The Sound System had the first 45 on the Romat label. The label credits this as a Carl Lineberger Pitt Sound Studio Production, from Greenville, North Carolina. Band members on the 45 were Barry McNeill on keyboards, Alan Knight drums, Alan Wright bass, Faye Williams guitar and Lynn Jenkins lead singer.
The haunting organ sound, solid drumming and buzzing psychedelic guitar work give the b-side, “Take a Look At Yourself” great tension to match Lynn Jenkins’ excellent vocals. I think it’s safe to say the top side, “Serenade”, will never be resurrected.
In 2009, Lynn Jenkins gave me some background to the band:
The first band that I was a member of was called the Intruders (not to be confused with the band who recorded “Cowboys to Girls”). Later I joined the Sound System. There were four members; Barry McNeil on keyboards, Alan Knight on drums, Alan Wright on bass guitar, Faye Williams playing lead guitar.
They were searching for a lead singer and I was approached for the position. As rehearsals continued for many weeks, we began to receive numerous bookings. Our band played at many locations including Duke University, Williams Lake, YMCA, local clubs, Fort Bragg’s Dragon Club, Pope Air Force Bases’ Officers’ Club, E-4– E-9 Drop Zone Club, the local skating rink and recreation centers. We felt we were gaining when we made several appearances on The Homer Briar Hopper Show hosted by Clyde Moody. Great times!
The Sound System won several Battle of the Bands, the most memorable was at the Hope Mills High School in Fayetteville, NC. Competition included Chico Carter and The Playthings, Digger Odell and The Undertakers, and numerous other groups.
Our manager Bernie McNeil (Barry’s dad) approached me and Barry on a Sunday afternoon and asked how quick we could write a song. Thirty minutes later “Take A Look At Yourself ” was complete, including the music. The following Monday it was recorded in Greenville, N.C. at Pitt Sound Studio. Our producer was Roy Matthews. It was a pleasant experience to work with Mr. Matthews. Several members of the band; “The O’Kaysions” who recorded “I’m a Girl Watcher” were present at the time of our recording.
Our record was sold at live gigs, at all of our schools, and distributed throughout the state of N.C. One copy was even sent to Viet Nam and was played over the air in DaNang. Radio play was unbelievable! The DJ’s were overwhelmed with requests, that the record was broken over the air waves … literally (WFLB radio station in Fayetteville).
The band broke up upon my entrance to the U.S. Army in which I have retired Sgt. first class after 22 years in 1993 (82nd Airborne Paratrooper). I have no information about Alan Wright, Barry McNeil is the NC Assistant State Attorney General, Faye Williams has been teaching music in Iraq for several years and Alan Knight owns and operates a recording studio in Lenoir, N.C.
The Romat label lists the song writers’ names incorrectly: “Take a Look at Yourself” is listed as by J. Jinkins and B. McNeal, which is also rendered as Barry McNeil on the credits to “Serenade”.
After a few years together they evolved into a larger soul/top 45 revue with horns. Barry McNeill sent me some examples of this later sound including a version of the Tams “Untie Me” and “Love Is a Beautiful Thing”.
Barry wrote:
These recordings were made in a small sound studio on Haymount Hill in Fayetteville NC, probably circa 1969 or 1970. Lynn Jenkins is the lead vocalist; Faye Williams is on guitar; Ray Barnes is on bass guitar; Alan Knight is on drums; Barry McNeill is on organ; Jimmy Harris is on trumpet; and Teddy Ray is on tenor saxophone. Ralph Melvin replaced Alan Knight for a period of time as the drummer.
The Sound System eventually changed their name to the Expressions, which included Warren McDonald as a member.
For more on the Romat label, see my posts on the Soul Twisters and Clear Blue Sky.
Thanks to Ken Friedman of Tobacco-a-Go-Go for information on the group and Romat.
dang this is one great web site, i saw lynn not to long ago, we go way back all the way to atlanta jail. long story but funny to talk about these days. you might have said we were the origanal dumb and dumber.
I was reading some of my msgs here awhile ago and I will say at the least (HUMBLING). However I must and have to make a correction that was in print. I very well remember that night at Cape Fear HS. I have to say it would have been quite an “HONOR” for the one and only Percy Sledge to open for us….but to no avail..that never happened. Thank you folks for all of these messages. Thank you very very much.PS>>>I am saddened by Alex Chilton’s death. ( LEAD SINGER FOR the “Box Tops” and of course Classics Four (Dennis Yost) 2 of my favorites..
hi Lynn
my name is Pam Brown . would you or anyone else have pictures of Ricky Vanoy. I would like to know more about him. I know he has passed but would love to see and hear him sing
Pam, I have at least one or two photos of Ricky Vannoy with other band members. He was a very good friend of mine and his Mom and Dad were good friends with my Mom..We go way back to elementary school. You can message me on Facebook, and I will send you what I have. He was an awesome musician and a great friend. He is missed by many!! My Facebook is listed as Pat Scott Bass..or email me at my email address. Look me up.
lynn is my dad! he is so awesome! we have been through so much these past years but I am so proud of all that he has done for our counrty and us! I love you dad!
I guess I was not yet born when the Sound System was in it’s heyday, but I have heard tales. Our mother has said that when the band would practice in our backyard, folks that would be within earshot would walk up to the house and would climb our back fence just to listen. Mom said Daddy wanted to charge admission ! My sister said that she was not known as Linda, but as Lynn Jenkins sister…..somehow I bet she really didn’t mind though ! Lynn is a great brother and I love him very much !
hey uncle Lynn, if you ever read this, this is Courtney your neice, anyway just wanted to tell u hi on July 2,2009 i love your old song Take a Look at Yourself I’m SO GLAD YOU R MY great uncle my mommy Renee says hi 2. We both think your song is cool my dad heard your song today and loved it. The whole Elvis family,Tyndall family Jenkins family, the Rooks family, Hamrick family, and the King family love you very much, that’s all of your family I mentioned. Enjoy yourself I will see u soon in Fayetteville very soon for THE hockey game in November.xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
The Sound System, later the Expressions with Warren McDonald and Lynn Jenkins, were a successful local band winning many of the regional “Battle of the Bands” contests.The addition of the horn section polished the band into soul music, doing many of the Tams style selections.
