Raul Altamirano (vocals and bass)
David Ceballos (guitar)
Jesse Salinas (bass)
Ruben Ceballos (keyboards and harmonica)
Emilio Reyna (drums)
Jesse Salinas joined the Staffs on bass, after playing rhythm guitar for Noe Pro & the Semi-tones. Although the band did not record while Jesse was in the group, they did cut one excellent 45 in October 1966 for the Pa-Go-Go label out of San Antonio. One side is “Another Love”, an excellent original by singer Raul Altamirano, backed with a Kinks song, “I Just Can’t Go To Sleep” that I haven’t heard yet.
Thank you to Jesse Salinas for the photos and to Mike Markesich for the label scan and information on the Pa-Go-Go release.

Hi Just wanted to let you know that Ruben Ceballos is now a Pastor at Faith Christian Fellowship in Franklin, WI. He Still plays keyboard, harmonica, guitar and bass guitar. He is one of the best Teachers of the Word and Pastors I have ever met. His fellowship loves him and we all have the utmost respect for him. He is an excellent musician and he still writes music but now its for the Lord.
Hi I worked with Ruben at Keystone pipe and Supply in Milw.
We also did a lot of fishing in and around the area.
Do you have any idea on how I would contact him.
It has been a lot of years since he and I talked and I would like to see how he is doing.
WOW! Bring backs great family memories. I just finished speaking to my brother Ruben who lives in Milwaukee. My other brother-David & I live in Sam Amtonio, TX and are celebrating Memorial Day weekend & reminiscing about the good old days gone by & friends we have lost. Ruben told me about this posy-so I thought I would check it out! I would like to know where Jesse lives now & try to get in contact with him-so my bro-David can call him, WE have spoken and contacted Juan Barrientes who lives in Ohio and Kiko (Raul) & Froggie (Emilio) still live in Brownsville.
The lead singer “Kiko” lives in Brownsville – worked for the USPS as a mailman – still played/plays local gigs/same great raspy voice
My brother David guitar & singer lived in Houston for many years once he came back from Vietman & for the past 8 yrs or so has lived in San Antonio & is retired; my other brother Ruben lives in Milwaukee since 1967 and is a pastor who will be retiring in July! I wish I could get a copy of the single or get a download of it- that would really be fantastic ! The band was a family affair/ my father was the manager/ promoter/ he would get their dance posters printed in. Mexico and get their suits designed/tailored over there with seamstress he knew. My mom, my sisters & I would collect the money at the door of the venue & stamp their hands; my sis & I would always go buy the latest records & hear them over & over to get the lyrics for them to learn! Great family memories!
My brother Raul aka Kiko was the youngest member of the band at that time. I remember him asking my mother permission to please let him join/play with The Staffs. At that time they were very popular and played all over Texas. I myself was a great follower and that inspired me to learn how to play the guitar. Unfortunately the band disbanded due to the majority of the group getting drafted to Viet-Nam. My brother still lives here in Brownsville and recently had surgery on his knee but is doing well recuperating. I have the original 45RPM recorded by the group.
Hey..I heard Fito Altamirano still has David’s old Fender Guitar from the Staffs. Ruben (my brother) is interested in buying it… can you let me know he still has it?
Hi Belinda, hope you remember me. I was known as “Chief” and played the tenor sax with the Staffs for awhile. I worked with Jesse to set up Noe Pro & Semitones section on this website and then he provided the info for The Staffs. I just recently moved to San Antonio (August 2012) myself. I have been all over (Dallas, Los Angeles and Phoenix and, recently in back in Brownsville). Jesse is in Denver and he and his wife just came down to S.A. a couple of weeks ago and we visited – wish we would have known you and David were here. At any rate, if you want to get a hold of Jesse, his email is kayjess1@msn.com. I was happy to hear about David, Ruben and all the others – hope you are all doing well. My email is gggonzales@lavabit.com.
Hi Gonzalo! great to hear from you. I am contacting you via your e-mail!
Just got an e-mail that Kiko is in critical condition in B’ville. He has an infection in his lungs. Don’t know much else. Just saw the post from his son, Raul, Jr and an e-mail alert. Call David if you should hear anything else. PS: David is also dealing with illness. His wife just got out of hospital today.
