFRA that they gave us on the final farewell night at Pineland. In the week preceding the Farewell Concert, CFRA had me on the nightly show to judge the farewell poems submitted and each hour choose one to be awarded albums from CFRA. Al Pascal was very supportive of us and our show.
As a result of times and events, The BUBS realigned somewhat with new member Terry McKeown (bass) and for a short period of time, Yvon Farmer (organ) from the Beau-Geste.
The BUBS had a good four year run in the latter part of the ’60s. We then sat down one day and looked at future considerations we could make at that time for ourselves. We laughed and moved on with great memories and no regrets. From time to time when travels bring us together, we can always count on a great evening of “unplugged” concerts for friends and family.
David Leroux
Wow! What an awesome website! I was so happy to find it. I was looking for Ralph Leroux on a whim and came across it. I was very much into the music scene in Ottawa in the 60’s. In fact I was President of the Raphaels’ Fan Club (you will see my name on one of the posters) and have some of the fan club papers still in my possession. It would be amazing to have an email address for either Dave or Ralph, if that would be possible. They were both very talented musicians and I think I even have their records.
Thank you for your efforts in building this website!
Hi did you get the info re Dave. I play with Dave weekly at a seniors jam session. We are in Kingston. They at present having a 50 Year reunion this summer in Ottawa 2018
I bought the House where John Bacho live’s as a child, I did find in the roof, the box of his Fender Stratocaster that he bought in 1961………he was the guy who hired me in government…….nice to know he was in a group……..
I remember seeing the group at fisher park high school a long time ago they were super ………
Hi Clifford: Sorry for this very late reply. Just saw it in the website So nice of you to give us the “super” status. Those days were great days and lots of good fun. The “now retired” BUBs have met from time to time over the years and recall and play some of the songs from our good old days. Now during Covid times I do weekly videos on Facebook for neighbours, friends and for folks from days gone by. Fun stuff. Keep Smilin’ eh ! Dave