With the name Jenkins, one might guess that I am the brother to Lynn. From the comments read here, one might also guess that Lynn is admired and loved by his family. We all knew he and the bandmates had what it took to be great muscians, our dad, Earl being the proudest in our family…”That’s my son.” The most financial support came from Barry McNeil’s father, as I remember. The roaving van with the Romat label decal, featuring the Sound System, Sereneade and Take a Look at yourself. Lynn is a retired Gulf War Army veteran. His dream is music. With age, the voice is not what it once was, but in his heart and soul and in ours, he was and is a great musician.
A side note, in the 70’s he taught his little brother a few chords on guitar. At least three (not me) other guitarists have emerged from our family due to that half-hour session. One never knows who is being touched and influenced by small actions. Next week, my daughter Laurel Jenkins will embark on a recording session at Alan Knight’s (Drummer, Sound System) Wizecraker Studios in Lenoir, NC. Thank you Lynn for being a musical inspiration for our family and to many others, for years to come.
he’s the coolest, “my favorite uncle” always! never knew he had a voice(: maybe thats where i get it from?
haha, i love you!
WOW! This is a great site as it brings back so many memories for me. I believe that all who beat me here are correct about The Sound System, however I have a few things to add.
I remember when this band would practice on our patio in the back yard. I can still hear Lynn speaking into his mic, “Check one..,two..,three..” and when I heard him do that, I thought,”He is so important” then the band members would get into their places behind their instruments and … everything changed. I was so proud that good looks, talent and incredible sound somehow found it’s way on the very cinderblocks that I swept each weekend. Lynn owned a voice like no other and… the ability to control and manipulate it. When he sang “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction”,it sounded hardened. It become raspy when he sang “I’ve been hurt”. He deepened it with “What Kind of Fool”, it was sexy when he sang “It’s Not Unusual” and could soften it as he sang “It’s A beautiful Morning or “Spooky”. As they started to play, first one person and then another would show up. It didn’t take long until our back yard was crowded with strangers who came from God only knew where to fix themselves a place on our lawn. One lady had climbed across our fence and complained that she was bitten by a dog, her leg was bleeding and still she followed the sound of the music. Imagine that! After the practice they would all just leave. We never knew them. I only remember one time that our father who supported the band, had to make someone leave. A man had came over to complain(the music was too loud) and daddy showed him where the road was, believe me, he walked the man back around to the front of our house and put him in the street. Afterwards he returned and said “Turn it up and keep playing boys” “This is my G.. D… property. I was kinda in Lynn’s shadow. He was my reason for aquiring friends. All my girlfriends wanted to come over and spend the night with me because of him. I wasn’t known as Linda I was “Lynn Jenkins sister”. The band played at popular hangouts, places where I happened to like to go. Two of them were at the YMCA and the skating rink. Of course I couldn’t get a boyfriend because of Lynn, but it was good to be close to the band anyway. I had a crush on all of the members and would have dreams about Alan Knight. Things got a little out of hand after “Take A Look At Yourself” was recorded, Lynn expected me to do special things for him, like pick out his clothing, allow him longer use of the bathroom on a school morning, or wash his feet when he came home from a date. YUK! He was a star then and he is still today! I love him more than I can express and I am very proud of his accomplishments. We still get together often and sing together. God couldn’t have blessed me with any a better brother as Lynn. Recently, we had a conversation about this site and what it means to him to read how people remember his voice and the band and he offers the following:
Lynn would like to thank Willie Lowery of “Plant and See” later known as “Lumbee”. Lumbee is best known for their musical “Streets Of Gold”. He also acknowleges the massive talent of “Dave Butler”, and The Delmars” of Massey Hill. Rick Vanoy of the group “The Majestics” later known as “Rain” was a huge inspiration to Lynn. They produced “I’m So Proud”. Lynn also remembers the remarkable band The Symbols, who recorded “Can I See You Tonight”. Last but not least, Lynn acknowledges his friend, Troy Sanders, who was a great drummer for the band: The Regents.
hi can you give me more I formation about Ricky Vanoy. my name is Pam Brown and would lime to kbow more about him
Lynn Jenkins also known as “ERIC”
Lynn Jenkins also known as “Seventy-Firsts’ Tom Jones”
Lynn Jenkins also known as “My Son”
I love you Lynn and I am proud of you. Your mother
This is Don willin of The Symbols back in the mid 60’s. I knew Willey and Ricky. I just found out yesterday that Ricky passed away 4 years ago. I also played with a group in Fayetteville, The Malibouse out of Ft. Payne, Alabama. Ricky Vanoy sat in with us for a week at the Long Branch back in 77′ down there on the corner of hay st. Willy and Ricky recorded an album and I was wondering if you had it or at least the song I’m so Proud. On Nights I had off. I would go see Ricky play and his bass player I believe was Bobby Paul from 71st high school. The song that I thought Ricky did best was Hey Baby. He played a right handed guitar left handed which placed all the strings upside down. Let me know if you have anything by Ricky. Thanks
Hey Sweetheart, You are right! I didn’t mind that I only had friends because of who he was. His popularity made me popular! I remember on my sixteenth birthday, The Sound System played on the patio in our back yard, it was so cool. One person stands out for me on that day…Dale Blake. Oh my goodness, I was so happy he was there. Daddy use to make us get up at 5:00 on the mornings when their tapings were being aired on television. Some Hopper Show? Homer? Briar? Not sure but everybody in the house had to be in front of the TV. After their hit was recorded, it was on! Lynn requested special favors of me,: do the dishes when it was his turn, iron his clothing, sweep out his school bus, and accept his extended time in the bathroom every morning before we went to school. I always thought ” Boy! that is why he wrote; “Take A Look At Yourself” He must have stayed in the bathroom so he could just stare in the mirror. For an hour it seemed! I love you,.. your sister Linda
I regret that I have nothing to offer of your request. I myself, am desiring badly to locate “I’m So Proud”/B-side “Hey Baby” by Bruce Channel. I wish That I could get my hands on this 45. I am so sorry about Ricky’s death and would love to hear from anyone in his family. Feel free to contact me at lynnjenkins1950@yahoo.com.
