from left: James Amero, Gerard Trudel, Patty Germoni, Denis Trudel, and Joey Amerault.
The Shames crank out both songs on this single like it’s the only shot they’d ever get. There’s no weak playing here, just guitars overloading the studios inputs, a drummer slamming out the beat and a vocalist cutting loose. On “The Special Ones” he complains about getting grief for having long hair! “My World Is Upside Down” may be the most distinctive of the two, if one had to choose a top side.
This 45 was released twice with different RFT labels – someone forgot to put the band’s name on the first one! The second version is yellow with a different logo up top.
“My World Is Upside Down” was written by James Amero and Robert Beaulier. “The Special Ones” by Denis Trudel. In copyright listings, both songs are arranged by Jacques Trudel.
US Copyright Office publications list an unreleased song “One More Chance” written by James Amero and Robert Beaulier. All three songs have a copyright date of November 30, 1966, though release of the single may not have come until April, 1967.
As it turns out the band’s full name was the Cryin’ Shames. Alan Lowell sent in the photo business card, above, and writes, “They were a great local band from Ipswich MA and often played at the Sillouette Club in Beverly. They were a big user of Magnatone amps which had a great sound back then.”
Their manager was Charles Larrivee.
More information came from Denis Trudel, who commented below and listed the members at the time of the photo at top:
Denis Trudel – lead singer
James “JB “ Amero – lead guitar
Patty “Beetle” Germoni- keyboards
Gerard Trudel – bass
Joey Amerault – drums
Denis reports that his brother Gerard passed away in 2005.
Thanks to Alan for the photo and info on the band and to Denis for his comment below that filled in many gaps.
Update: I’m sorry to report that Denis Trudel passed away on May 27, 2021.
They were a great band from the Ipswich Ma area. The played a club in Beverly Ma called the Sillouette club. I also have a picture of the gorup on their business card if you would like me to sumbit it let me know. Thanks
The Shames were created in 1964 by me and Joey, a neighbor, through the beginning years many members came and went, in time through many practices and gigs we were fortunate to become quite popular in those days, we called ourselves ‘ The Dimensions “ ‘til we learned it was used, then the Crying Shames and soon discovered it was used, thus the Shames was born.
In the photo from left to right is: James “JB “ Amero (lead guitar), Gerard Trudel (Bass). Patty “Beetle” Germoni, (Keyboard), Me (Lead singer) and Joey Amerault (Drummer).
Our gigs brought us to many northern eastern states as well as New York and Rhode Island, and many pubs in Boston, Our first recording, pictured, was recorded in a small studio in Hyanis, it was such a thrill in those days to be part of a number of local groups growing up. Those were the great days of Rock and Roll, in time as most groups the band soon disbanded yet fond memories remain.
My brother Gerard passed away in ’05, I ran into James once in a small bar in Gloucester singing in a band, the rest I’ve long lost track of them, me I stayed in music with a good friend of mine and do home recordings playing oldies but goodies as well as some of our own creations.
Denis Trudel
I still have this 45’s and 2016! One of the writers of “The Special Ones” Bobby passed away a few years back. Patty “Beetle” Germoni, settled in Long Island , NY for a while marrying Ken Tyrrell. She moved back to Ipswich and recently moved to PA. I thought I was a big deal knowing people in a band. I still have a special place in my heart for this band. Ipswich, MA did in fact rock in the 1960s
Does anyone of pictures of the Shames or even the Silhouette Club in Beverly? They were like the house band there