My name is Raul E Altamirano, son of Raul (Kiko) Altamirano, the man who performed vocals on this song. It’s really a joy as a musician to come here and listen to the work that my father has done in the past, which also allows me to draw inspiration from and continue to write in the styles that he and the other great musicians who performed on this track have. My father is currently in the hospital right now stemming from an infection surrounding his lungs and is in critical condition. I ask that anyone who might come across this page might be able to give a quick prayer for my father so that he may experience a speedy recovery so that he may continue to create more music in the future. Thanks for posting the song and providing us with such great musical history.
OMG-I think my brother David said he talked to Kiko about 2-3 weeks ago, when Chief ( Gonzalo Gonzalez) contacted him. I just read this- yes-my prayers are with you and your family; David’s wife just had a scare and just got out of the hospital today. Please let Kiko know we are praying & thinking about him and hope that he recovers. My sister Maggie Ceballos still lives in Brownsville, so hopefully she will be able to keep us posted. What hospital is he in?
He’s actually in the CVICU, being treated at Memorial Herman Texas Medical Center in Houston. He’s still in critical condition, but besides immediate family, he has had a few close personal friends visit him.
My sister Maggie told me she just ran into Kiko last Sunday when she was driving back from Corpus at the rest stop. We will continue to pray for him if at All possible email me directly at belindamendoza@mac.com and keep us posted what is his diagnosis?
Raul (Kiko) used to play at the San Benito Community Center in the late 60’s. Didn’t miss too many of their dances. Little did I know we would someday meet again on the same bus taking us to Ft. Bliss for basic. I remember going to the service club with him and he’d strum all those love and soul songs that he played in San Benito. We both went overseas during Vietnam. God Bless you Raul and here is hoping you remember me.
Wow can’t believe I found this! Im Mike Reyna Emilio’s oldest son. After working many years in Ohio, Dad finally retired back to Brownsville. Although, I wasn’t born yet, Dad would tell me stories of playing drums for the Staff’s..and shortly after going to Vietnam.
I still remember the Ceballos family living next door to my Grandparents house. Because of my Dad, music is a huge part of me growing up. I also played the drums. Thank you for the memories.
Just so you know the Staffs will be featured on the Texas Music Hour of Power 6 Jun 2020 and images will be under the poster on Joe Nick Patoski’s Facebook page. Just after 7 pm CDT he will put up a picture of the poster and the 18th song in hour 1 is “Another Love” by The Staffs. It will be closer to the end of the 7pm hour, likely 50-56 after. I hope you can join us! Listen via http://www.MarfaPublicRadio.org the website JoeNickP will have the podcast available afterwards and you can reach Joe Nick on there or by FB. He’s i the Austin area if you’re near there. Watch his page for live events.
I just listened to the first hour and heard my brothers band -The Staffs sing play on air- Another Love. It’s so strange to hear it on air after more than ‘60 years but it still sounded great. I would love to hear the flip side sometime Thanks for brining back great memories.
Hello Belinda 😲 I can’t believe I saw this from someone I knew as a kid. I am Henry from skinner elementary school. I would go hangout with you and your older sister sorry I can’t remember her name. My other friends Eloy Botello and all his sisters would go and buy ice cream cones at the corner close to your house. We would listen to your brothers practice and if I remember correctly your father was into music too and He knew my father because my father also had a Cojunto. Hope you remember me God Bless You and all your family.
Hi! From skinner elem that was a long time ago my friend. What is your last name? Yes I remember all the Botelllos. The place at the corner with the jukebox and picnic tables was called The Golden Hawk – it was run by a family from Cuba. That was our hangout Funny but I remember details from 50 or more years but can’t remember where I left my glasses. A lot of people / kids hung out at our house/ yard cause of the music Fernando Benavides Leo Bennet Good , Good fun times. Yes my father Jesse was into rythem & blues, soul music. Always had the latest Lp’s & 45’s. Good to hear from you! Take care!!
This is Raven…please contact me at ravenbjoy@gmail.com. its about your dad
Mike Reyna, Emilios oldest son. I wanted to let everyone know that sadly my Dad passed away peacefully yesterday November 8, 2020 due to complications from Agent Orange from Vietnam.
I will always treasure his music stories and so glad Dad raised me with his music talent and tastes.
Thank you for keeping The Staffs memory alive!
Mike Reyna
I own the 45…It’s great and am will to share the song “I JUST CAN’T GO TO SLEEP” with you and a picture of the B side.