Hey….. this is dumb! Like to hear from dumber and I have finally found out that “Ed” actually stands for “erectile dysfunction”! Hey buddy would like to thank you for being my friend and almost jailmates in Atlanta. Boy! What a time! I can’t believe this site it brings back so many memories. Please contact me at any time at lynnjenkins1950@yahoo.com or call at 910-584-8279. Looking forward to hearing from you, Lynn
“Can you Camereraaaa MEeeee?” This is what my Uncle Lynn reminds me of whenever we grace eachothers presence….And I love it all the more every time. He reminds me of when I was a little girl, of fond times, and of how special I was to him then and to him now. By being so tickled of me saying such a thing…he has never forgotten just how cute and innocent we are as children. And for that, for keeping me rooted to fonder times of my childhood…I am grateful. I as a child would send and receive letters by my Uncle Lynn while he was sent away from his family to the Gulf War. I remember he would always include a piece of chewing gum for my brother and I. I always enjoyed that…but reading his words as a child and knowing he took the time for his niece to write me while busy with his own important mission…I would think of him as so strong and so thoughtful and felt truely blessed. He was and still is a great man, selfless servant to his country, and an important part of this family!!! Without these memories he has placed in our hearts…mine…his fellow band members, his fans, his brothers and sisters, his daughter, his wife…We would most certainly not be as we are now…humbled and at peace knowing that he will continue to be the loving and generous man he is to us. All of this he has contributed to us with a voice that has obviously touched so many and is such a huge part of who he is, My Uncle Lynn will forever remain one of my heros…with only two beside him, my husband Brad, and my brother Cliff. I love you Uncle Lynn…thank you so much for loving me too….
Hey this is Carl Erwin. I played with the Symbols and Ricky Vannoy and I went to High School together and played with several bands together.I remember playing the talent contest during our senior year. I sang Mustang Sally and we had several standing ovations when we got through. Everybody was on there feet including the teachers! Ricky was incredible guiter player and played with many bands including Plant and See. He had this single called the Streets Of Gold. I booked him at the Ramada Inn in Destin Florida when this was a Number one single at the time in that area. The crowd was incredible one of the biggest the Club had ever seen and they went crazy over the group. Ricky and I had the same agent at one time. Our agent came in when I was playing in Durham and he said Ricky I didint know you could play drums like that. People use to get us mixed up all the time. Including his girl frined in High School who use to hit me over the head with her pocketbook when she thought things were going on. Ricky was one on the most talented guitar player and singers I had ever met. I will miss him so very much!
Carl, What are you up to these days and are you still in the Panhandle area? Pete Karjanis
Thank you so much for all the kind words about Ricky Vannoy~ When Ricky passed away in Aug.22nd 2004 part of me died with him~ He was an amazing friend & I will always remember him with such pride of being his friend! Not only was I Ricky first wife but we also have 2 sons~ He is deeply missed!! Thanks again for everyone and there awesome kind words about a man that was ahead of his time!! A Amazing musician, friend, & father!!! Much love to each & everyone of you!! May God Bless you all!!!
Ricky was the most talented and fun person I ever worked with. We played together in several groups, did radio commercial recordings and I learned so much of the music buisness and most of all, how to craft the art in music from him. His playing would naturally bring out the best in the folks around him. I think of him often especially when another left-handed guitarist is playing. May he be warmly remembered. Pete Karjanis
Ricky…my hero…
Mike Magnuson. Ricky Vannoy was an incredible, funny, talented man. He passed away on my birthday! 🙁 We were friends for over 40 years before he passed. Many cherished memories of him throughout the years! He is missed a lot by many!
Wow, thanks to Lynn Jenkins for telling my Dad about this website. Our days in the band were some of the best of our lives, and it is great that folks like this website are preserving this music/time. You may not believe this, but “Take a Look At Yourself” was the B-side to “Seranade”. I remember Lynn, Faye and myself hurriedly writing the song at the studio in Greenville; it was purely a spur of the moment thing just to come up with something for the backside of “Seranade”. I guess that is what makes it special, the collaboration. Who would have thought that it would get anyone’s attention 40 years later. We in the band were greatly indebted to my Dad, Bernie McNeill (he’s now 82 years young), for his support. He helped to arrange for the studio session (I think that Roy Matthews was a barber in Greenville) which led to the Sound System’s recording and record. Members of the Sound System (Lynn Jenkins, Alan Knight, myself, and some other area musicians–Teddy Ray, Jimmy Harris), were reunited in 1999 for my Dad and Mom’s 50th Anniversary. I will always treasure these friends for getting together to play for that Anniversary party, mainly because it meant so much to my Dad and Mom that day. Mom passed away less than 2 years later. Lynn, my friend, I know we don’t get to talk to or see each other much, but you’ll never know how much I appreciate your friendship and how much I admired you as our lead singer. I hope all the other band members will see this website, and contribute their thoughts and memories.
Barry McNeill
Hey Barry…I hope you are enjoying this site as much as I am. I was wondering if it is possible to obtain those 4 or 5 shows we did for WRAL (Homer Briarhopper/Clyde Moody)???? I would love to see that… Surely!!!there has to be in their archives somewhere. I surely remember doing “Ain!t no big thing” If you find out how to gain these shows….I will be more than happy to help with funds. I hope you are doing great/heard from Alan Knight the other day …he is going through his photos as well.I do wish that others would give their input and mention all the others in the band////ENOUGH OF ME ALREADY!!!!!!Great times and precious memoriesStay in touch.LJ.
I remember the view from back stage of the auditorium at Methodist Col.in Faytteville.What a sight to see my brother swooning the girls with his band.Of the groups of that period,they were among my favorites as were the Stones and C.C.R..They were so histerical in the audience that many were crying as if they were the Beatles.Dad stood back there overwhelmed with pride and I was rather proud myself.That day was one of the highlites of my life.
Does anyone have photos of the band – at rehearsal or in concert?
I was pleased to see this site. Lynn made me aware of it, and suggested I visit. He and I played together in the Expressions back in high school and he has always been a good friend. I wish you well with this endeavor and will check back from time to time. It is always nice to be remembered and see my friends like Lynn remembered as well. I continue to play from time to time, and maybe…..just maybe Lynn will get the bug to do so as well!
I am in the process of scanning some photos of the Sound System to forward to you. One is a poster size of the band (perhaps a year or two after the Romat recording). I’m still trying to locate some other photos of the members (Lynn Jenkins, Faye Williams, myself, Alan Knight, and Alan Wright), who did the recording. Thanks again for this website and bringing back a lot of wonderful memories!
Barry (please feel free to email at my home email, bmcneill@nc.rr.com, or telephone (919) 557-0349)
I got pics that I will try to get together in the next few days!
What a site. This was a long time ago in which I will never forget. Thanks Bernie for all the help and couldn’t have done it with out you! I miss all you guys and Faye too. Hey Lynn, Alan Wright, Faye, Barry, Jimmy, TR, John Murray, Warren Mcdonald, Ray B., and all the others. I hope you all still have the music in your life. Yea, Lynn used to get all the babes! I miss that singing too. He was years ahead of his time………….Last time I heard, Faye was in Iraq doing the music for the troops. I would love to hear from her and all the rest of ya! Anyway, hope to see or hear from some of ya in the future. I got a bunch of pics that I will try to get together real soon.
hey lynn, whats up/? sounds like you and ray are still best friends? where you live at now?
Ed…..What in the heck have you been up to Brother? I do miss talking to ypu… I guess you you are still doing the softer side of life music////Good for you man////You go as far as this music life will let you go ,my bud……..Contact LJ at 910-580-5831… Headed to Nashville just to hear some great “BLUEGRASS” I dont think you can get better than that.I would have made a great “SKINNY RICKY SKAGGS” Going to visit Alan Knight in a couple weeks ///////wish you could join us/////Ed //you keep on TEARING UP THEM DRUMS////yOU ARE ONE OF THE VERY BEST i HAVE EVER HEARD PICK UP THOSE STICKS/////MEAN THAT BROTHER////tELL THE WIFE i SAY HELLO AND WE WILL MAKE THIS SHORT//////tELL HER I SHALL BRING HER SOME HOME-MADE WINE////////sTAY IN TOUCH //////////L…JENKINS/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
My first boyfriend in the sixth grade and I missed all your band days…. Now I have you with me for the rest of my life to hear you sing… How GREAT is that!!!!! I Love You, “JJ”
papa we love take a look at yourself.we are 10 and 7 yrs old and we didnt know you were a star.but you are still a star to us we love you so very much.we are very proud of our papa for being just who he is.he is a very precious man.we love all your music.keep rockin papa kaley and megan
My sweet darling granddaughters !!!! PAPA has but one heart but is over flowing with so much ‘LOVE” for the both of you. Thank you babies for that ” BEAUTIFUL MENTION ” I am truly your biggest ” FAN” love you papa
Does anyone have any information on Ricky Vannoy’s later band, the Lovin’ Factor? I know they recorded for Finley Duncan in Valparaiso, FL, but where was the band’s home base?
The Lovin’ Factor was based out of Fayetteville, NC. I played with them during their final days. After my 1st year with them, we were coerced into changing the name to Rollercoaster and did a good bit of traveling.
If this thread is even still active, I’d be happy to give you more details: band members, gig locations, etc.
David, I had the honor and privelege to play drums for Ricky Vannoy in a couple bands. We all went to Pine Forest High School, Raleigh Road side of town budding muscians in mid-to-late ’60s. We played covers of Jimi Hendrix, Cream, mostly three-piece and also recorded radio jingles for Fayetteville AM radio. We played at the Apple House in Haymont, on post, and the air base. Pete Karjanis
Hey Pete,
Long before my time. 🙂 But you probably still knew some of the guys that played with us…Bob Monaco, Carlton Warwick, Gary…damn!…what was his last name? >:-/ All great guys to gig with. Gary passed on some time back – as did Rick – but I’m connected with Bob on FB.
Those were some of my favorite days. I wish could do it all over.
Did you ever gig with Jimmy Massey? I’d love to know whatever became of him. And Rick Vizachero. Man…haven’t said that name since university. But both of them were Pine Forest alums, as well.
I played with you and jimmy .Great jazz. Rick Vizachero was there to. This is Jimmy Muffley .
yeah, Lynn Jenkins.. dang..my buddy, and still lovin’ the music.. (as is your partner in crime on the Atlanta Fieldtrip)..lol can’t wait to hear all the new ones you are putting down..See you soon!!
goosebumps…man..brought back a lot of good memories with that one!!!
I would just like to say that I have just come out of the recording studio last saturday up in Lenoir,North Carolina. Recorded 4 old favorites of mine. I had no words or sheet music in front of me in 40 + years. I had the time of my life. I had my beautiful girlfriend with me….”JUDY YEAZEL” and we were in awe of Alan Knight’s hospitality and to see Rosie again was fantastic. I would love to take this time to dedicate these recordings to my “BUDDY” MR> BERNIE McNEIL (BARRY’S dad for all of his hard work and believing in me 40 + years ago. Mr McNeil is in his mid 80’s now and I took him a copy of these songs today. He seemed overwhelmed with joy. We cannot forget those who gave us a first chance at music. “BERNIE” must have seen a little something in me. I thank him from the bottom of my heart. MR. MAC THIS ONE IS FOR YOU MY FRIEND….lynn
I wish everyone could have seem my baby recording… 40+ years with only the music didn’t have songs picked out until he got there… He took that mic and out it came just like he had been singing every nite. He was AMAZING we had such a good time I can’t wait until he does more, more and MORE!!!! Lynn, I love you so much… “JJ”
This has always been a personal favorite. Great lyrics and vocals, and that killer fuzz solo. Miss Faye Williams, the little slip of a girl in the picture rendered that? Of course, lots of little ladies drive BIG trucks too, but this must be relatively unique outside of girl groups of the time, and I can’t think of any that touch this. April Lawton comes to mind, but that was 1972.
Ms. Jenkins…I personally wanted to thank you for your comments on Faye and the song. Just to let folks know..Fact is Faye was only 13 yrs old at he time of this record. I’m very proud of this young lady as she has been teaching music in IRAQ for the last several years. Again thank you for your kind comment. lynn
My heart is so heavy at this time. I learned today that I lost my great friend George Miller. I visited with George several times in the last weeks of his life at Cape Fear Valley Hospital. I had the pleasure of having George as a fellow “SINGER” as a member of different bands we used to sing with and most important….” A FRIEND” Back at 71st HS in the day..George and I would tease each other about who could sing better or which one of us would be famous before the other. I cherish those memories of this man. I always told George he was the one and only “GEORGE MILLER”. He in turn would say ‘Lynn you got it down pat and you will go far in this music world.” Little did he know I watched every move he made. “I wanted to be better than George Miller” I would have never told that to him to his face. Just the other day I visited with my friend George at Cape Fear Hosp and his brother wanted to take a picture of me and his ailing brother. I said to him “LET’s DO THIS” George grabbed my hand and squeezed tightly and told me “LYNN YOU MATTER TO ME” Everyone matters to me. In closing I only want to say to “HIM” ….GEORGE MILLER” YOU MATTER TO ALL OF US !!!! lynn
My baby is going back to record a complete CD the first of August with his friend Alan. I am so excited I love to watch him sing. It will be a great weekend….. Love you Lynn, “JJ”
I am looking for the Carl Lineberger that was with me while assigned to the 206th Signal Company (LB) in 1959. I would like to hear from you. Drop me a line to: daiuyt@gtek.biz.
So good to read the postings. I remember the Sound System playing at the Spring Lake Teen Club, had to be the late ’60s or very early ’70s. The show was non-stop, the drummer kept it going between the songs and the horn and keyboard made it different and unique at the time, material was soul and beach and outstanding. I was saddened to hear about Ricky V. We went to Pine Forest together and played in various groups and made radio commercials. The influences from the Symbols, Regents, Rogues, Low Rent District, to seeing Rockfish a decade ago with BJ Thomas had a profound influence. Jimmy H and I played later ’75,’76 in Panda and he turned out to be a fab keyboard and synth player. Rest in Peace Ricky and Fat Jack. Pete Karjanis, Orange, Malibous, Rush, Panda, No Rules, drummer back in the day.
If you folks really want to hear great talent go down to a tavern called “Big Harry’s in Fayetteville,NC on one given night and you just may find a wonderful person named BRAD MUFFETT playing his stuff. A hell of a person and massive talent! Brad…..”Keep Rockin” Brother May We Find “PEACE”
I have started posting pictures on Facebook. Pictures from the ol’ band Rush and others. Just look it up. This is a great site. I’ll see if I can find I’m So Proud by Ricky.
Hey Pete….Lynn here to tell ya I got “I’m so Proud ” on a CD. Was Ricky awesome or was he awesome ! Along with Willie Lowery ! And a host of NC talent such as Dave Butler……… Just a great thing to be associated with. Fayetteville NC has so many talented people it is amazing. One of my old friends from the 60’s is now playing “Big Band” He is awesome as a drummer…ED Truman! Great fellow!
When I saw Dave Butler’s band at the Haymont Shopping Center back to school dance in the late ’60s, it made a very lasting impression. I started practicing very seriously, really affected me to pursue music with all my energy for the rest of my life! Those things you bring up are such powerful memories, Thanks Lynn! Pete Karjanis
Trying to find out if this is the Ricky Vannoy from Fayetteville NC. ? if so, I will miss him very much. We grew up together in the same neighborhod. I used to hang with him & his band.. What a talented guy..the guy played left handed up-side down…& what a voice..We used to go to all the NCO clubs @ Bragg & Play. Ricky…so sad your gone..wish I could have caught up with you.
Your Friend…rememering the good ole days
Ricky was a natural.
I can’t believe Ricky’s gone!! This web site is awsome..I grew up with Ricky back in the 60’s. I used to go with hime all around the city & Ft Bragg when he would play.. What a taleneted Guy. WE used to get into so much trouble..I remember, he had a brother, if anyone can put me in touch with him, please respond. Also, if anyone knows where & if Ricky was buried please get back with me. We went to Pine Forest High School.
Ricky & I were best of friends growing up in Fay. NC. We went to the same HS..Pine Forest. I am sad to hear he is no longer with us. If anyone has any info on Ricky..ie..hoe he passed etc..please EM me @ Tom.Joyner@hotmail.com. I know he had a brother.?? RIP Ricky
RIP my friend….Man I get calls from a lot of people these days regarding your music! You Rick…were a entertainer beyond my wildest dreams ! I think about you and your stage antics a whole lot these days. One of the great talents Fayetteville has ever witnessed. “Im so proud” of your impact you left behind !…………….lynn
I remember ” The Sound System ” from my days in high school. They were a great group and I knew and loved them all. This group and their music brings back many great memories for me! Those were the days!
I played with Rick in Lovin’ Factor during the mid ’80s. He was an incredible musician… I was constantly amazed that he could pick up any instrument and just play. His voice was like silk. I didn’t know until after the fact that he had died. It’s tragic that someone so relatively young and so very talented had to leave us so soon. Lovin’ Factor was based in Fayetteville, NC.
Lynn~ Thanks you so much!! U know I love you Buddy!!! God Bless you Always!!!
First of all, absolutely loved this arrangement/rendition of the Joe South composition. It captures a distinctive Central East Coast interpretation of a song unique to the “Blue Eyed Soul” late sixties era as well as those more mainstream classics by the Cavaliers, Scoty Todd, Monzas, Tempests, Centaurs, Pieces of Eight..etc.
Just a question here about the source of this recording and a speculation concerning the near inaudible back ground vocals, and trumpet that are perceivable but noticeably “distant” in the mix.
When listening to this file I couldn’t help but wonder if this file was made from an open reel tape master (or copy thereof) that had been originally produced using a half track professional grade studio recorder w/it’s comparatively wide (compared to typical reel to reels) reproduce heads? It would have likely have been a two channel pro machine as was common at that time. The dub (which comprises this file) sounds like it possibly was created using the more common quarter track “consumer type” format reel to reel tape recorder (that fails to accurately/completely reproduce both channels?} Would love to hear the backing vocals on this song.
I appreciate your comments Sonny about his song. It was recorded in a small studio in Fayetteville,NC around 1969. The producer had been a member of “The Castaways” of “Liar,Liar fame. I think his name was Bob. Not sure of the recording equipment used but I do have the information about the back-up vocals. I sang lead for this band and after Bob had finished the 5 songs he gave me the master reel. Upon taking home my father for some reason or another took it back to the studio and had the back vocals reduced. Yes…I was pissed at him.The back vocals were Ted Ray..Jimmy Harris…Alan Knight and Barry McNeil. Thanks for your input.
Hey Lynn~ I was so touch by what U wrote about Ricky Vannoy! Please share that here! I would love to have a copy of the song your doing!!! And I know My sons would also!!! It would mean alot to them, to know that their Dad was so loved!! God Bless You Lynn Jenkins!! And I’m proud to call you my Friend!!! <3
I just had the opportunity to listen to some of Lynn’s music and he’s absolutely so talented. Was a serious shame never able to see him perform in person – I would have loved it. Sings with emotion and from the heart. Hey, I knew him when….
I remember Rick from the 60’s when he played with Carlton Warwick and Tommy Carter. I was sad when I heard he had died.He was a talented musician.
A story here I’ll say,that really should be told……It’s about a friend of mine..who owned a voice of gold ! .The 1st time that I met him…well I was just a kid….And just by being lucky…I was lucky that I did !…This man did things his way…He never copied anyone……I think he had it figured out…..That that wouldn’t be much fun ! This fellow had a method…..of doing things his way…I still see him with that guitar..Oh…how that man could play. 1st time he strum the strummer…the strings did not feel right…He put the strings the other way..And then he’d play all night…When he turned that guitar over…the strings were upside down…and not too long after that….he headed for downtown….I used to go to concerts…So I could watch him play….And if I could have done this….I’d done it every day…..A very talented man..and musician too….He could rock you with the best of them….”Yes” the chosen few! Never met a man …to hold a candle to this guy…And because Rick did his very best…some never even tried……Well some may say that Rick was great….And that he played a little loud….Sing rough sometime ….but smoothe as silk when he sang “I’m So Proud”….They’ll never be a local…to be as good as him….And when he sang “Hey Baby” ….It should have been a sin…..No other entertainer……Could bring us so much joy….Oh yes my Fayetteville friends…..I’m talking……Rick Vannoy. RIP Ricky…you were my “Inspiration” and to many others lynn
Lynn~ I cannot put into words how much this song means to mean~~ I’m so touch, you have no idea!!!! I saw crying reading these lyrics~ I give you thumps up Buddy!!!
Ricky touched alot of lives with his amazing talent. There will never be another one like him!!! I know he is smiling down from Heaven, on you Sweet Lynn! Thank you so much for remembering Ricky this way~ What a honor to have you as a friend!!! I mean that from the botton of my heart.I know that he always considered you as an awesome friend! I so appreciate you so much!!! And so do my sons!!! Thanks again for keeping Ricky memory alive!!!
I love you Lynn Jenkins!!!!
Is this the same pete from ki sawyer?
Yes it is. I did 30 years in the USAF and was at KI Sawyer 1977-1982. Fred You’re the MAN!
The last year began great….then it snowballed from there. First we in Fayetteville,North Carolina lost a man dear to us by the name of Mike Stankwytch. Then came the passing of my close friend George Miller. Another great loss to our music world was Pat Vines( BJ Thomas’guitarest for a decade).And if that wasn’t enough….Bam!! we lose the one & only Jay Spell from the Dave Butler & the Delmars fame along with numerous National acts he was involved with. And just to top off the end of 2010 with the loss of my dear great friend Randy Holliday. I only want the families to know that their loved ones will never be forgotten and that these individuals had and still have a heavy footprint on the “Streets of Gold” as Willy Lowery put it. These were great people and had a huge impact upon my love for the music. May you all rest in “PEACE” LJ
I played bass guitar with Lovin Factor during the 80’s We played Beach Music(shag music) and top 40 cover tunes. Rick had a music shop and recording studio in Dunn, N.C. He co-wrote some songs with Lamar Raynor which included Hot Bunns.I have several recordings and DVDS of the group before and during my time with the group. Rick had a very soulful voice and a unique style of playing guitar sort of a funky blues blend.
Thank you Lynn!! For giving me the opportunity to help you with your CD…You, Alan & Rosie Knight made it just too much fun!!! I had a great time up on the “Hill”…again, many thanks for including me in this session..I must admit, after 40 years, that mic was a little daunting..but, you guys made it a joy to be in the studio again! Love you my brother!!
A compilation of 60’s Oldies (WHEN MUSIC WAS MUSIC) I had the honor & privledge to surround myself with great friends and talented musicians. My first CD in 40+ years went well. My heartfelt thanks (overdue) go to Alan Knight and his wife Rosie for the hard work and hospitality that was shown. A really great friend of mine Debbie Frazier Monsour lent me her incredible voice and talent on this album. Thank you so much (RED). Note: Deb sings harmony on the Keith Whitley “When You Say Nothing At All”. Good Job Red !! Miss Debbie also did harmony on the “BEATLES” classic ” I Will ” Another good job Deb ! A great big shout of thanks to a great guy and musical genious Mike Miller for his incredible piano talent on the “Drifters’ “Under the Boardwalk “. Massive talent and incredible engineering was poured into the creation of this project. Many…many thanks go to Reid Clewis (Seven Springs,North Carolina) for the collaboration and delivery of the wonderful front cover to this album. Many thank yous to all who gave me their hearts and hard work. Thank you! Thank you! And as the “KING” said ” A Thank ya very much “
Mr Barry Cashwell……Feel free to call me @ 910-339-6702 or return e-mail to discuss all this great music from way back then. I would like to hear what you have from “Lovin Factor”. I watched you guys at the “Fire Fly lounge on Bragg Blvd in Fayetteville many yrs passed. Would love to talk with you about those days. I also thought Rick was a little extra-ordinair in the music buzz !!
Alan, this is Paul Lowery I don’t know if you will remember me, I used to play in the Southern Star Band with Tommy Black and Gary Jacobs, also with Rick and Gary at the FireFly in Lovin Factor. I am living in Manchester, TN. I left NC in the mid 80’s I left when I came off the road with Rick Vannoy and RollerCoster Band. We changed the band from Lovin Factor to RollerCoster. Man I just found this site and was reading about Rick. The last time I seen Rick was in the 90’s, my new wife and I stopped by his shop in Dunn, NC. I just talked to Bobby Monaco last night, he was the drummer for us in RollerCoster. He told me about Willie Lowery, man I hated to hear about that, man it seems like all of the good ones are gone. Gary Jacobs passed about seven years or so ago. Tom Black and I spent the weekend with Gary and Bonnie about a month before he passed from cancer. Man you can call me at 931-273-7154. Man I would like to hear from you.
Ricky is probably the reason I play and sing today! Went to
Pine Forest with him and his brother Gary !
Has any one got any information about where or what ever
Happened to Art Powell or his brother Clifford Powell
Also I would love to find the lyrics to IM SO PROUD and
STREETS OF GOLD by Ricky’s band
Y’all check out Willie and I think this is his daughter
Charly Lowery. She has her on band Dark Water Rising
Mr.Willie still got it going on!!!! Just copy and past this web site
On YouTube
Can anybody email me the lyrics to I’m So Proud and Streets
Of Gold at. Mcdaddy5373@yahoo.com
Call me if you can. Have called you with no response. Duckshit? That’s a new one. Better than chickenshit, I suppose. Merry Christmas, good buddy, to you and your family.
Be careful what you say old friend. I talked with another member of our group today and learned of your accusations. Be a real man and contact me instead of talking trash you know absolutely nothing about. Also, stay in your world and away from my mother. You paid a visit to my mothers home, to bring your fabulous cds and put on a good front as you are so good at. Call or come to me so we can get this straight, once and for all. We had this discussion when I lived in fayetteville 16 yrs. ago and thought it was ok, but apparently not. See ya later I’m sure. ps You always were a fairly good singer
Faye is indeed a great guitarist and songwriter…………………….we went to school together and are still good friends.
Hey, give me a call…..
I know one thing, I am personally blessed to have had the opportunity to have you as such a great friend. The talents of all those in The Sound System were beyond compare. I have always told you I’m your number one fan. With the recordings you have made, I will be able to continue listening to that golden voice and continue getting goosebumps. Your voice is a true gift from God.
I am truly blessed to have had you as such a dear friend for so long. The Sound System was such a talented group of good friends who came together and performed with excellence. The only thing greater to me than that beautiful, golden voice of yours is your enormous, loving heart. With the recordings you have made, I’ll continue being able to hear the perfection in your voice and continue having goosebumps with every song. I have always told you I’m your number one fan and I will continue being out there cheering you on. Love you.
Another passing of a music giant ! I read that you shook hands with the Sir Paul my friend. I laugh because I don’t really think Paul had a clue as to who “HE” was shaking hands with. Don’t get me wrong…..I am a #1 Beatles fan. But I am here to give the credit where it should be placed. Willie Lowery….a man of extreme talent. Not only a great song-writer but a great father. I hear this publicly from one of his own sons. That is an accomplishment in itself. If you had the opt to see this man perform then you had witnessed greatness in music form. I personally will never forget you Willie. Thank you for being a wonderful inspiration to many. In closing I send my deepest sympathy to all of Willie’s family. lynn
I love you dad rip🥲
Hey, Carl. Been wondering where you were after dropping of my radar when you went to FL. This is Sonny Bartron from The Original Strangers, many, many years ago. Hope all is well with you. I also remember Ricky well, starting with The Majestics, when he was about 16. They had a chevy van with that yellow emergency liight on it. James Carpenter was on bass. We took the old name of the Marquees and filled whatever booking The Majestics couldn’t cover. Jack Robinson was the manager/booking agent in those days.
Dear Mr. Bartron. This is Ronny Jump, your roadie and good friend from the early 80’s in Fayetteville. I worked with you and Louis Lopez. I left back home to California without saying goodbye to the man responsible for teaching me the basics on your Framus Bass. I took what you and Louie taught me and made a career out of it. I think often of who played key roles in my adventurous life. I hope You receive this as I have a goal of reaching out and thanking life for everything it has given me. I am and always was a musician. Sonny, it was you, Gary Buck And Louie, made my lifes dream come true. For the record! “Since that time in the way back machine. I have been playing professionally and have met and opened for many national acts. Not bad for a city boy! God Willing you receive this and “God Bless you Carolina Boys”
Man it was ” So Great to hear from you”. You made the comment that your little ones got their diploma from Lenoir High school!!!!Man that was some kind of night!!! I won!t ever forget One thing stands out in my my mind…….Do you remember that Wanda Barkhurst was there and some girl was standing in front of the band watchins us play….The girl had to be a sr in high school and she walked over to the place where we were taking a breake and stated to me that she wanted to go to our VAN and with me and take care of some “love making”???????Boy did she have something on her mind? I remember one night out at FT BRAGG/ this night /////Ted Ray had bought a purple shirt to wear at the engagement and Ted met this little lady and I recieved “NO ATTENTION” because of that damn purple shirt. I went out the very next day to buy one and couldn!t find one. Those DAMN SAX PLAYERS…..I believe it was the same night that Jimmy Harris got into a car wreck and busted his trumpet lip……And I also remember those nights we played in that tin roof place in “Rockingham,NC “Fight broke out” ??????? Could not hear my drummer????? Alan also remember those days at “Perma Stone Lake” You and Rosie ///You guys were so much in “LOVE” I hope you still are……….Man, it was sooooooooooooooooooooo good to hear from you. I promise to see you real soon and if I can get “Holliday off his You know what I say to you that we will get together and lay down some tracks. “NOTHING WOULD PLEASE ME ME BETTER than that!!!!!!”Bring it on home to me” Susie Q “Play with fire” We had some of the best times of our lives playng live shows ////Pope Air Force Base Officer!s club///Duke University Homecoming//Fayetteville State /Methodist College/and just think man we were at the age when we ourselves didn!t have a pocket to piss in. I recently went to see Mitchell Huggins///He is such a crazy person. I remember one night we were getting wasted and Mitch was going around that curve on “Miller Ave” and you were sitting behind him and you put your hands over his eyes and ask him “CAN YOU SEE WHERE YOU ARE NOW?” Mitchell “Almost whipped your rear end that night!!!!!!!!Any way I just wanted to touch base with with you/////Lot! of Love you and “Rosies way” KIT//////If you can get a hold of TED/JIMMY/A.Wright////THAT HERMIT????? /////I am happy you and your family are doing great!!!!! I am on way to “Nashville/TN next month/hope to see you my “Band Brother” You know my name look up the #……………………………………love you BRO…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………lynn jenkins/ERIC/
So grateful that I stumbled across this website. I was actually looking for anything about Jimmy Harris, as I have thought of him often through the years and wondered what ever became of him.
I came along a little later in the history of this band, with The Expressions (1972-73). Barry McNeill and Ted Ray were left from the originals. Warren McDonald did the lead vocals and played guitar. I guess that I took Jimmy’s place on the trumpet. Later, with a band name Autumn, I had the honor of playing with Mike Stankwytch, Ted Ray and John Murry, all mentioned here.
This truly brings back fond memories. Thank you for starting this.
David Harris
I remember this group, Sound System, it was fun to hear them but the one drummer who did well out of Fayetteville was Glenn from Chico Carter and the Playthings. He ended playing with Charlie Sledge and The Showstoppers in Fayetteville developing a unique funk beat. He later move down to Jacksonville, Florida playing with various group as a back up drummer including Lynard Skynard, Rossington Collins Band, 38 Special and then join a band called Legacy that did opening acts for REO Speedwagon, Jude Cole, the Commodores. My ex-friend said that he is drumming in Europe now with a popular group there in France. Can’t think of the name but “P Daddy” called him one of the best funky drummers around when he saw him playing in Paris. – Vic
It’s great hearing about Glen Carter. I always loved his drumming! I am working with Warren McDonald and we have a group that includes Terri Gore (Jackie Gores daughter) called “Classic Soul.” https://www.facebook.com/ClassicSoul
I talked with Jimmy Harris about a year ago. He’s in Myrtle Beach and doing great. Still has a excellent ear and is just a great person all around.
Jeff, Hope all is well and life is good! Should be back in Fayetteville for the holidays later this year and would love to get together! Pete Karjanis
That will be great! Look forward to seeing you again.
Today is Lynn Jenkins Birthday, July 6th, 2019. We lost Lynn a week ago today to his battle with cancer. June 29th, 2019. I was lucky enough to get not only one but 2 phone calls from him when he was sick at Cape Fear Valley Hospital. I can still hear him laugh..and the tone of his voice. What a blessing this was to me. He was my dear friend since 71st High School. Lynn will always be remembered and loved by so many. My sincerest sympathies to his 89-year-old mama, his sister Linda and his daughter Amber, his grand-daughters, grandsons, brothers, sister Marie, and such a huge, but a wonderful family that was so very close. May God give them His abiding comfort and Peace as they grieve this huge loss. Lynn will forever be missed by many. His music will live on forever. RIP Lynn Jenkins and Happy Heavenly Birthday my sweet friend !! Love and Hugs!
Lynn Jenkins was one of the finest people I have ever known….I miss him everyday….R.I.P. my dear friend…♥️🙏
I remember most of these people, especially Lynn. We went to elementary and high school together. We were good friends. I spoke to him on the phone prior to him passing. Great guy.
Speaking of bands; Does anyone remember The Rogues with Rick Vannoy and Buddy Cunningham? Can’t remember the other names. They were a great band.
Someone mentioned Ricks song Hey Baby. I had a copy and gave it to Rick back on the Sheraton Club days.
For those of you still following this page. Today marks the three years anniversary of my dad, Lynn Jenkins passing. He is truly missed.